mfw twitch chat is more racist and less tolerant than Sup Forums in 2018
the future looks bright
mfw twitch chat is more racist and less tolerant than Sup Forums in 2018
the future looks bright
I am unsure of the purpose of this thread.
long story short some overwatch league player got fined and banned from playing because he made TriHard comment to blizzard official channel and they got mad over it now everyone spamming trihard emote in twitch channel making it really racists
that's dumb
la creatura
Go to overwatchleague chat and post the TriHard emote
cmonBruh chu mean
all racists should be executed
so much for the tolerant left
>say some words
>get finned
Overclucks will defend this
Isn't that racist as hell? You know how many non-whites would be executed?
you can't be racist against whites
I like how people actually use this argument and think it's a good thing but what it really sounds like they're saying is that non-whites aren't capable
>implying non-whites can't be racist against other non-whites
you know non-whites aren't a team, right? they're tribal as fuck
>implying non-whites can't be racist against other non-whites
its called colorism
bunch of white people being offended on behalf of non whites
t. KevinTurtle
It's got to the point where people are discussing removing the black emotes to stop the racism.
No matter how much they censor, the chat will always create new memes to imply something racist.
Currently, you only need to say "I'm thinking it" and that's enough.
remember BigNig? that shit was racist, this is kinda funny
people will keep being "racist" as long as it's taboo
the only way forward is to legalize racism
no it's not, it's a fucking joke to bait people into typing BigNig
Also niggers