The word toxic is becoming increasingly popular everyday

>the word toxic is becoming increasingly popular everyday
>you can't talk shit in games anymore because everyone takes it seriously
What's next?

Go eat a wall of dicks.

>I keep talking shit online and not care that a bunch of fat sweaty autist get triggered

>playing multiplayer

stop playing multiplayer and stop playing singleplayer games with micro transactions

Idk dude I prefer that people are not openly racist or homophobic anymore. It's nice not being told to kill myself or get random hate mail. I mean I get it's bants in all but playing from CS 1.6 to games like overwatch, I've found it a lot more friendly in the latter.

>devs sets out to secure chats and banning ""toxic"" players instead of updating their game

>What's next?
People stop playing games that don't let you run your own server with your own rules

no fun allowed anymore only serious videogaming time because killing the 14 year olds is serious business

Is there a more reddit word than 'toxic'?

>What's next?
Next you start acting like a grown up or get banned.

my benis is right here and ready for you

people will always be toxic they will just make up new words and most of it can be done through tone you can either mute them or talk shit back

I wouldn't mind the bants so much if they were actual quality but most of them are just 12 year olds and 20 somethings calling each other faggots and niggers still. Pretty stale desu.

Well said my fellow good gentleindividual, I for one welcome these changes in the videogame industry, toxicity is not to be taken lightly, together we can create a sophisticated and intellectual environment for us refined people

Honestly its way more uncomfortable in games where everyone is attempting to keep up this false positivity where little seeps of passive aggression slip through.
I'd much rather someone just call me a cum juggling retard

This is why the only multiplayer game I play anymore that has a voice system is old CS servers. A lot of the active ones still have a no racism rule but that's required people to actually think about a good insult instead of just resorting to the low hanging fruit.

Ummm you can always play another game you know that right? :)

This isn't your safe space, it's not meant to make you comfortable.... don't let the door hit you on your way out (:

I stopped playing CS 1.6 a while ago but I still play a few free HL2 mods that work in a similar way. Some will have a no racism rule or just no "real" racism, i.e. using it for trash talk is fine if you're obviously joking around

>played Vermintide 2 all day today. Not one person said anything mean

If I stay away from normie games will I never have to deal with getting flamed?

not op, but its less about caring that people get butthurt, and more that having a spine and shit talking online with nerds who do the same with you is increasingly "problematic." it's a disappointing cultural shift.

You realize you just pointed out that it's just barbaric retards, right?

Well at least racism is becoming more and more socially acceptable

Natsoc utopia soon

Just grow some creativity and expand your vocabulary beyond "nigger", "faggot" and "kill yourself". Everything else gets a pass.

The government should control private businesses to stop banning people.

Fuck off commie.

Fuck off resetera

I love that the only ones with this problem are the stupid faggots that love multiplayer, meanwhile I am having fun playing single player, while they used to laugh at me for that.

>playing multiplayer in games
>playing multiplayer and talking to complete strangers
>not playing the thousands of engaging single player games out there
>instead complaining like an autist about muh free speech
Move the fuck on. Don't like it don't play it, simple as that.

No and nobody is ever gonna make me fuck off either because I stay ahead of the banned word filter and therefore never get suspended or banned.

>Can't say nigger
>Can't say faggot
>Can't say anything derogatory
How the FUCK! will I survive? I can't fucking deal with this shit!!!!! these ASSHOLES are taking away muh freedoms.

It took devs like 15 years to finally get around to dealing with people calling each other fags, kikes and jews. Why don't you guys start using more obscure slurs instead? It'll take devs at least another 5 years before they get around to doing something about it.

Sorry you don't get to use those words because I say so.

i know bro atleast isis fucks up some normies with their bombings and shit

toxic is more of a tumblr word


I love how faggots complain about freedom of speech but don't conceded that companies have the right to censor them. Bunch of fucking hypocrites.
Didn't you all love capitalism or something, Sup Forums?

>The main champion against these practices are a bunch of retarded furries that rightfully get banned from every community because they're whiny beta faggots who act like the niggers they insult
Thanks OP, you sure did a good job representing our side.

Oh look an American who doesn't understand what free speech entails. How new and original.

>government says you can't make false bomb threats or falsely shout fire! in a crowded theatre
>nobody complains
>private companies say you can't swear on their video game platforms

lmao more like "let me say whatever I feel like speech"

i blame Americans

Murrikans are fucking stupid, they really believe in their """"freedums"""""

>this whole thread
>waaah a company's rights end where my feelings begin
>b-b-b-big b-b-b-brother please stop the mean o-o-old companies

When did Sup Forums become overrun by al these soy-chugging communists? If you faggots don't like capitalism, you can fuck straight off the China.

>act autistic

Start reporting people for toxic behavior as your form of shit talking. It's your system to abuse user. No one can prove if you're actually offended or not.

stop crying about pol