Overwatch League is now spammed with trihards. Blizzard, what have you done?

Overwatch League is now spammed with trihards. Blizzard, what have you done?

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what happened

TriHard 7

Gosh a competitive league is filled with people who are competitive. Who would have thought?!?

Blizzard games and esports have trihards?

No fucking way.

The stream for the league is being flooded with nothing but trihard emotes

cmonBruh hol up

I thought they banned it

>racially disparaging emotes

>he watch e-sports

xQc might be the cringiest guy in OWL at the moment, but he's gonna quit soon, so it doesn't matter

Nope. Fans are exposing Blizzard


I can't imagine ever participating in twitch chat. Maybe I'm just too handsome and cool and funny and neat.

Nigga, (you) gay

Companies like Riot and Blizzard that wanna shill their competitive shit while trying to have a liberal safe space are so fucking hypocritical its unreal.

How did this go from complaining about competitive people in a competitive mode to complaining about safe spaces and censorship? In general nobody likes the person spamming "niggerfaggots" in all chat anyway.

>trihard 7 getting spammed in the OWL chat


The reality that this is more about money than sport is becoming very clear.

damn, they really are just spamming that shit

The absolute state of Twitch chat right now.

To be honest OWL deserved it.

The players shouldn't be able to do what ever. Besides, the game is rated like 12+ right? Kids watch it too. They want to appeal to the broadest market, literally everyone


kids that old hear and see worse shit on the bus every day they go to school

holy shit, OWL literally ruined kek a wall of trihard 7

>post trihad 7 while a black person is on screen
>get kicked in the ass
Ebin game, ebin community, ebin thread!
Overwatch is a game made for 10 year old kids and 30yr obese social justice warriors, Sup Forums.

Professionals in nearly any setting are expected to be professional.

mfw seeing the OWL chat

I'm not familiar, what did this stupid faggot do exactly?

Dick off nigger faggot

there's a Twitch emote that's a pic of a black guy, if you post it you're racist according to Blizzard apparently, XQC posted it, making him a racist bad guy.

he acted like /ourguy/ and got banned for it

what's the drama this time

Is that really Tyler?

>meanwhile people have been spamming WutFace on goldenboy, 4Head on Mr.X, KreyGasm on soe, etc.

It was fucking tryhard from day 1.

So I'm not underage as fuck, can one of you kids tell me what the appeal of twitch chat is? I know you fuckers all join in on that shit.

That's true, but games rated 12+ will still be bought by parents to their even younger kids. Just like how CoD is mainly played by 13-year olds. There's quite a few soydaddies on r/overwatch with their damn 5-year olds, celebrating the game and shit. They want the normie audience, and to do that they have to be as uncontroversial as possible, or the press will go after them.

>OverSensitivity esports

He actually got banned for typing a global emote of a black dude in a twitch channel, lmao

>have chat logs going back to January of him using TriHard 7
Someone's ass is burning red sore at Blizzard and taking any excuse they can to punish him.

eat ass you pussy-gay

That's retarded logic
>the game has an age barrier, but we should cater for below that age barrier just in case.

One big place to show how racist we can be before we get the inevitable purge.

Spamming emotes brings you joy? I weep for the next generation.

The whole point of the rating is so that you don't "expose" your kids to things you don't like.
If you're not going to look at the rating, then that's your fault.

>racially disparaging emotes
he posted fucking Trihard in twitch chat

>Spamming emotes brings you joy?
its like people screaming DEFENSE at a hockey game

after doing it for months apparently

I mean, he posted it because someone black was on stream. He felt compelled to do that, somehow. He's probably not racist, just really immature. Tune into his stream sometime and see for yourself. Acts just like the 12-year olds in chat.

No it isn't. Not even a little bit.

>There's quite a few soydaddies on r/overwatch with their damn 5-year olds
big assed bitch killing dudes with a sniper rifle but no black dude face

As a Canadian I'm all in favour of banning him for being a frog if nothing else. Fucking quebecers.

he's hot, does he have nudes?

He's been using it as a 'Hello Twitchchat' forever, it just so happened that a black caster was on screen at the time. He didn't think anything of it, people with a grudge took it in the worst faith possible and used it as a way to show good and virtuous they are at his literal expense.

You know what to do boys.

TriHard 7

well thats the funny thing isnt it

by acknowledging it and dropping bans they have guaranteed it will increase x100

Uh, being exposed to black skin is much more problematic than seeing people shoot each other with guns in a fun manner.

pauline pass me the RAKE

i need this oasis theme song on my disk right now


>Esport ladyboys get their panties in a twist over nothing
Esports truly is a product of all those idiotic "everyone's a winner" things schools have started doing since the 90s. Everyone is a winner here, no trash talk allowed. What a fucking joke. Stuff like this really shows the difference between actual, real sports and "esport" junk.

I don't even recognize this flag. If you're not american canadian or western european why should I care?

Yeah, but the companies don't decide the age ratings on their games. Why turn down a chance at making even more money. Take FNAF for example. That was clearly meant as a bit more "mature" horror game, but as soon as tumblr and underages started riding it's dick, he began putting in more fanservice and theory-bait.


so, what would you do if you were twitch at this point
you're a racist for having a "racist" emote
if you remove the emote, you'll be called a racist

when you celebrate eating the queen's shit we celebrate shooting anglo cunts


What the hell are you talking about? Game companies very much do choose what rating they get by what they put in the game.
And what the hell does that have to do with the fact that the game is rated? Don't like having your 6 year old kid exposed to content rated for those 13 and up? Don't buy the game or let them watch it.


Ta yeul osti de Keb a marde.

Le Canada uni, c ca la vraie shit, man

>meanwhile in superior esport


I don't get it. What does a black man face and 7 have to do with anything?

It's the emote this fellow used which Blizzard called racist, and fined him $4000 for.

know your meme bro

someone really has it out for this guy if they're gonna go after something as petty as that. like why even bother playing the game anymore.

Korean backers want all whitebois out so there's more player spots for Kim.

i get trihard but someone explain 7 please


7 is a salute


newfag, you from 9gag? or just a boomer retard

so this is the state of the internet
adios amigos

>Emote which is a picture of a smiling black man is racist
I don't understand

Yeah I have no idea who you are.

>watching esports

it's the emote saluting

It gets spammed whenever someone references monkeys or stealing.
Or when a black guy appears on stream which appears to be the case here, but I don't know how that is racist. Chats spams the fat guy emote or asian in smiliar context and nobody cares.

True, but every other player has zero personality, they also make CSGO players look like chads

reminder. even the emote owner doesnt care about this

you know at the rate the game is going, they wont have to force anyone, they'll just leave.

jte pisse a la raie sale fiotte
>just learn english and intergrate
les anglos veulents exterminer les Quebecois.

We don't want to exterminate you, we just want you to be less annoying. Even real french people think you're being absurd and you guys are just the mudpeasant knock offs.

Ferme-la pauvre con.

Les anglais nous traitent bien, si seulement les caves comme toe faisaient un effort, on serait tous en criss de paix sti.

Tu nous fais honte, dude.

Calme-toi tabarnaque, serieux.

so how is this racist?

you guys are just as bad as reddit for giving a shit about this

at the end of the day you're just giving shitty OWL viewers. fuck off my b0ard and go watch h3h3 to soak up more of your outrage culture bullshit reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

It's usually used with racist comments but wasn't by the player.

This. Trihex acknowledges that Twitch will be Twitch. He even held a restream of AGDQ so people had a place they could chat about the marathon openly. It won't be a BrainSlug situation with his emote.

>It's usually used with racist comments
oh come the fuck on
not every stream is ice poseidon you dumb nigger