So what's up with byakuya having all those lewd pics of his sister on his wall? I get he was super close to her, and maybe even wanted to fug but I dont see why she'd let him take a photo of her like that in her underwear.
How the fuck do you deal with Merkava?
UNIST Under Night In Birth Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
I stand by what I said last time on this subject, anyone who puts up those kind of pictures of their family members in their bedroom, I don't roll with
I agree it's creepy af, even if his sister is a qtp2t
new player here, I was gonna try to learn Seth but after spending about 4 hours trying to do his bnb and not getting it, I think i'm just gonna move on
How good are Eltnum, Merkava, Orie and Wagner for beginners? Can I get a ranking for difficulty of combos? I was trying Eltnum's bnb earlier and was able to get them fairly easy. I looked at Wagners' and it seems really long for a supposedly gorilla character.
>Can I get a ranking for difficulty of combos?
Mission Mode exists, look for yourself user.
mission mode doesn't cover actual bnb's sometimes though
also i've done them all up to their 4-1's
adding onto my original post, how difficult is Byakuya? His combos feel pretty easy but i've heard he's still kind of difficult, why?
Wagner is a lot easier than she seems, her combos are pretty simple and look cool. A lot of her moves are multihitting so it looks like a lot when it isn't. Of the characters you mentioned Eltnum is probably the hardest. Honeslty as suggested, just fuck around with all of em and pick who you like. Play who you enjoy not who you find easy. All it takes is practice.
Byakuya is considered difficult because he's a very setplay oriented character, he's all about getting his webs up which is situational, there's no 1 solution for everything. He's hard becuase you have to use your brain.
Eltnum's combos are pretty easy I'd say, I still fuck them up sometimes but I'm doing some relatively dumb ones instead of basic BnBs off of some starters, mostly you just have to remember when you have bullets and get used to j.C/j.B > 66C in some routes.
oh shit
i'm a brainlet so I might stay away from him then
really? would you mind posting her standard bnb then? the only thing i could find was a video from a while back that said 'bnb for beginners' but there were like 20 inputs
yeah i'm playing around with her in training mode, but i've been working on the 421B 6B 2a route because the j.b/c feels weird
They do though.
4-x missions are optimal and they should be a good gauge on how characters are, at least for anyone that isn't Enkidu or Wagner.
The only problem is that you need to identify which combos are the real BnBs. 4-2 missions for example are the simplest BnBs off medium starters while 4-1s sometimes are slightly more tight and optimal light confirms.
I dont know her bnb since i havent played her in a while, but she's hard because of her timing mechanic and ammunition compared to the others which have no resources to worry about
>timing mechanic and ammunition
i was asking about wagner's standard bnb, are you talking about eltnum?
I dunno, I don't even training mode like that but I don't think Eltnum's combos are hard unless you're trying to do 236[A] and 236[B] stuff most of the time. In fact I hate labbing
Here's one I use. It's a pretty standard one
5B > 6B > 6C > [FF] > 22A > 66B > 214[A] > 66C > 236A~A > j236[A}
Although, it's recommended for most Wagners to trade buffing at the end of the combo instead of trying to milk out the damage. This combo can be modified with a 236B for crossing up and can be made into couple other combos.
There's a tournament happening in a few minutes if anyone wants to join, could be good practice
and here's the stream twitchtv
I've had terrible connection with Saffron so I'm not going to bother. I don't trust my connection enough.
why does this game have no doujins or hentai, wtf
Didn't know he played UNI, guess he got into it with this version. Anyway I have family over now and it's negatively impacting my connection as it is according to this lobby. Also there's a lobby up if anyone wants to play, pass is vee.
can you give some tips on what to do with her in neutral?
Only like 100 people play it
If they're leaving you alone, buff.
If not you've got to integrate them into your combos, during or after. You still have excellent buttons across the board. 5A is fast as shit, 5B covers great range, 6B can smack people with some deceptive hitboxes on the second swing, and 5C is relatively fast for a C button. 66C is also an amazing dashing low.
Its too early the shitposters will kill you
even in japan?
Like 90% of the fans are more concerned about fighting each other than making art, much less porn.
I'm talking about the Japanese. They're really dedicated though.
Why do you guys play so fucking late though? and on fucking weekdays to boost?
Cause that's how we got the most amount of people. Any thread made earlier just died with only like 2 people playing.
Hard empirical data dictated this.
They're stuck in their old ways, you can make a lobby whenever you want though, don't submit to them
Small game, good company, gotta keep it low key. its like one of those underground clubs barely anyone goes to, looks dinky as shit but its actually pretty chill
I wawnna fuck merkava
actually i'm curious, can you expand a bit more on how his setplay works? I think his character design is top tier, but I also heard his defense/neutral is trash
>you can make a lobby whenever you want though
I would but my internet it's shit.
>defense is trash
Pretty accurate. His buttons aren't the fastest but they have fantastic range to make up for it. He has no meteral reversal either.
Honestly depends on your reverse-beats since you can really make the most out of his range, with his 2B and 2C, reverse it back to 2A, and start again. 66C can catch people trying to zone you out and you can convert off it with a web
His setplay involves his 214, the webs. He can have 3 of them at the time and all of his combos will work toward trying to get you to the corner to make it start. By finishing a combo with 623C, you're given a couple seconds to set up shop and set up your webs. From there, you can utilize said big normals to try and crack open your opponent while the 3 active webs will at least stop them from trying something. The webs and the follow-ups themselves perform the bulk of his damage as two of their follow ups cause hard knockdowns.
It feels good to play this game against people, I need to play it more to be less bad since I can't learn any other way
would you say he's bad to learn for a beginner? are his bnb's particularly difficult?
If you really want to make him work, his 4-1 and 4-2 are the simpler variations of his optimal BnBs. If you can at least make 4-2 work, you should be good to go on the damage part at least.
>Putting yourself on autopass right as I need to go get something
It's fine, I'll take a win
His missions say his 236C is an invincible reversal, and it definitely seems to function that way when I play him. Does it not have invul or something?
Ya here yet, mahou? I'd rather not type out my advice on PSN.
So is there a lobby up?
Invuln on start-up which is the important part.
I unauto'd!
There is. No clue how long it's going to stay since I'm not the one hosting.
How hard is it to find matches in this and how's the netcode? Should I get it on PC or PS4?
you'll have to wait like half a year for that user. also
>fighting games on pc
That's the old game user. No one plays that one anymore.
>How hard is it to find matches
Pretty easy as of the western release
>Should I get it on PC or PS4
PC doesn't exist so there's your answer. Get it on PS3 if you have one since you won't need to get PS+ for online
Man I am like 1 for 12 on those 63214Bs tonight
>fighting games on pc
I thought anime fighters were generally bigger on PC, I know GG has a bigger PC scene compared to PS4 and also less delay
Fuck, I forgot about that
How's Hilda? Never tried a zoner before, and the negative edging seems a bit scary, but how would she be for a relatively new player? I like her laugh a lot
From the words of last year's national champion, she takes a lot of knowledge about the game to play effectively.
You've got big enough buttons to abuse and bully people but you're basically dead if someone gets past that.
Mahou, you keep using 236C after an unbuffed 236A, there's no fucking point to this unless you really want to eke out the damage from something you can't really convert off from. Cut that shit out of your habits unless you're going for the kill.
One variation I'd add to your combo: that 3C you add to your combos after the 66B, instead of going for the divekick in the air-combo, I think you can add a fully charged jC. You're going to have to practice this but much like Gord, you can follow up the charged hit with a jA > jB and land fast enough to continue the combo before the hard knockdown applies, letting you fit another property in. You're still buffing while air-teching and while I still say that's risky, I guess it's still somewhat working out for you.
I'm also glad you're contesting your buttons against more stuff, I chose a good time to practice Seth's command grabs to really force you to press something.
>Lobby started 6PM
>Still only 3 people
This, this is why early lobbies don't work out.
I'm working too hard tonight
tell me the name and Ill join
Dude said it right here It's vee
i might still try her but the fact that you're dead if someone gets on top of you sounds kind of shitty
It doesn't feel good to work this hard
do you have any tips for playing seth? i'm trying to learn his bnb, Any Ground String > 5C (> 5CC) > 214[B] > Fastfall~6X > j.6C > j.236B > j.214A > delay 214A~C > (Orb Hits) > 6C (> Orb Oki)
but i'm finding it just very awkward in general. for one, i can't get the fastfall kick reliably because of the motion. i also cannot get the j.6C basically ever. i haven't gotten further than that in the combo yet because I like to learn combos in tiny parts
Man Seth sure is confusing, I don't even know what I'm supposed to block.
>i can't get the fastfall kick reliably because of the motion.
This definitely was a big hurdle when starting out. Playing Seth really makes you pay attention to what side you're going to end on. It feels like a such a flurry of motions you need to input but the more you do and try it, the easier it gets. One trick is that you don't need to input the 6X after the fast-fall, you just need to hold down a button and then press forward, or back depending on side, and the follow-up kick should come out. That made it really easy for me.
>i also cannot get the j.6C basically ever
I had more trouble reliably getting 236B into 214A the first time. It's easier to do a quick jump-back into j.6C instead of a neutral jump to angle the attack better.
I've wanted to learn Seth since UNIEL but the price for missing shit for him in that version was fatal, plus the lack of mission mode made it tougher. With [st], I was dead-set on learning him but even then, it took me 2 months of practicing online to really get my fingers accustomed to his execution. I wasn't able to get past his 4-2 mission for 2-3 months but after practice, everything fell into place.
OP here, I honestly just wanted to know why Byakuya's sister would pose for a picture like that in her underwear.
oh i'm also having trouble getting the fastfall out in general
i'm doing the 2AB version of the fast fall but, i just can't get it sometimes and it's frustrating
how did you overcome that?
I just mash 22 on my D-pad. I use both the analog stick and d-pad on my DS4 depending on the situation.
I'm really bad at spending my meter so it's become a habit but at least I get a few more hundred damage in, r-right? I use the divekick because I drop it too much otherwise. It should be possible to do j.[C] though just again I drop my things a lot if I don't divekick. I suppose I just need to hit the training room still I can never seem to get the nicer looking combos online, I did the IWEX combo in mission mode though. Buffing while air-teching? That's probably just me fumbling my inputs and it looks like that, I try to make the best of it. Those were good matches, I learned some but I still don't really "get it" you know, when to attack after all this time. I'm getting lucky with some hits in but I don't convert well often. Thanks for the advice~.
I'm glad I get to play with anyone at these times since I can't play at midnight usually.
oh you play on pad
maybe i should give 22 a try
>at least I get a few more hundred damage in, r-right?
For half your bar? Hardly.
>Buffing while air-teching?
You end your combos with your opponents hanging in the air trying to tech while you've already landed and trying to buff. I still think it's safer to buff after a knockback or hard knockdown on the ground to be safe. You might get grabbed out of buffing.
> I learned some but I still don't really "get it" you know
If you want to improve your awareness, I really suggest watching some pro matches to see what connects into what.
And yeah, GGs
Also, if you have worries over meter usage, just 236A > 22C. That's always a good way to just buff yourself and continue pressure. You like 236A enough so just get that into your habits.
Or hell, even just chain shift into 623C would be better to get out of pressure.
It's really weird because the game itself follows a no pantyshot rule.
That's mostly for sprites. Swimsuits are A-Okay
you can see Phonon's for like a frame or so, they even change with the color you choose.
How is that possible when she wears leggings
How do I play Eltnum in neutral? I've finally gotten her bnb down, but I have no idea how to actually play her
most of her alt colors are either with high tights or knee socks, there are a couple with bare legs too
Reverse beat 2A and 2B
2C is amazing
236x gunshots to keep people from jumping in
Charged gunshots that CH can be followed up from full screen if it lands
66C hits high and can catch certain aerial attacks
Cancel into 421A after some offensive pressure to cross someone up and catch them off guard.
I'm finally awake, or at least I feel awake. Man my inputs are really bad tonight. I don't like to blame lag though, I'm just dropping this stuff.
>Charged gunshots that CH can be followed up from full screen if it lands
followed up with another shot?
No, if you land the charged gunshot and it's a CH, you can run up and 2C them into a combo.
>inputs get cloned
>no pantyshot rule.
is this for real? Did the devs say something like this? Or is it just cause there are no easily seen ones?
Lowest Test Scores
>Hyde: 40
>Carmine: 2
>Orie: 78
>Seth: I'm sorry
>Byakuya: Skip
>Nanase: 52
Confirmed on stream years ago
No pantyshots, but some colors are very risque.
My internet is getting super shitty for some reason, so I'll see you guys later. GGs
But do you play your waifu
yeah!! but i only have a torrented version of the game, i haven't played in any of the Sup Forums lobbies :(
>yeah!! but i only have a torrented version of the game
>not giving French Bread support
You fucking disgust me.
>You end your combos with your opponents hanging in the air trying to tech while you've already landed and trying to buff.
Okay, now I see what you mean. I think it's also not as safe but if I can get away with it sometimes. What's worse is when I buff on whiff or block FF. I'm frustrated that I do see this happening but my fingers already did it.
>Or hell, even just chain shift into 623C would be better to get out of pressure.
This is a good idea, I try to do it without CS sometimes and it doesn't seem to work. I tend to save it to get more EXS or look for an openings during block strings (doesnt work often I think I'm doing it wrong since I just get GRD broken more than half the time).
Good games!
Ggs mahou your Wagner has gotten better
I think Linne is the cutest but her playstyle just isn't my type.
Oh well.
At least you know she's the best
>Seth: I'm sorry
>Byakuya: Skip
what did they mean by this
i'm too noob for the Sup Forums lobbies anyways :*(
not possible
TFW I wanna get back into this game but the pc scene is dead and due to circumstances I don't want to go into I can't play it on PS4. That being said if anyone's is interested I can start a lobby for PCfags.
Is the lobby EC? I just got the game and would like to play
Do you guys know if the trophies from the japanese version stack with the us version?