What were his last thoughts?
What were his last thoughts?
>did I leave the iron on
Man, trusting the Horde sure didn't backfire as it always fucking does!
>I hope they dont find my orc porn collection
>lol he's just gonna sell whatever I disenchant into on the horde auction house
>No! This can't be happening! I'm in charge here!
lok'tar ogar my ass
>I gave my life to a worthless gnome and a God damn furry that has never won a battle in their life...
Came in here to post this buy with oven, fuck off
But with*
Looks like a really fucking painful way to die, but at least BASED Illidan gave Guldan a equally painful death, even crushed his fucking skull to pieces. Still felt really bad for Varian, but he died a king's death.
Evidently you were not prepared.
>will just deal with rez sickness for a bit
>Sure hope the graveyard is close
Did this just get memed into existence? Cia never says this but I see it attributed to him all the time.
>They can't hold a hill for five fucking minutes against trash because spaceships shot aoes at them they were too retarded to move out of
Just a little bit more and that portal was getting nuked to shit by the guys doing the hard job
he died a stupid death
they should've just left the broken shore at the first sign of trouble and mana bombed that shit to the stone age
*auuugh* Mitch plaese *uhhhh*
I immediately quit the game after this. Couldn't handle another cliche story filled with characters that used to be good in WC3.
>God fucking damnit this is fucking painful.
>I sure hope this doesn't damage my sould and prevent me from having an afterlife of some kind.
>I may have made the wrong decision here
But then there would be no plot or reason to have an expansion such as Legion.
Fug xddd
Take care, my son.
>Should have quit after WotLK
>You fucked up my face!