Can they save us from the Sup Forums menace?

can they save us from the Sup Forums menace?

thanks for fucking ruining it you fucking Sup Forums fag fuck off

Can you stop gobbling up semen?

>muh 10 person boogieman squad
You're pathetic, Sup Forums

I take it you're one of the ten

Of course, user. Everyone laughing at your pathetic theory that every post not agreeing with you is someone from a dead website is clearly from your dead boogieman website. Stick with accusing people of being from the gaf.

Do you not remember the time Sup Forums was shat up by two ultra autistic dedicated shitposters who completely obliterated neptunia threads 24/7? They posted the same exact images and same exact replies every time and constantly abused proxies and evaded bans left and right. It's not necessarily implausible to think these Sup Forums bait threads could be a similar situation.

why are you so defensive?

>communism will save video games
>remove the ability for developers to make a living off their game development
I mean you would have the occasional Pixel who doesn't let anything stop them from making the game they want to make even if it takes them ten years, but you'd be killing off 99% of vidya. And a lot of that 99% wouldn't be missed, sure, I wouldn't care if EA or Ubisoft died, but even indie games are made by people who need to eat, and if they have to spend eight hours per day working on a farm to supply food to the greater population that kind of kills the amount of time they have to spend developing a game. Communism is bad for any kind of art creation.

How about you fuck off back where you came from

So you legitimately believe everyone on Sup Forums with a left wing opinion is from a boogieman website? Isn't it also a bit weird to be accusing other sites of "invading" while you do it yourself?

If 2 people can convince the site your ideology is shit then maybe you aren't dishing out the hottest redpills you think you are, m8. Continue with your paranoia. People will keep laughing at you.

Hey I can do it too.

Already there. Now if only you'd fuck off back to Sup Forums. No, you'd rather shit up Sup Forums crying about your boogieman.

no nigger.
Sup Forums- videogames

I don't get how people can make posts like this without the cavity where their brain should be consuming their heads.

Did I state that at all? You're the only one talking about boogeymen. I'm simply stating how it's not at all unlikely that someone or a small group of people could be shitting up the board with garbage threads.

Except you guys make posts like these all the time, in fact you had that saved. You force this narrative and then when people point out the obvious fact that the same shit happens with leftist agendashitters too then it's "haha oh wow what a loony conspiracy!"

Yes user. Your boogieman is everywhere. Everyone on Sup Forums that does not agree with you is part of some 10 man squad trying to counter your shitposting. You are a redpilled soul and not a retard paranoid about everything. People are truly laughing with you and not at you.

>MUH 10 MAN BOOGIEMAN SQUAD Sup Forums? Your image also makes no sense. Try using things in correct context

So does that mean OP is Sup Forums? Since he is saving images from some boogieman site, he must be Sup Forums right? So why is he shitposting here?

>Daily shitpost thread
Check this 5

again, the cognitive dissonance is fucking amazing

>I'm simply stating how it's not at all unlikely that someone or a small group of people could be shitting up the board with garbage threads.
Believing everyone with a contrary opinion is part of a 10 man boogieman squad is pure mental illness

This fucking guy

Wait I messed up.
Lemme try again.

leftypol is by all counts much better than pol largely because their memes are at the very least cerebral

pol shitposting is pretty much just constant spam of trannies

I gotchu senpai



you do have folders of images just like that, that you post all the time.
come on, dump it, you know you want to.
what's next? the redditor boomer one, or the classic kekistani image?

He probably is. Notice the keyword "TOO". I just want anti-Sup Forums to stop pretending like centrists when you are just political opponents.

>yfw you aren't a braindead American

I trusted you!
Now Im alone with this 8

you don't understand
they're everywhere. Everyone who disagrees with me is from this other site because Sup Forums is a homogenous site where everyone agrees

>everyone who dislikes my shitposting is from my boogieman site reeeee
You consider yourself reasonable.

They’re right that threads about the president wanting to get rid of video game violence shouldn’t be deleted


>Sup Forums will never stop being a political battlefield and shitposting safe space


>yfw you don't have to worry about getting attacked by trucks every day

you're very pointedly not denying your autistic spam folder that we both know you have.

Check my 1 and /leftypol/ dies

Watch THIS


>yfw I don't have to worry about getting shot every millisecond of being outside my house



>when you're white but you'd rather fight other whites than the common menace

CIA niggers get out

What the fuck is leftypol? "Politically correct"?


come on user, you know you want to dump it, stop being so coy

>I've never seen the mods move this quickly
Clearly he hasn't seen any SCP threads. Probably because they get deleted so fast

A board on 8cuck. It gets like 5 posters a day but Sup Forums is convinced they are behind every post on Sup Forums of people saying "Hey, I don't really like Sup Forums spam on the board"

Sup Forums is garbage and by proxy at least 56% of 8gag.

both Sup Forums and /leftypol/ think the mods are biased to the other side, it's quite funny.

Also, 8/pol/ is somehow less white than Sup Forums and is owned by a turkroach

I'd say /leftypol/ has more ground to stand on, seeing as the "keep Sup Forums in Sup Forums" rule mysteriously vanished

this, 8gag is already a dead site and redditpol is an even more dead sub on it. its completely irrelevant.

yep, exactly like that user, except they actually believe it and aren't being sarcastic like you.
like I said, it's quite funny

wait, is the rule back there now?

i don't know, is the "quality of posts is important" rule still there?


>let's fight politic shitposting with more politic shitposting
Are you retarded?

have you been away from Sup Forums for the past year?

I don't get it. It's not even the same person

8 months, what did I miss?