How about that new playable character in Secret Lab

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He's a good example of why teamwork is needed. He gets raped within two squads of everyone just sacrifices themselves and stands and fires at him.

Definitely, I just wish he had a some defense by himself to stop people from completely surrounding him after his rage meter is on cooldown.

He'd be too OP though. You shouldn't be able to survive a cooldown out in the open.

Makes sense, i guess that is a way to balance him running into a room full of people and either making sure you're getting them all of them or running before it goes on cooldown

It encourages you to work with other scips particularly doc (Not peanut as you would assume). If you have Doc and dhiggy patrolling entrance zone seperatel in early game then shiggy can massacre the groups of soldiers running in and the doc can pick up anyone who escapes through the corridors.


Don't fuck with lanky


>All the SCPs are 1 hit kill humanoids
>the exception is the computer which is fucking useless
>devs want to add another humanoid
When will this have some variety added?

Spend the last few seconds of your rage finding a hiding spot.


Some item SCPs would be cool.
SCP-500 to cure doc aids.

He's not even ghost, what the hell were those losers thinking

They should add pic related.
>Only SCP that does not spawn as a person when the game begins
>Instead, it spawns as an item in its containment cell
>Any non-scp character can find the mask and equip it, joining the SCP team
>Your base health doesn't change
>You can still pick up and use items as usual
>However, by pressing E you can "charm" people, which causes them to drop all their equipment on the ground and renders you invisible to them for several seconds.
>This ability works even at a moderate distance, but has a cooldown.

Thats not actually a bad idea.

>Computer still isn't back

What's the hold up? Just give him a minimap with nodes to jump to.

>The knife thst takes on the appearance of the victim so dboiz can stealth out as nerds

This is mostly shit
>Spawns on a random dboi in light containment
>Gives you ability to chat with SCPs and SCPs can't kill you
>Can use this to negotiate with Dboiz and scientists to do your bidding
>"I'll get you mercy"
>"I can tell you where they are and if they're approaching us"

They confirmed for some reason they arent doing the minimap, check the trello.

>not a ghost
>not friendly

Seriously, where did this nickname even come from? What's the reasoning behind it?

Stop fucking responding to it

it's one retard shilling his stupid name. once other saw the reactions Casper got fishermen used it as bait for easy (You)s

I guess because he's white and bald?
Lanky and Shyguy are way better

The devs must be brainlets then. A minimap is the only way computer bro will work unless they just give up and make him full on spectator mode.

Stop giving it attention holy shit. Just complete blanket ban on discussing it and he will fuck off. I shouldn't have to explain this concept.

It was just a shitpost mate, stop getting so worked up over it.

>This is mostly shit
To clarify, the mask cannot be removed once equipped, and permanently switches you to the SCP team. And the item would probably spawn somewhere in Heavy, which is fine since 99% of the negotiation faggotry happens in Light anyway.

Forcing negotiation skills on the wearer>gay made up ability

The furry shits up every thread with his garbage name and anti-ff rants. If we ignored him he'd fuck off. Imagine defending a furry Jesus christ

Honestly, your constant whining and bitching is only making it more appealing to continue shitposting. Stop being such a little pussy bitch.

>advocates a complete shut down of posts about the furry
>appealing to shitpost
Either you're a massive newfag or the furry himself. Old Sup Forums would have ignored him off of the threads because we weren't drawn in by his weak bait and knew how to get rid of cancer.

>Fucks up your entire team.

>Old Sup Forums would have ignored him

Then why do you continue to respond to my posts? Are you seeing the problem here yet? I'm not defending the furfag, I'm saying that your constant whining and bitching over a simple shitpost is fucking pathetic. You're only encouraging more people to shitpost to piss you off. Get over it and grow some fucking balls faggot.

>D-class-kun, the mean SCPs are out to get us.
>Can you keep me safe? I will so safe and secure when I'm with you.

>Holds Shift+S down straight hallways
Try to keep up Doc

>Forcing negotiation skills on the wearer>gay made up ability
Oooh I see what you're saying, I misread your post, didn't realize you were presenting an alternative.

However, it's a shit alternative. Four SCPs that are supposed to go around slaughtering people, and a fifth that's supposed to negotiate with them like a bitch? Every single game would end with 035 whining that the other SCPs actually decided to play the game instead of teaming up like faggots.

Negotiating with SCPs is cancer anyway, it should only happen in extreme circumstances, not mechanically encouraged every single fucking round. What's even the point of avoiding SCPs in the early game, if the game gives you a character that talks to them like fucking doctor doolittle?

That could lead to some really bad metagaming, you have one friend play as the computer who feeds info to his friends on another team

>Backs up into door.

When will we get a fully fleshed out jailbreak game? This game revived a long dormant passion

Dosin't GTA have a level like that?

What about those animals that can talk?

>the absolutely beautiful site of watching a furry sprint backwards into a tesla gat

Guys, SCP-055 was added to the game 2 months ago.

Right since you're retarded I'll explain it for you

Every fucking thread he posts about casper or about hating ff and every thread he will get some idiot (or 3) arguing with him. If newfags stopped replying to him in the first place he would go away. The logic is that simple.

My post exists because you haven't grasped that logic yet.

He shouldn't be on the scips team though. He should be trying to escape like all the other dboiz.

Negotiating with the scps can be something he has the ability to do bit in reality will be very unlikely. The point is that he can use the POSSIBILITY of negotiating with scips to get dboiz/nerds to do what he wants them to do. He can also listen in on their comms so he can use thst to get dboiz loyal to him.

>Hehehe hahahah- AW FUCK

This game needs 939 now!


We don't have a SCP-55. Check your files again.

*whips out 1911*
psh, nothin personell, froggy

There isn't an SCP-055 though

SCP-055? Never heard of it.

Holy shit, you still don't fucking get it, do you? I already know about the furfag. You don't need to explain it to me. What I'm trying to tell you is bitching and moaning like a pathetic fucking faggot over and over again over a single shitpost is not helping your case, and in fact, is only making me want to shitpost even more.

Just stop fucking replying to my posts. How fucking hard is that? Stop being an absolute fucking retarded faggot for once in your life.

Don't you remember 055 not being balanced properly?

My turn to play now.

Have they fixed mics yet? Not being able to meme use teamwork is making the game unplayable.

Remember what being balanced properly?

I want to hug Peanut!

Wait, what being balanced?

You keep talking about something that doesn't exist.

I feel like there has to be more stuff to do in light containment besides either hiding in a corner by the entrance trying to juke another SCP coming through or camping the machine room. Maybe add another SCP that spawns down there and stop lanky/larry/doc from going down too early. Maybe if they actually added some interaction with the music sheet room

What the fuck even is 173 anyways?

it's abilities should instead be laying traps with it's corrosive tears, pacifist abilities are fucking shit.

>Literally can't handle being told to stop replying to a cancerous furfag
>Tells someone else to stop replying to them

Oh yeah I 'remember that thing not being balanced properly

You're doing it wrong.

Sorta, sometimes if you join midmatch it can bug out until the round restart but most of the time it works fine.

Please add Abel to

>Oh yeah I 'remember that thing not being balanced properly
What thing not being balanced properly?

Just Weeping Angels angels in a different form. Maybe someone managed to capture one and reshape it into that thing somehow.

Yeah it was definitely not balanced correctly!

You're still responding to my posts. You're doing it wrong.

Don't you remember the thing wasn't balanced properly

Would rather have 209 tbqh familam.

>Players are trapped between 1-20 meters
>They have to do what you say or their skin will melt/lungs will turn to smoke
>Killing other players drains the cup
>You have to use blood or urine to refill the glass if your not near a sink

Wait I do remember something that wasn't balanced properly. But I forget what it was.

You're still responding to my posts. You're the one who's doing it wrong.

If you camp as an SCP your a cunt.

I'll do what the fuck I want newfag. I'll respond if I want and I'll stop responding when I don't want. Fuck you and your furry fetish

Reminder all D-class must die.

It was every damn game for me a week or two ago. I wanted to hop on again, maybe now I finally can.

sometimes i commit suicide so that the doctor doesn't bring me back as a zombie

>expecting me to go topside with the nuke disabled and with all the d-boys and scientists dead

Camping is a legit strategy the majority of the time for scips. Only situation it's cunty is doc at the nuke room.

Yeah, that almost made me quit playing but they fixed it for the most part.

Never trust D bois.
Never trust nerds.
Why would you want to go to spectator instead of being able to play for longer?

>Help D-Bois around as Scientist
>Still end up getting shot in 914 with 3 extra cards in the machine for them

What stops that from already happening with dickheads? It would just quicken the process a little bit while offering so much more for 079 players.

Actually 173 was created months before weeping angels showed up on Dr. Who.

The problem seems to be for servers with over 20 people. I think the /vg/ servers are fine personally. Most people in them want to have fun.

most of the i play zombie i just wonder around heavy containment until MTF come to kill me

Is 106 gay?

Go back to fortnite pls

I'm certain 173 appeared around 2008

Never EVER trust.

>all SCPs are defeated by a fuckload of guys spraying lead down a hallway

This is why friendly fire is needed

Did they say they are adding more containment processes for other scps outside of 106?

If you have ever died to a teslagate, you should be ashamed of yourself.

How would you contain 173?

Stop being a shitter then

*relocates into 914*

How fucked would you be?

sorta reminds me of that hispanic singer Wilkins

How does the SCP Foundation find so many Class-D dudes? Sure there aren't THAT many people on death row.

But I was being chased it wasin't my fault.