Thoughts on Selena?

Thoughts on Selena?

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slut like every other FE girl

She's cute. I wish she had Virion's hair

Sluts are good girls though


sluts are good boys

Guys can't be sluts.

Trash character with non existant substance but a good design like all Awakening characters.

Id rape her.


Fuck her. I keep trying to pull Alm and all I get is Selena.

It's not her fault your luck is shit.

And your smarts seem to be shit too, trying to pull Alm when he shares a color with the entire banner? how stupid can you get?

A shit. Cynthia's miles better, just like her mother

I know, but I want Alm.

So far, I've gotten two Chroms, a Marth, a Lucina, and a Zelgius from this banner. I just need an Alm and I can move on.

I've heard she can be good but I thought her stats were overall underwhelming, she couldn't deal much damage and I had plenty of sword users. What exactly do you need to do to make her useful? Who do you pair her with, is she good breeding material gameplay-wise, etc.


I got Alm on the Free Pull

I got Selena.

She a thot

All child units are broken in Awakening and she's complete and utter garbage in Fates, so she doesn't stand out.

The Fates children were so useless and shoehorned in that they should have just not been in there

I hate her in both of the games she's been in.

Bitch in Awakening, tolerable in Fates as long as we don't mention Hidden Truths

>she's complete and utter garbage in Fates
Have you tried using her as a pegasus knight?

Like all tsundere characters, she's fucking garbage. Never used her in either Awakening or Fates.

She's shit in Cipher! SHIT!

Severa is okay though.

>One of the best supports in Awakening (w/Cynthia).
>I like the extra bit added for if she’s Caeldori’s mom.
>not an Uber jerk in Fates as in Awakening, so much more likeable
>good dynamic with Odin and Laslow in their supports with each other
>Fates design is nice (I like the gambesons that mercenaries wear)
>the first unit I spent feathers to 5star in Heroes, along with Bartre

I grew out of liking tsundere types in my current age, but Selena is pretty much the one exception. I didn’t even marry her in either game.

Is Severa like Cordelia?

She doesn't also corrupt Morgan, does she?

deficient in vitamin D

Absolute shit tier of the highest magnitude, I can't believe this dumb cunt and her whore mom were popular enough to warrant a spot to show up again in fucking Fates.

Did you end up getting Zelgius in Heroes?

Treehouse fucked her up bad

It should have been Cynthia who came back, if a female kid did have to come back. I'd even prefer Noire or Nah.

Even Kjelle.

>doesn't have unique red armor as hero, only as bow knight

I got him two days after I started playing, without trying. It's Alm I'm after.

Shameless copy/paste job of Severa.

Jesus you have a lot of 5*s for somebody who started playing only like a Month ago.
Alm is pretty damn impressive if you refine his Falchion.
Just a fair warning, once you catch up to the current content Orbs become far less plentiful. I'm saving for the Thracia Banner in July myself.

I don't know whether I want Severa as either my daughter or wife my Awakening playthrough

>a month ago
I started playing on February 25th. It's been 12 days. And yeah, I'm struggling to get any orbs at the moment.

Huh. It feels like it's been longer than that.
Also, why did you give Zelgius Wrath? Meme Powder is way better.

daughter to give her a deeper inferiority complex

Wiki said Wrath was better, I had a Nephenee lying around, and I don't like her anyways. If anything, I need some greens, which is why I'm working on improving Nino.

Can't top best daughter Morgan.

Don't listen to the Wiki, it's practically a joke.
Wrath is nice since it gives you more Black Lunas, but only if you're running an Armor Team with Armor March or if you have a flier with Guidance. Otherwise Warp Powder is what you want since it allows his 1-mov ass to get around easier.

worse severa

My team is basically entirely armor, but I do still need armor march. I'll change it back.

Reposition is a good skill

>that line
Reminds me of a song.

Cute girl who 8-4 butchered in Awakening's localisation, like most characters.

Trash jointime in awakening, trash combat in fates, awful personality

How are you enjoying the Genealogy-mode (aka the big maps mode)?
Also, what's your friend code?

0-1 finish sacred stones
2-3 finish PoR
4-5 finish revelations
6-7 finish 7
8-9 replay awakening
0 replay echoes

best twintail
best waifu for lucina

I did the one for orbs and didn't touch the rest. I should get on that soon.


The best waifu for Lucina is my dick inside of her delicious pussy.

Get to it

So, when are we getting those Famitsu scans for the new Warriors DLC


>dude tsundere twintails lmao
just end this fucking series. nintendo is just raping the long-dead corpse of fire emblem at this point and waifufags will eat it up

still more depth than most characters in previous games

Never cared much for Asuka. Preferred Misato to her and Rei.

I'm hearing we might get some news tomorrow. The Fire Emblem Warriors Twitter is at least hinting at it.

Cute girl
She suffers in a very satisfying manner

my girl desu.

Famitsu scans usually show up on tuesday/wednesday.

Good to know.

Same. -hp +DEF

I don't wanna get cucked so I let her die

My cute daughter.

Where did you get this footage of my first date?

Worse than Inigo/Laslow
Even worse than top Leil