Heres your controller bro

Heres your controller bro

dude sweet,


>Honey, PB, and Banana Sandwich on toast
Fucking nothings better in the morning

Why would someone pour a lemon reduction sauce on a cob of corn?

>Black woman


Unga bunga banana punga

That's a fucking banana with honey on it, you fucking troglodyte plebeian.

who else would enjoy a banana that much?

>random whiteboi on a laotian imageboard


source before 404

What kind of a fool do you take me for? I wasn't born yesterday.


>Black woman


Post more hot negresses.

God I want to suck a dripping dick one day.

>tfw you wouldn't even remotely be challenging for her to take.

low test


I can't make precum myself. I want to taste it.


>I can't make precum myself


Not all men produce precum. Or at least not in quantities large enough that it drips out of the urethra.

Does bananas with honey taste good? I want to try it.

Do you like bananas?
Do you like honey?
