which one will flop?
Which one will flop?
I hope a way out becomes a good game, but being honest, unless they implement a matchmaking on steam or release a 2copy bundle for less than 70 bucks, its going to sell pretty badly.
A way out probably has the highest flop potential. Ni No Kuni is a niche title so it doesn't have to set the global sales chart on fire. Sea of Thieves seems to be hyped despite my own personal misgivings. Early word on Far Cry 5 has been good on the gameplay and it seems to be doing well on the preorders.
I've never even heard of 2 of those.
Ni no Kuni 2 or A Way Out. The other two will be fine saleswise even if they're awfully received.
a way out > ni no kuni > sea of thieves > far cry 5
this is from most likely to flop to least likely
>sea of thieves
>tied to w10
>when every sane person is still using w7
>Not owning an Xbox One X, the most powerful console ever created, with over 100+ free titles available on Xbox Game Pass and over 500+ of your favorite Xbox and Xbox 360 titles thanks to Backwards Compatibility.
fuck even on my day off my job still shills at me
I like RPGs so I play on PC, 3DS and PSV.
XBOX has absolutely nothing that interests me besides two or three games from the 360 era.
what the fuck is this from?
You don't actually think anyone still uses W7 seriously... right?
>*spies on you*
the game comes with a code so that a friend can play with you
Yes, and so does W10, and your ISP and Linux libraries and your phone... dumbass
>*emails your furry porn to the fbi*
The two you didn't even bother including, Atelier Lydie and Suelle and The Witch and the Hundred Knight 2
Ni no kuni is pretty niche and probably won't sell well. A way out might be a bit too niche aswell. Sea of thieves has a huge streamer bonus and farcry 5 is your average AAA game that alot of people will buy.
A way out will flop and Far Cry 5 will sell the most
Probably A Way Out, I completely forgot it existed.
>day one edition
Why do jap games do this? Ill see "day one editions" at best buy brand new like 3 years after the game came out
Ubisoft games sell no matter how bad and regurgitated they are
$30 and you can invite anyone to play with you even if they don't have a copy.
Is anyone else entirely uninterested in NNK2 because they removed familiars?
I dunno, why so fucking pessimistic? You can play Sea of Thieves for this weekend for free right now if you want to try it.
The two multiplayer games of course. They'll big big for a week at most and then vanish.
Im gonna guess all except nino kuni.
Nino probably won't sell immensely but I imagine it'll have solid numbers for its title.
Far cry 5 is the biggest game there and the current trend these days makes me think its gonna do quite poorly. Not a major disaster but nowhere near as big as expected
A way out is probably gonna be just OK but I imagine it'll die out quickly.
Sea of thieves will basically be no mans sky level flop.
the two on the right
found the weeb
but i can't because i don't have windows gay 10