Hey I'm grump! I'm not so grump! And we're the Game Grumps!
Game Grumps
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H*ll yeah! What is you are favourite episode?
haha gump gamps :D
There's nothing wrong with grumps, you're just autistic with a superiority complex.
Can't wait for "This is how you DON'T play majora's mask"
Who’s the guy on the left
i wub gum gumps!
>almost 6 years old
It wasn't complete dogshit when Jon was still on board.
>I miss le epik Sup Forumstron! ECH! XDDDD MAGA
Game Chumps were never good.
This thread sucks. Post best remixes
The first episode of Naughty Bear showing that they're incompetent at games if they combine the tutorial with the intro
Ding Dong>Danny>Matt=Ryan>Jon>Chris>Barry>Arin>Julian>Ross
this really reminds of the time the dualshock controller died
How the hell did this channel get 4+ million subscribers?
People who watched egoraptor's animations as babies probably.
what was his name again?
>Sup Forumstron
>when the Sup Forumseogaf shows up
I like their content. I watch it everyday.
Arin playing Majora's Mask is literally painful.
*makes a This is how you don't play about you*
as someone who recently watched the TTYD playthrough, they're both blind retards.
I prefer Arin playing a lot more than Dan
Early out, short videos perfect for Josh to watch on his parents ipad before dinner is ready.
I'll be the beach that washes your worries away.
Somehow Dan seems more on the ball than Arin this game. Which seems almost impossible but Arin is just that totally clueless. At least Dan reads that text that appears on the screen, even if he doesn't understand half of it.
I can't wait till the next episode where Arin unthaws the Forge again, finds it useless (again), and then freaks out before pausing the footage to check the walkthrough
>has beaten it before, even claims that it's his favorite 3D Zelda
>uses a walkthrough
>still plays like a six year old with down's syndrome
It's not even a meme anymore, Arin is worse than DSP at games.
Are these threads allowed or not? Sometimes mods delete them, sometimes they don't. I thought that moot said these threads fall under the "videgame culture" rule so they are allowed.
>>still plays like a six year old with down's syndrome
>falls into the water as Goron Link 5 times in a 10 minute episode
>figures out that being Deku Link makes the ice hopping trivially easy
>only ever does it once and struggles as human Link all the other times
These last couple episodes have been rough
Not that I usually watch Game Grumps anyway, but I literally can't make myself watch them do DDLC. I don't even hate the guys, I actually really like them as far as e-celebs go, but something about the thought of Arin making dick jokes over Natsuki's poetry physically repulses me. I don't think I've ever reacted this autistically to a let's play before, but there you go.
>Wait, where's the shine?
>It's in the middle
>Oh go fuck yourself
>No no, you've got this!
I've seen the TIHYDP of Phil playing Majora's Mask, as tediously drawn out as it is. Don't get me wrong, he's absolutely abysmal, as expected, but at least he went in blind, without a walkthrough. Arin has no excuse. At least he made it through Woodfall, but these last few episodes have demonstrated that he lacks even the slightest ability to look ahead and to manage his time and resources. This is going to be a painful one.
I can't wait.
Bet they'll skip the most interesting masks.
I don't think they'll do any of the Masks or fairies or bonus shit.
Just straight rush to the finish. Which is a fucking shame
That's a given. I bet Arin will skip the bunny hood, and still complain about how slow Link is while spamming the roll.
I kinda want to stop watching this and wait a year or so until they're all done.
Watching episodes like today's is just frustrating but without the schadenfreude of laughing at Arin's incompetence
what was the last time they actually finished a game?
Ocarina of Time?
That one was painful to watch
There is something magical about watching the incompetence in real time though, even though you have to endure a lot of boring stuff. The TIHYDP compilation of Arin's OOT playthrough is great, but the one thing that it fails to capture is the audience's growing frustration over weeks from Arin never taking off the hover boots.
>Arin never taking off the hover boots.
He just kept putting them back on!
Arin backpedals on everything he said in his OoT video: the lp.
'so what's today's episode like?'
'oh jesus not again.'
It's truly remarkable. Also, I'm not sure if he knows that the N64 controller has shoulder buttons, because he never uses his shield. The N64 Zelda games has the one of the most brokenly overpowered shield mechanics in video game history, and yet Arin keeps dying from everything, because he insists on mindlessly running into enemies and tanking damage.
He just went in with such hatred and frustration at the basic combat mechanics that it was like his own personal stand against them.
There was one fight where he was like "Uh fine I'll use my shield". So he knows about it, he just, for some reason, resents it so much.
He also had a brief moment of clarity where he saw how the "waiting to attack" method of combat is the exact same as Dark Souls, which he loves.
But then he goes right back to face tanking everything
JonTron will never do another let’s play again. Never again will I get to hear his echs and jonisms on a daily basis ever again.
My will to live is fading.
fuck off racist
When Arin gets to Ikana Canyon, he will still have the Kokiri Sword, half of the magic meter, and only six unshielded heart containers. Also, he will still not have learned to use the Song Of Soaring or Inverted Song Of Time.
if it were anyone else, I might have disregarded it, but since it's Arin we're talking about, I believe you.
What are you talking about? I’m talking about 2012 game grumps here. Jesus the absolute state of Americans these days, everything is political to them. Fuck off already.
He uses Inverted Song of Time, thankfully.
But he forgets it frequently. I don't think he used it this time around.
Also, I can't wait till the Pirate section. He was such shit at it in OoT
Oney Plays > Game Grumps
by a good margin
Upon replaying OOT, I found that there's really only one non-boss enemy you have to wait on to kill, which is the clam. Every one else, like the stalfos or wolfos, can easily be baited into attacking, the latter being killable within like three seconds with minimal amounts of dodging and counter-attacking. Arin just sucks at 3D Zelda combat. No concept of good footwork or countering.
he'll probably have the Stone Mask unless he's a completely non-functioning retard, so, you know...even odds, really.
Best series?
I’m obsessed? I never brought up anything political, I was just talking about Jon era grumps, then you got assmad about who even knows what.
Yeah, don't Deku Nuts also allow attacks on Wolfos/Stalfos/Lizardos even if they're about to block?
Matt and Ryan are good editors and have soothing voices to listen to, but I feel their live commentary is hit-or-miss. Though Matt on Oney’s Banjo vids is bretty gud
Crash 2
Kingdom Hearts
Wild Woody
He'll probably have the Stone Mask because the walkthrough told him to get it, but then he won't use it and actively skip over it
I enjoyed their Katamari Damacy playthrough. Dan had some fun shit to say I guess. Honestly the only reason I watch GG is for Dan. He seems to genuinely be interested in the games and shit, but Arin isn't willing to indulge him and actually let him enjoy shit.
Best part about OoT was Arin trying his hardest to not spoil that Sheik is Zelda while simultaneously doing his best to spoil it for Dan.
Katamari was a really good series
He's a white supremacist. You know you were trying to start this argument bringing that racist asshole into the conversation
>O B S E S S E D
For real. Dan's stories and the D-club argument were genuinely entertaining
But the bird is jontron
All good
I also like Pikmin, Uncharted, Banjo, and Polar Express
Jon ''Aryan'' Jafari
Eh eh eh
Eh eh eh
Jon “let’s go on a nigger safari” Jafari
God damn i miss old grumps
The best part of the OoT was the hover boot fiasco. It just made no sense and yet, Arin just kept putting them on.
Second best part was him fucking up the Spirit Temple so much
say no no no
away he go
I think he lost interest in games. He tried playing banjo again and he looked bored
You assume too much. I just think Jon era grumps was really funny.
Jon "Empty a 9 in the welfare line" Jafari
Mario say no no no
I think Dan and Jon would have had a much more interesting dynamic than Dan and Arin. Dan works well as the bubbly, enthusiastic gun who kinda sucks at games, but still likes them and is really eager to learn. He could have played off well with Jon with his high energy. Arin pretty much plays the part of a jaded cynic, which worked well with Jon, since Jon didn't need anyone to hold his hand, but it's a really bad mismatch with Dan. Essentially, we're left with a guy who doesn't know much about games, and a guy who knows more about games, but isn't really that gung-ho about them. Also, Jon was far less willing to put up with Arin's bullshit. It's very clear in the post-Jon era that Arin is the CEO of Game Grumps Inc.
Same, the Ocarina one felt great after that terrible Sequelitis.
Yeah I remember even early on in Grumps he said he didn’t want to do the LP thing long term. I don’t blame him.
Would you guys like it if the channels you watched did more weeb games?
No fuck anime shit
you realize he was playing like shit on purpose to annoy you right?
Mario says the fuck word
No because weeb games have lots of reading and dialogue, and I don’t like when they play games where they read in goofy voices, I avoid all their let’s plays with lots of story and dialogue.
Go to bed Arin.
If I ever hear you talking like that no good Wario again...!
>he doesn't like the sakura spirit series
You haven't defeated me!
How do you anons STILL watch GG? More importantly, how do you anons suffer Arin's incompetence and read the childish comments that apologize for him and defend his inability to vidya?
>I don’t like when they play games where they read in goofy voices
So 95% of their content?