Don't mind me, just being the best party member in Persona 5.
Don't mind me, just being the best party member in Persona 5
>inb4 retards claiming Mona is better
he's better makotofag
Is this because of last thread?
I'll say it again: Mona > mobbing. Makoto > bosses.
You also get diminishing returns past 70ish in DPS because of the damage formula.
t. autist from last thread
but then Mona becomes better again as soon as there are status effects
How is that possible when Joker exists?
Sorry I stole your hair instead of your heart.
Holy shit
Psst, dumb cat.
>persona becomes terrible when it evolves
Why even make it a motorcycle in the first place
I don't see any difference.
Haru was a mistake.
Makoto > Paper Cat
Makoto at least can take a punch without dying.
Actually. Makoto is better at status removal. Energy shower is way more useful than Me Patra because mind ailments remove you from the fight. But equips/items are more flexible than both in that regard.
Fun fact: Joker can do 3000+ damage with his gun. That's right dude is so good he doesn't even need attacking abilities.
>tanking damage in a game with "heal to full" spells
You'll will take damage nonetheless, unless you max your agility somehow.
I am referring to Salvation, which then means Morgana saves you a turn because you often want to cast Mediarahan anyway.
A gentle reminder that only literal cucks express any desire outside of friendship from Makoto.
>having to need those spells in the first place
Sup Forums's retardation will never cease to amaze
>Haru forehead memes
As if Haru didn't already give me enough reasons to hate her. Fuck you people for picking that up of all things
yeah and then I'll heal it, no probs. Her defense only matters for convenience and longevity in the early middle game.
Go suck a dick Grojo.
Unironically the most retarded character ever.
Joker is the MC. Party member obviously means the people you switch out.
Yes but the difference is with Morgana you'll be constantly healing YOU FUCKING RETARD HOLY SHIT
why wouldn't I? what are you trying to say?
But then Ann or Haru would be the best.
Play a difficulty other than safety.
t. played on easy
Which I will anyway. Shrug.
The most worthless shit in boss fights.
Shut the fuck up right now.
I play on hard.
>Morgana you'll be constantly healing
Yeah one turn before he dies.
When is this being ported to pc
Heat Riser is amazing, and One-Shot Kill mixed with her gun passives if fucking bonkers.
Right after the Switch.
So never PKEK
You obviously didn't if you think Mona is a better party member than Makoto. Morgana is only useful for healing outside of combat.
What? Are you upset? I leveled to 99 on the Reaper. He even has a 50 SP armor, but he doesn't need it. If I want to alternate Mediarahan and Salvation off Morgana, I can, and I will. What? Not hardcore enough for you? Suck shit faggot.
>Robin Hood
>ray gun and lightsaber
Hate him all you want but he was stylin' all over everyone else.
Thats my point. His glass ass is fucking useless.
I actually forgot about salvation. Eh, he kinda gets it too late for that to matter on palace bosses, it cost a tad to much SP and Grail ailments can't be healed. It's good for twins definitely since freeze=death.
Try ambushing.
Triple down +snipe/cripple is fucking batshit insane. Does about the same damage as God hand. Also she has makakarn for reaper loops.
>"best party member"
>isn't OP enough to consistently buff your party without consequence
Excuse you!
I did and he is. His buff is better, his physical is better, and his status cure is literally irreplaceable. Deal with it faggot.
You are full of shit.
Where the fuck are the calvo edits?
If you want to use Mona aka the Poor Man's Makoto then all powers to you.
I will not have another round of argument with P5onlis who don't know what's the difference between Luck and Agility is.
miracle punch >>>>>>>>>>any in makoto has
>miracle punch
>useful after lever 60
Why do Makotofags always insist that Makoto is the best character in P5 in every way?
Why? What's so unbelieveable? It took like 3 hours or something.
>3 hours
Because she objectively is.
>Hate him all you want
well judging by the Japanese Confidant popularity poll it seems that everyone likes him
>easy crits aren't useful
>he never fused treasure demons
Move over Makotofags and Monafags, surperior healer coming through.
It’s nice feeling special
Why do antiMakotofags always insist that Makoto is not the best character in P5 in every way?
She is the best in combat, hands down. Morganafags are NG brainlets.
*everyone in Japan likes him
Because she's not. She's not amazing, she's just okay. But makotofags insist that she's this 10/10 character.
I can do that solo with Joker, what's your point?
Futabae pulling off clutch moments makes her best girl.
No shit, he's literally the main character minus the bonuses you get for friendship.
>Fun fact: Joker can do 3000+ damage with his gun.
>he somehow skipped Ann and never got to Haru
Return your copy, fampai.
It's a classic noob trap, isn't it. Sick stats, but shitty skills without synergy.
Because she is. She's amazing, she's more than okay. But antimakotofags insist that she's this 4/10 character.
>his physical is better
How about some arguments? What is it she achieves better than others?
Actually because of the way stats are distributed amongst shadows and the way your team levels up it only gets better.
The difference in luck becomes more and more substantial and thus making it more consistent. Also free bps, knock downs, and AOA is way better than whatever Makoto does besides heal and occasionally using nuke spells
It's weird. Chiefags admitted Chie was shit until power charge but Makotofags can't do the same.
Ann is best for Magic damage only, Haru is useless outside of her gun skill, and you don't need heat Riser that much. Debilitating is much more important.
Yes medium damage with crit is much better than medium damage to all because of 1 more
simple shit
>cunty attitude
>mary sue characterization
>a fucking motorcycle
>worst social link
4/10 is generous.
The motorcycle is cool though
>medium damage
NG babby
Ryuji is since two DPS ends P5 bosses in only a couple turns, but Ann, Makoto, and Ryuji is the best party setup.
Yes makoto's best physical skill is medium damage to all
you don't get rebellion until end game. otherwise morgana is literally the only person who could get you all outs and treasure demons with no weakness to exploit.
can you stop
>objectively best support
>Best awakening
>best Persona
>get her persona because of her character and not because of revenge like the rest
>martial artist
>the ONLY girl who changed after you romance her while the rest just stayed the same.
>she's not a cunt
Try again
So how does that make them bad and make Makoto shine? Ann's magic is stupid strong and Haru's gun damage is obscene with her passives.
just going
>objectively best support
isn't an argument you know
why do you waifufags have an opinion one video games? why can't you let us sperg in peace?
I could
>isn't an argument you know
Statistically she's better, no point in arguing that.