Checkmate, Sony Ponies!

Seems as if Persona 5 is coming to the Nintendo Switch.

Not blurry enough.

>got my hands on
>posts pic of ui

So a twitter shitposter is what passes for validity nowadays on Sup Forums.
How far you have fallen.

get a life

>How far you have fallen.
not far enough

I wonder if this is one of the games they're going to talk about during the Xbox Direct tomorrow. It's either that or Nier Automata or both.

>photoshop and image
>view it on Switch's image viewer
>take a blurry phot of it

I hope you can fit Mara up your ass, this is shit bait.

Who wants Persona 5 on Switch anyways?

>Shinobi Refle as the fourth recently used software
>No separate Japanese account
>Everything else is in English

Why is Sony letting all their games go to other platforms?

Fake and gay


Or they're using a Japanese account only.

Mario Oddessy and Rocket league come with english.

so now the switch is even getting ps3 ports

Is the jap accounts locked to moonrunes?
Im playing with an american account with taco text

Is he taking a photo of the switch with another fucking switch?

No they're not, you can select your language during set up and then even add a Japanese account.

t. It's What I did.

Even the system UI is in English. Shouldn't that be in Japanese, too?



No the UI language isnt locked to your account.

It's not like it's emulatable start to finish on PC already.

Yes I also excel in Photoshop

So they just happen to only have a Japanese Nintendo account on their English Switch? Though judging from the fact that they even have Shinobi Refle, that could be true.

Yeah It's what I did. Granted I've moved back to UK now so I have a UK and JP account but it's possible. Switch is very region free.

Not saying image is legit, just saying it's possible to have a japanese account and use the system in english. the only thing that would be in Japanese would be the eShop