they take up valuable space that could be used for another Nintendo thread
Camden Powell
This is about as far as I'll go for vore. Stomach stuff is bad.
Hudson Scott
Holy shit I farted for laughting so much
Brandon Green
Die you stupid retard
Michael Rivera
>this is what nu-Sup Forums considers funny Haha de wey mei brudda
Logan Evans
Why would I ever feel sorry for cunt's who actively try to kill vidya threads? I hope they feel nothing but misery.
Angel Clark
Luis Ross
Jaxon Clark
Fuck off jew
Juan Foster
Mods why do you hate SCP Threads?
Chase Davis
your prime minister is a horsefucker
Juan Flores
They only allow risk of rain threads
Dylan Price
Justin Ramirez
so why do sonybros enjoy shoving items up their butt?
Cooper Howard
What makes that game so special? It should be allowed but why does everything else die?
Wyatt Gray
Someone should make cosplay of that on some games convention. It would be glorious.
Parker King
Mods are compromised with cocksleeves who hate board culture
Joseph Reyes
Doesn't give you the right to spam Sup Forums with offtopic threads
Austin Adams
Colton Parker
Thanks for beta testing Crash.
Nathan Cruz
Lee It's time to stop You failed I love ponies now despite your efforts
Kevin Cooper
>that floating Switch at the end Oh god i can't laugh anymore it hurts
Joseph Reed
It's not even Sup Forums culture. SCP is a real game. but we can't tall about it because mods ban us for talking about it.
Lincoln Price
Christian Sanders
>board culture You have to go back.
Blake Baker
Landon Thomas
Two possibilities: >mod tried to write babby's first SCP and got downvoted to hell and entry deleted, so he's taking out on anything SCP related (apparently other boards are having 'problems' talking about SCP stuff too, not just the game) >Mod tried playing SCP:SL, got teamkilled or bullied and got massively salty so he's taking it out on the threads
Or there's option C which is just >mod is a worthless board-ruining faggot
It's probably option C. There's usually never a logical if retarded reason like the two above
Jordan Cook
This is officially an SCP Thread.
Joseph Kelly
They probably want you to stop spamming it everyday and take it to /vg/ like normal retards do.
Zachary Harris
Doesn't give you the right to keep living YOU FUCKING JEW
Christian Wilson
William Murphy
even reddit know they to it for free
Austin Hernandez
This is actually hilarious.
John Miller
It was banned text btw
Justin Johnson
All the free catalog slot are already occuped, sorry user
Alexander Jackson
But then should't kingdom come threads be sent to /vg/? Why does SCP get singled out.
Noah Reed
I love Junko!
Joshua Bailey
Ian Ward
one specific jannies has vendetta on spc bc his oc got rejected