So do video games cause violence or don't they?

So do video games cause violence or don't they?

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What message is this image supposed to be trying to convey, exactly?

They don't cause violence directly but, like innumerable things like stubbing your toe or your sports team losing a match or whatever, they can temporarily put you in a state where you are more likely to be violent.

Violence is in our nature. You think we survived as a species running away from all of our problems? Instead of trying to shame people into feeling what is natural to them the focus should be on how we can effectively channel this violence and aggression using means that don't actually harm other people, creatures, or the environment.

Ever heard of an opinion piece, OP?

Apparently more in the US than anywhere else. I hope they ban it soon over there.

This is why I adore Gematsu.

when trump defense force will chill? Everybody knows he's doing this just out of spite, you don't need to keep sucking his cock

Depends on what side of the political spectrum the person saying that they do is.


>a website that uses clickbait to keep itself on life support contradicts itself


Why do journalists even get opinion pieces? What makes people think anybody wants to hear their shit opinions?

I think the school shooter/video game violence association is more down to video games being the classic platform of beta losers which all school shooters are.
May as well say being a virgin causes violence.

Maybe the shitty fps plaguing the industry, go ahead and ban them all.

>make a site called: WE LOVE COCKS
>write a billion articles about how much you LOVE COCKS
>suddenly, it becomes uncool to LOVE COCKS (as if!)
>start writing articles about how you actually HATED COCKS all along desu
>tpeople call you out for your bullshit
>they're just opinion pieces lol
>but btw we still totally HATE COCKS... until it becomes cool to LOVE COCKS again

polygon's editors should probably be fired

>muh opinion article
Most of these people are chosen because of they have an aligning opinion. Assume if someone from Sup Forums here worked at Polygon. Do you think they would allow the Sup Forums user to write articles that paint Anita in a negative light?

>Instead of trying to shame people into feeling what is natural to them the focus should be on how we can effectively channel this violence and aggression using means that don't actually harm other people, creatures, or the environment.

That is not how things work. Humans aren't constantly fighting this natural urge to punch someone in the face every five minutes, something has to trigger that aggressive state in the brain. This idea you can "vent" your natural urges is utter crap. What you are actually doing is creating those urges in the first place and then acting upon them. This does not mitigate them, it actually reinforces them. The behaviour escalates. If you don't create them in the first place you'll never feel the need to act on them.

If you actually are constantly in battle with this need to hurt something then you are psychotic and need to seek help immediately otherwise you are going to wind up going to jail for slicing up prostitutes or something.

If I'm not mistaken that phrase got popularized by Fox News who used it as a justification for outright lying to their viewers when they were taken to court over being fake news

>This idea you can "vent" your natural urges is utter crap
You've never been angry in your life?

this, I'd say it's not really the writers fault for but more so of the editors

You're suppose to stick to your opinions and not to change them all of the sudden.

Read the articles.

There is a link to aggression but it’s only for a short period of time immediately after and during playing games.

does polygon even have actual editors?

They're all written by different writers.

Yes, I have. The solution is not to vent your anger by taking it out on something, it's to just take a few deep breaths and calm down. Venting your anger is a myth, it only makes you more angry. And no, it doesn't build up inside until you explode either. This is all well researched in psychology.

So it's the same stupid shit these studies always show; all these horrifying-influences-that-need-to-be-stopped have no long-term effects.


Its mostly the other students and teachers to be honest. Forcing a bunch of kids to be someplace they dont want to be filled with adults who dont like them leads them to hating everything around them when they inevitably get bullied and the adults do nothing to stop it and often encourage it.

And I say this as someone who very nearly became a school shooter.

>They're all different writers
Why are the majority of the articles on the subject of violence in video games saying that video games cause violence then?

Aggression isn't violence. All sorts of things like stressful environments and high competition make people more aggressive, but, again, that isn't violence.
Consider how many people end up shaking their baby and going to prison for that when they don't have a history of violence. It doesn't mean that people shouldn't have babies, it means they need to have a better way of compartmentalizing stress.

Yes, just look at this thread >I would literally kill someone to play this game in english on my Switch.

This takes me back to the last time I was so angry that I involuntarily lost control of myself back in high-school when I was 16.

I had a "friend" that walked up to me and started shit-talking me so hard and fast, and I had another "friend" behind me that laughed at me, and the entire thing was set-up to take advantage of the fact that I was so passive and unlikely to do anything.

I did the most niggiest thing and grabbed him and pushed him against a wall because I was weight-lifting back then, and I felt like I was, on some level, superior to the people around me, and I just went fucking bonkers when he pushed into that bubble and someone else was there to laugh.

I know it autistic and stupid, but it's the only time I've ever been aggro'd before.

In other words you're pulling shit out of your ass. If your solution is to make everyone's life as boring and meaningless as yours you will fail. Instead of trying to change people to suit their environment you should try to change the environment to suit people. That's a much faster and longer lasting change because you won't need to re-do it every single generation.

Do americans get some uncensored/bonus content in their games? Because the rest of the world seems to handle games fucking fine.

The rest of the world doesn't have ready acess to firearms to shoot up public events or brainwashed rednecks trying their hardest to pretend their guns arent the issue

same jurno

>Instead of trying to change people to suit their environment you should try to change the environment to suit people.

You realize the solution to that is banning anything that induces aggression in a human, right? You are advocating for the banning of violent video games. Congratulations, you're an idiot.

I don't think they hire anyone. They just tell someone they can have the privilege of writing for them and in their generosity they will host it on their site. It will give them clout and exposure.

That's life fucko, toughen up because you have to join the workforce someday which the rest of well-adjusted society has managed to do for countless years.


>Most mass shooters are mentally retarded
>Video-game players are probably high IQ because of this

It's like no one remembers what assholes kids that age can be and how awful it feels to get shunned. Vidya has fuck all to do with it.

>Keep annoying everyone by pretending videogames sexism, half naked lolis and lack of representation for minority is a bad thing and shape people into horrible beings
>Trump uses the same retarded argument about violence in videogames and how it shapes people into mindless killers
>Suddenly videogame has no influence and Trump is a idiot to even suggest such a thing

Redneckd don't shoot up schools. Nutty kids who want to kill people aren't gonna stop if you take guns away.

Don't be so hard on game journalist, they came out of college thinking it would be soo cool and fun to talk about video games all the time and now they're burn out of it, at the same time they see all their college friend doing real journalism about things that actually matter while they're still talking about video games in their mid 30's so they want to pretend that they can bring real change by commenting on vg because they really have no choice as no one will hire a walking press release to do actual journalism

>Muh opinion studies.
Yeah nice excuse cuck

I love how SJWS are quick to shut down the idea that video games cause violence but inexplicably take up the mantle for the idea that video games cause sexism and "toxic" behavior.

These fucking hypocrites don't even come close to realizing for one goddamned nanosecond they're the exact as Trump and whoever else feels like violence is somehow a problem in video games.

That's what you're doing, dick head. You're intentionally misrepresenting my point. Changing the environment means giving them a way to channel their natural aggression; not stripping them of anything and everything that might make them aggressive. Do you realize how fucking absurd that sounds? You can't change human nature just by taking away their toys. People have been killing one another since before the dawn of civilization. It's how we became civilized in the first place; killing people who wouldn't cooperate with the tribe.

Taking away the tools doesn't take away the aggression. The aggression is the root problem; and it can't be changed on a wide enough scale nor can it be changed in a permanent way without horrifying ethical consequences. The only realistic way to control the aggression is to channel it into something constructive or at the very least not destructive. That's what video games do very well. Get the fuck out of here with your 3rd grade idea of human nature.

You seem like a nice enough guy, take it easy man, everything will work out for you eventually. Hurting others may seem nice but you're bound to hurt someone who never meant you any harm and that will make you feel even worse. Just take it easy and let life run it's course.

You're mistaken, /leftypol/

Why are people still surprised that the fuckwits at Polygon have zero conviction and are just spouting whatever aligns with their own political views?

learn to spell, Pajeet.
also learn to poo in loo

>Always do the opposite of what trump says
Lmao, he should say he loves jews

the funny part is this is the same guy who "JUST LOVES VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES"

>That's life fucko, toughen up because you have to join the workforce someday which the rest of well-adjusted society has managed to do for countless years.
Having your kids shot to death is also life then. Imagine if humanity used that reasoning every time it faced a problem. "Oh jeez man it would be great if half of our kids didnt die in their childhood because of colds" "well that´s life, they should ve been born with a better immune system"


He should say he loves social justice and feminism then we can end this cancer.

>"Studies show"
>"Opinion pieces"
really gets the almonds joggin

Yeah, who cares about those? I'll submit one right now on the moral obligation to remove women's right to vote. I'm sure polygon will publish it immediately because it's just an opinion piece lol so who gives a fuck not like they get to decide which of those they publish or anything.

>JIDF detected

It's possible that humanity as a whole may come to a swift and brutal end because of that decision. We're one bad roll of the dice away from annihilation at the hands of a pandemic that destroys us all.

Chew on that for a second.

No, you need to channel this aggression using means that harm the right people and creatures.

cringelord detected

>Changing the environment means giving them a way to channel their natural aggression

Again, that is not how it works. Aggression does not build up naturally in the body and then need to be channeled out safely. What you are doing is just deliberately inducing that aggressive state and then further reinforcing it. You are making things worse, not better. Do some fucking research rather than just guessing how humans work.

>That's life fucko, toughen up because you have to join the workforce

>I join the workforce
>I get a job that I actually like doing
>Get paid more than I expected to get paid
>Don't hate it when I have to go into work
>Even enjoy most days at work

Wow its almost like when you can control something and find what's best for you instead of having a situation forced on you everything is better.

>"Oh jeez man it would be great if half of our kids didnt die in their childhood because of colds" "well that´s life, they should ve been born with a better immune system"

Read the first part in Morty's voice, then the second part in Rick's.

When I hear "chew on that for a second" I already know the pathogen is airborn and it's posting on Sup Forums because I'm already sick to my stomach

Fuck you, nigga

Imagine if Trump said he thinks video games cause bigotry and sexism.

Yeah that isn't a false equivalency at all.

But you wanna save children from death and ruined lives? Why not go after sugar? Put some government controls on that shit? There's a fucking pressing concern, but do you give a fuck? Do you see crying children standing outside the whitehouse over that shit?

Nobody gives a fuck about the dead children. It's 100% political grandstanding and emotional rhetoric.

>We're one bad roll of the dice away from annihilation at the hands of a pandemic that destroys us all.
Do you actually think humanity will last forever or something? Anyways, we ll probably nuke ourselves before we get to that point.

Video games cause violence, but not like Trump says. Video games cause violence in a different way. I definitely don't agree with Trump.


Its all a ploy to remove testosterone from the planet.

yeah you're not full of shit.

Only one of them is regarded an opinion piece by Polygon themselves.

The government has neither the right nor the capability to enforce dietary standards on people. If a child is fat it is because their parents wanted them to get fat. Governments can't fix bad parenting.

This sort of shit is why you're being ridiculed for never being angry in your life. You must be up to your eyeballs in estrogen if you think breathing will make the reasons you're angry go away. If you do not fix the problem that is causing your anger it will continue to make you angry. Your anger is a huge motivating force for problem solving. Many times without that force behind your actions the end result will be ineffectual and you will continue to get angry at the problem you never solved.

Stop acting like aggression and violence is never the solution. Not only is it sometimes the solution, occasionally it is the best, most effective, most efficient, and most constructive solution. Stop treating posters on the walls of your vasectomy support group as gospel, you fucking moron.

Not the guy you're responding to but please be less angry in life. You're gonna figure it out some day and will get to smile and feel happy about not hurting others.

Violence doesn't sell video games. It's not a deciding factor in any way. There have been no proven correlations, but they just say there are and act like that changes anything. Fucking old people.


>Trump versus Polygon

Most countries have access to violent games and movies, the US is the only country that have the most school shootings;


>You could've been born a cat or a raccoon and had sex and lived a wonderful life
>Instead you're an intelligent ape and you're on the internet wasting your life playing video-games and jacking off to the THOUGHT of having sexual intercourse

Woah, this is fucking gay.

That may be true to some extent, but what else can be done? Home schooling for everyone? 'Fraid not unless you want overworked parents who have to not only deal with (possibly) shitty jobs, but also teach their kid everything that a school curriculum would every single weekday.


>Penn Jillette

What Im trying to say is the "X is bad? well toughen up kid" is a shitty mentality that will get nothing done. Sure there has always been outcasts and autists but we are getting more now and pretending thats not a problem or that the root issue is "that they are not tough enough" isnt going to make the lunatics disappear.


It has no more right or capability than it does to enforce anything else. As in, it has whatever rights and capabilities it's granted - or grants itself. And it definitely can fix bad parenting in this sense. You can ban the addition of sugar to every food under the sun that isn't unambiguously listed as candy. Nearly solves your entire obesity problem right there. Shit, it can even outright ban the sale of candy, forcing those shit parents to make the candy for their kids themselves, which shit parents aren't even going to do. But who gives a fuck because this is never happening because people don't care about the things they claim to care about - the well-being of children. So why do they say they do now? Because it's convenient to use 'think of the children' as a cudgel to achieve other goals. Never let a tragedy go to waste.

The government absolutely has the right to take children away from negligent parents and find an alternate caregiver or become one itself. They will absolutely do so if the child is in a poor state of health as a result of a poor diet that results in the child being critically underweight but it's only for arbitrary reasons they do not do so for obese kids in a poor state of health as a result of a poor diet. There's no justification for it, they just don't.

>being so autistic that you can't into politics

You are simply factually wrong about how the human body works. Get over it.

Worse: they cause autism.

I just want you to be alright man, you're spot on regarding the 'tism though

So what's your solution? Take away the means for people to defend themselves from aggressors? Take away violence in video games? By all means tell me what you have a problem with.

This Trump damage control is getting sad.

>Aggression does not build up naturally in the body
It kind of does. Men are largely prone to dumb, aggressive shit because of testosterone. It's why brothers wrestle around and rough house. It might necessarily mean you're going to inevitably get pissed off for no reason, but being cooped up with no outlet can certainly make you bonkers. Only reason this doesn't apply to all men is because some of us are wired differently and might not have the impulse to rough house with any brothers/relatives we might have.

I never advocated for any of that, you inadvertently did when you said we need to change the environment according to human nature. All I said to do was to take a few breaths and calm down. It works pretty good. You about done being a retard now?

>you inadvertently did
I already explained that you misinterpreted what I said and strawmanned that argument. I went on to clarify since you were too stupid to understand the first time, but I see now you simply don't read the posts you respond to. You have no argument. You're just shitposting because someone said something in a way you didn't like.

You can't breathe away aggression and violence. Not real aggression and violence. For the third time now, you would only adopt this perspective if you've never been angry in your life. You've never been poisoned by resentment. You are naive. Channeling it is the only thing that works for the benefit of society and the individual.

Everyone is looking at this wrong. We must embrace violence. We must cultivate violence. We must make more warriors.

You are wrong. Too bad. If you had just walked away and calmed down you'd probably be fine by now but instead you are making yourself more aggressive by treating this as some sort of battle that you must be victorious in even though you don't have a clue what the fuck you are talking about. Thank you for demonstrating my point, retard.