What are some games that feature communists as the good guys

What are some games that feature communists as the good guys

Kirby: Star Allies

Metal gear solid peace walker

stalin vs martians

Nier Automata.

hearts of iron, depending on what country you pick

Marx wasn't communist, he also did a 180 on his opinions before he died.

What are some games where food is the main antagonist?

That new Wolfenstein game is a recent example

You can play sim city and have everyone living in a shit hole and pretend you're a good guy


Yea but that game is bad and one of the worst written games ever.

WW2 games? Any of them set after the end of the non-aggression pact between the soviets and the germans.

real life

any ww2 game

>he also did a 180 on his opinions before he died

t. Fatty with eating disorder who wants to lose weight

Kat from Gravity Rush goes full Marx at times.
Though other characters in the game tell her to stay the fuck away from politics, so she doesn't win, exactly.

The game part itself is good, play the DLC that doesn't have as many shit cutscenes.

>being delusional
give it 10 minutes of research. you'll stumble upon it sooner or later

go back to

that was Lenin.

Sim Ant.

t. middle class westerner who has only ever experienced capitalism

>The creator of communist wasn't really communist

Also, he never did a 180 on his opinions, that was Antonio Gramsci.

>Only Sup Forums hates commies
Go back to lefty/pol/

no way, lenin got paralised for 2 years, he just died as a literal retard, how could he change any opinion, he coudnt do a 7+7 math.

COD: World at War

This is a game in which you play as nazis and commies

>Marx, the creator of communism
So I says to the teacher lady, the only letters I need to know are U, S and A.

Why do you think he became a facist?

just researched this now, and it turns out you're full of shit

Well he was never bright to start with to be fair, considering he thought communism could work




Fascism and Socialism/Communism are the ideologies of soyboys who believe themselves too weak to survive without the state helping them


might as well post this

Arguable but

Is this just an americlap thing?

surprised no one mentioned red alert