Why do people like this faggot?
>In b4 "comfy". Buy a Lava Lamp if you just want inoffensive noise, you queers.
Why do people like this faggot?
>In b4 "comfy". Buy a Lava Lamp if you just want inoffensive noise, you queers.
>reddit spacing
>improper greentext usage
>e-celeb poster
Whoever this is, he's not as bad as you.
The mini history lessons and seeing some of this old stuff restored is pretty interesting. He's also not obnoxious and seems pretty genuine, like he's not just playing a character for an audience. To answer your question, I think that's why people like him.
Also, I don't think lava lamps make noise.
>like he's not just playing a character for an audience
>Duke Nukem XD
CLINT is a low key asshole. I doubt he's thankful for any of the shit people send him for free.
He is just a goofy fucker that found solace in games following his sisters death'
No I am not fanficing this
1. Wood Grain is cool.
2. Clint is happier than you.
3. You are a faggot.
4. Fuck you.
I have no idea who this faggot is, but lava lamps don't make noise and you're a fucking idiot.
Yeah, so much so he told people to stop sending stuff because it's too much.
Never would have thought I'd see the day Sup Forums disrespects LGR. Don't know why I'm surprised after seeing people get banned for shit talking Billy Herrington.
He's living proof that home-schooling leads to no possible career other than strange e-celeb.
Ok anons, if LGR is soy, tell me a channel with comfy MS DOS and Windows 95 game reviews
>I doubt he's thankful for any of the shit people send him for free.
Do bear in mind that all people send him is busted up, ancient crap they got from Goodwill.
He was a professional framer at one point.
it's just junk he has to pay to put in storage
Man this just reminds me that my local goodwill turned to shit.
Electronics and media got shoved into a tiny corner and they got rid of the auction case entirely. I think they pitch anything that came before the ps1.
Because he's an actual nerd, not someone pretending to be one for attention and I relate to his odd obsession with outdated tech.
who is this date rapist?
The duke nukem voice is just annoying and cringy. The guy has the humour of a 12 year old
Sounds like just you're a jaded asshole.
>actual nerd
>can't solder
>refuses to repair his own shit
the 8-bit guy is an actual nerd. I hate how that fucker looks but his videos are decent
Ross's Gaming Dungeon
No, he's just someone looking for replies since he has nothing better to do
>Use of all caps, XD, reddit spacing, buzzwords and a weak argument
he's just really trying hard to get people to talk to him
I like Ross but his voice is the most uncomfy sound in existence. I honestly thought it was an act at first.
To see other great projections, visit your local cinema.
>Watch his Afterlife review
>he complains that the game is too narrow because it uses Christian imagery
>Watch his 90's computer videos
>complains about Barbie/Hotwheels computers promoting gender stereotypes
He's kind of a fag.
Playing old video games doesn't make you a nerd. His knowledge and understanding of computing and software development is actually pretty bad
>watch his videos
>find out all of this stuff is kept on a set inside a storage unit and his home doesn't contain any of this stuff he claims to just love oh so much
>e-celeb shit
>Why do people like this faggot?
He's calming.
>Radioshack store front in cancerous captcha 2
>if LGR is soy
Can you maybe talk like a normal person?
He literally had to move most of it there because his house was full and it was driving him insane. It was when he had that hideous long beard.
>I dont care*
>his home doesn't contain any of this stuff
You must have missed the part where he talked about his "home office", a room in his home that is dedicated to producing these videos where he keeps the games and editions of games that are most important to him.
You must have missed the part where he says his home contains nothing of the sort everything besides maybe one computer is in storage including his entire game collection and all the classic computers he hoards away to auction when he retires
Woodgrain is just a meme on his channel, he mentions it for like a total of two seconds in a video, calm down.
You gotta admit you'd be hard pressed for anyone to get happy about receiving mid 90's productivity software and obsolete 80's electronics people found at Goodwill in the mail on the regular.
What a fool, he should keep it all in at least a couple of rooms in the house, saves on the storage rent he's paying. He'll need that money when the income dries up and he can't get a job. I don't think claiming to be an eceleb during a 3 year gap on your cv is going to do much for your career, lel
This is the same Canadian fucker who gets obsessed with e-celebs every few months. Last time It was reviewbrah.
I haven't even seen most of his videos but he just seems like a genuine guy who likes old-school tech.
Also his Duke impersonation is pretty good.
The soy meme is just something that occurs with idiotic twitter 'normies' on social media but Sup Forums attaches to everything they don't like.
Hence I and others hate Sup Forums shit.
>I think they pitch anything that came before the ps1.
No, they just sell it on their online auction site for maximum return on shit they get for free because it's basically just a profit driven corporation at this point.
supposedly he has been hired in the past to do the voice of duke. perhaps for a fan game iirc
He seems to be a genuinely nice chap.
Because he acts like an actual adult and doesn’t yell into a microphone like an autistic child. Because his mini documentaries are interesting and well done. Because he has a good taste in old machines and games.
Also comfy, suck my dick.
What's your problem? You mad that he's self employed?
I bet you're either a wage slave or a NEET cuck.
It’s junk from a thrift store that he has to buy a storage unit for. People send his stuff of their own volition, he doesn’t demand it.
>names every character Fart Knocker queefslayer the third
yeah real adult real human bean
at least, he is way better than this SJW money-grubbing faggot
nice soyboy prose
>oh woops, did I just drop my paid for p.o box address on the internet? would be a shame if someone sent me something :(
>stop sending stuff to my p.o box guys
Needing to separate work from your home life is essential, user. He does keep some stuff at home, it just isn't his massive, ever-growing collection of things.
>where he says
user, you can see it in the back of that video he made in his home office, answering some viewer questions, a few weeks ago.
I don't know how are so oblivious you didn't even notice that.
LGR is, quite literally, Reddit in human form
you are, quite literally, a cancerous faggot.
Says the redditor
says the newfag.
>stops making content people like
>doesn’t even really try anymore and hasn’t for a while
>gets assmad and wonders why people don’t send him money anymore
>goes on PatNESPunk and bitches about it for a hour
geez getta loada this guy
It is simply not physically possible to feel anything other than strong animosity towards LGR unless you are a filthy redditor. It's just science
I can't imagine being this jaded about life.
I can't stand the way this guy talks and could never get through a minute or more of his stuff. I've been watching The 8-bit Guy and RetroManCave for old computer stuff.
who gives a fuck what reddit is doing
It is simply not physically possible to feel anything other than strong animosity towards you unless because are a filthy newfag. It's just science
Sup Forumseddit
I can't imagine having such little self-respect that I would openly admit to liking LGR. The soy meme is stupid and pisses me off but describing LGR is the one scenario in which "soy" is accurate and applicable
>stumble upon his channel
>oh these are cool
>suddenly nothing but Sim 4 reviews. Most of them really positive
>Then during another video he talks about how the game actually sucks
>constant cycle of praising expansions packs but saying the game as a whole sucks
Fuck him. At that point you lose all credibility as a reviewer so why bother?
I like LGR. He's comfy and I have a similar nostalgia for 90s computer shit. He's definitely not the most high IQ channel out there or anything, but there are far, far worse out there.
>he actually watches his "lazy game reviews"
His thrifting videos are comfy.
he's sending his channel out to die if he ditches youtube t b h
He thinks he has enough people interested in his stuff to go to Amazon even though his youtube channel is struggling.
What is this logic?
I miss the old days of CGR where it was just
1. Introduce game
2. Sit down, play it
3. Rave about how responsive it felt
4. Next video
Would marathon a dozen videos while eating gozleme
The history of the stuff he covers interests me, odd ware is interesting, thrifts is "muh comfy", and hes got a calm voice so its not offensive to have in the background while trying to sleep and such. He is a little too cheery for me but i mean thats just who the guy is
He also used to repair PCs, which is why he knows so much about it and now does it as a hobby for the internet.
If he wasn't doing LGR he would just have some other computer-related job.
Real shame, used to like him a lot. He blames his waning popularity on others and complains about it at every opportunity.
Never mind how it's obvious he doesn't give a shit anymore and has very little interest in doing the videos, but still does them anyway because it's the only way to hold on to those patron bucks.
I remember I was marathoning comfy LGR videos when during the Need for Speed retrospective he mentions he played the game with his sister, who died of cancer when they were kids
>He also used to repair PCs
bullshit unless by repair pc you mean install a new graphics card in it
Yeah, sometimes you can see the sadness inside him leak out.
The guy doesn't do anything remotely fucking wrong. He gets excited for vintage computer shit and that's about the worst of it. Why the fuck would you hate him?
Woodgrain use to be a popular aesthetic for a lot of old electronic items. I can see why he would bring it up a lot.
This isn't Video games
>doesnt have gf to get cucked
>wants to eventually start a muesem or atleast donate his collection to one to preserve the 70-90s gaming era
>not one black person in a video with him
Based lgr
>in b4
>Inb4s his own post
Newfags get out
because he has obvious passion and knowlage of the games he covers.
As someone who grew up into pc gaming its fantastic to learn stories behind games that to me were just games and boxes. back then the industry practices and politics werent something i was aware of.
>expecting Sup Forums to know anything
Do you not know where you are? It's pretty much all teenagers and stupid college aged kids who think they have a worthwhile opinion when they never do.
tfw ywn get to be clint's roomie and play video games with him all day
he's more knowledgeable about hardware. he's pretty surface level on games.
>implying any e-celeb is thankful for 90% of the shit they unbox in mailbag videos
The only ones I've ever enjoyed were the ones that were just pure shitposting in video format like Mumkey Jones
>mumkey jones
you let Demo down. We all did. This is why he waon't come back.
Yeah his earlier stuff feels like him trying to archive and promote older stuff that you may overlook at classic game stores with a bit of personality thrown in. The memes were funny for a while but then the pateron and comic stuff took over and really wasnt that interesting to people who just wanted game content.
His Tech Tales are actually pretty in depth and well done honestly.
I wonder how much time he actually spends just playing and enjoying games.
he tweets about shit like yakuza 0 and kingdom come all the time
>leddit spacing xD;
get a load of this idiot
That's good to hear. Mum won't let me go to twitter dot com.