GX or X?

GX or X?

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GX, but I can completely understand some people preferring the grungy rock aesthetic of X.


Best racing series ever so good it broke Nintendo and they never made another

GX, even though X has better music.

Wouldnt music be more of a taste thing?

gx looks and plays better.
x has better music and the expansion kit with custom race tracks is pretty cool.

GX, even if I'm a shitter that never got a perfect 500 on Sapphire or Diamond cup.

if u want a tip you can suicide on a lot of tracks by ramming into the guard rail at the end to get a MASSIVE speed boost. to throw you to the finish

Wow what a modest fanbase. No infighting or anything.

Both games are great but GX is perfection in my eyes. Honestly if they just ported an HD GX to the switch I'd pay full price just to show my support for this amazing series.

even better idea actually include both sound tracks also

That doesn't help me when the megacock AI drives perfectly on Phantom Road.

>Soundtrack from each F-Zero
>EZ story difficulty
What else makes the definitive GX?

X had better music.

i second this

>fans couldn't find this song anywhere
>fuck it, we'll make our own


Do we even know who COMPOSED the song?

Likely one of either Hidenori Shoji, Daiki Kasho or Alan Brey, the game's three composers. Whoever it was it was probably one of the guys behind Super Monkey Ball's soundtrack.


Overall GX but there's some things about X I like more like the music, better traction, the X cup, and the expansion kit.

Fun fact, the compose of X was Taro Bando, who previously composed Mole Mania and does sound design for various other Nintendo games.

Im assuming people have reached out right? OH FUCK I JUST REALIZED can do Dolphins netplay for FZERO GX and do 4 player races

X, but GX is cool, too.

Shit why the fuck doesn't Sup Forums do an F-Zero Sup Forumseekend?

Love them both, but X.

Because I have toaster and shitty modem.

I like how both games are so fucking perfect that everyone loves both games god damn isnt that beautiful
hm I can try and host sunday but my wifi is a bit slow

Nigga X is my jam, but GX is good too

>mfw I launch off a half pipe at 2000km/h

RIP how far you go?

A new arcade release that has a circuit cup that's also unlockable ingame on the home release of GX-HD.

i landed further in the track but i had no health left so I died from scratching the wall. i think it was one of the x-cup tracks.

GX is generally better but X has the most godlike air control of any racing game ever.

rip poor user.