Read the full story at
(what she actually sees!)
Read the full story at
(what she actually sees!)
What the fuck does this have to do with video games?
well the person in op's pic looks like a tranny, so I'm sure this is something related to speed running
Ugly bitch.
really cool she can see at all skiing is so fucking great
really one of the things that make my life worthwhile
to be fair, you could ask that in about half the threads on Sup Forums at any given moment
Can you imagine?
a) Being blind
b) Crashing at 70mph
c) Both together
You're trying to tell me that's not the purest from of entertainment there is?
ski * not see
I mean, both are pretty rad, really
ye true
you really can't do shit when you're really blind
wtf bbc, why shill (4 hill) on Sup Forums
prefer snowboarding. skiing makes me feel too nervous having two skiis that could send my legs snapping in any direction instead of one board locking my legs in place.
at the end of the day if one is going both to be blind and to ski and to wilfully do both simultaneously, what outcome may one hopefully expect to achieve but to crash at seventy miles per hour whilst blinded?
She's just trying to commit suicide. She'll probably end up blind and paralyzed instead. Nothing to see here.
Is this some kind of new meme? Because its shit
me too but on ski it's easier to go fast on any kind of slopes
you can also do more tricks
but i can't ski anymore because my knees are fucked up
your knees?
this cunt's skiing with NO FUCKING EYES
at 70 MPH
Being blind and paralyzed and crashing at 70MPH.
ya'll dont need eyes to stand up
What the FUCK is this thread
The rest of her career.
i can't keep the ski straight with my right knee it's too wobbly and i really struggle to get my right leg fit again because of the pain
snowboarding is fine with a little dose of codeine though
you need them if you dont want to crash at 70mph while blind
crashing while blind is one thing
crashing at 70mph is another
both together? theres your party right there boy
Id still fuck her
she's lucky to be alive desu crashing with no protection at 70 mph on icy slopes can end very badly
You're naught but a lazy cunt. You know it, I know it, this blind fucked-up cunt knows it.
If this hoor can ski while blind -- if she can crash, at 70mph, while skiing blind -- then you can ski on a gammy fucking knee.
Where's your pride?
dude i can but i won't enjoy it as much as before and I enjoy snowboard more and my knee injury has less impact
so why would I ski ?
Legs are more important for skiing than eyes.
Did you say crashing?
also this guy is partially right
as having "perfect" legs is better than having "perfect" eyes
What are some games where I can crash at 70mph?
Imagine if she crashed into Stevie Wonder, also going 70mph
strap that fucking knee right up, boy
strap it right up and lauch yourself as best you can from the highest mountain your poor, crippled, frame can climb; launch with all the speed an gust you can muster; launch as though your life depended on it
then close your eyes
and in the scant seconds of life remaining to you you will know: what it means to be blind, and to ski, and to crash to 70 miles per hour, and to be a man, my son.
thanks for the chuckle mate
kinda happened to my mom
she was skiing and one of her skiis went through, uh, "slower" snow while she was going really fast and she fell
normally the ski is supposed to release the boot as soon as it gets stuck or you fall or whatever, but this one didn't and she broke her foot, spent like 3 months with a boot
i still love skiing though, i suppose the danger is part of it
sometimes i see these kids that don't have any legs or they can't move them in these "ski seats" or whatever and they have these hand skis to turn and stuff, really inspiring shit
That's the first & second act covered.
Second Act: They convalesce together in bliss & vow never to ski again; but each, in their secret heart, yearn for the slope
Third Act: She and Stevie meet the Abominable Snowman
I used to be a skier, until I took a blind to the knees.
i rather feel noone's asking the essential question to whit, what is she doing skiing?