High Elf or Dark Elf?

High Elf or Dark Elf?

the absolute state of elder scrolls

Japanese dark elf.


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That was never an elf.

Always Dunmer.
But I love all races, even Argonian and Khajiit ladies.

Tits too big
Hips too wide

>elf means human with pointy ears

Indeed, it's a chocolate elf

Skyrim looks like THAT?

fuck elves, dwarf master race

Dunmer. I have no idea what OP posted, though.

That fanart elf looks nothing like a dunmer.

i wish the argonians would finally purge the dunmah


Play her visual novel. Just don't be a pleb and only masturbate to pretty pictures.



My Oblivion character looks exactly like that picture though.


That's a blue elf, not a dark elf. And its face is horrendous.

Say what?




WoW goblins are great

Anyone got pictures of the original big titty muscle-orc mods that were knocking around years ago?



Alright do to some requests I've gone ahead and created the idle elf girl for a couple of anons in here

And what is her visual novel?

Taking fat nord cock




>Ctrl to interact

From what godforsaken hole did you crawl from

Did you remove her hip bones entirely?


Some mod that fix the argonian fucken ugly faces?