Have you beaten the twins Sup Forums?

Have you beaten the twins Sup Forums?

With my paddle? Yes.


I want them to gang up on me and bully my dick.

Yeah, but I was a shitter who used the reaper exploit to get to level 99.

They're the easiest ultimate boss in the entire series
I beat them at around 70, none of my party died or even got below half health
You can even set up a persona for the MC that is immune to literally everything and just auto-attack your way through the whole fight, really underwhelming.

Didn't want to play it more than I had to when I finished the game.

Farmed to get hassou tobi that's it

Of course

Also, this was on """Hard""" mode

That's a very nice picture

it's all yours my friend :)

The chart who broke the game

No, I haven't replayed it and don't think I will until it gets a re-release.

Did it with only Joker and groo just for kicks.



I want them to beat me

>They're the easiest ultimate boss in the entire series
Because they don't have inane arbitrary rules they insta-kill you for not following.

You want little demons to step on your dick and make fun of you?
That would scar someone somewhere im sure

Cant you just make a bunch of resistance cards.

>have to restart the entire game for this boss fight
>doesn't even have a unique theme

Not worth it.

Not as fun as gacha

>no going in immune to literally every form of attack is an inane arbitrary rule
Why even bother?

Why doed Joker look so fucking weird and giraffey

If you're not allowed to block an attack, you would literally have to look at a guide to know which personas to use and build them accordingly. That's a puzzle, not a boss fight. You're encouraged to make personae with resistances and immunities, except for the super boss. Fuck Elizabeth.

They could have easily just done what they did with Beelzebub in DDS - At the start of the fight, he does an attack that neutralizes all immunities. There, no need for 9999 Medidolaons and you get to have a fight that is actually a challenge. Alternatively, just give the twins piercing skills like in modern SMTs.

I don't beat my wife/wives.

Nah. I didn't realize that you had to fight them before the final dungeon, and I didn't feel like replaying the game again just so I could walk all over them with an invincible Yoshi.

I've had sex with them.

Yes. I cheesed the fuck out of them with a broken Yoshitsune

>Alternatively, just give the twins piercing skills like in modern SMTs.

Pierce overriding Reflection didn't happen until Apocalypse.

I don't NG+ JRPGs, that's a waste of fuckin time

Oh right, Haven't played IV in a while. Still, Apoc came out before 5, and it was a logical gameplay tweak anyway.
Still, DDS is ancient and solved the problem in a really simple manner that only affected that fight and wouldn't be hard at all to program in.

Playing any game is a waste of fuckin time you fuckin idiot

not him but yeah that's pretty much all I want out of my sex life now I've given up on pic related

I've beat it to the twins if that's what you mean


blonde lolis are ALWAYS top tier

prove me wrong

I AM a twin

tfw no lavenza doujins

I've beaten it to the twins.

even DDS had demifiend who just ganks you for breaking one of a dozen arbitrary rules

Yeah, DDS1
DDS2 didn't, that's why I mentioned it.
And in DDS1/2 you can hotswap any skill at any time, it's not like in Persona where you would have to re-grind demons/macca if you picked a skill the boss didn't like

>Sup Forums screencap literally from Facebook
>that artifacting
Fuck off, dumb faggot.

Why would I force myself through hours of Persona 5 filler again?

got bored before that and ditched the game

and yet if I'd changed the image name you'd never know
keep basking in your false sense of superiority when you're just as much of a faggot as me if not more

Would you rather her have no doujins or doujins of her NTRing Joker?

>If you don't deal X amount of their health in damage in X amount if rounds, you die
>If you don't hit both for roughly equal damage every time they heal and then kill you for not dealing X amount of the healed Twin's health in damage in time

Liz was harder, but Margaret was easy in comparison.

Yes, three times now. I basically used the same Persona setup most people did.

This with Arms Master and Ali Dance is simply overkill.

Having this, a good support like Odin and an OP Kaguya is the most meme combination. I prefer Alice though, she is very cute.

Someone post it

It's basically the same setup for every VR boss with the exception of slight tweaks for Elizabeth (since she'll ree if you're completely immune to anything).

>start the battle with a persona that's strong vs. everything with all the auto-buffs
>have a third persona with heals and heat riser
>unsheathe Yoshitsune with Hassou Tobi

Closest I can give you without a vacation



Yes, unfortunately with the hassou-tobi strat because im a brainlet.

oh boy

>and yet if I'd changed the image name you'd never know
Is this supposed pass for an argument? Regardless, I'd have a pretty easy guess given that the image is supposed to be a .png, higher res, and not artifacted to hell and back.
>no u
Okay, bud.

Velvet lolis are the best girls.

>since she'll ree if you're completely immune to anything


Why do their hats say OXYMORON?

i beat off to the twins

Thats illegal.

I haven't gotten around to doing ng+ yet

I beat the main game and that's it. I'm not a limp-wristed faggot who replays games.

Ironic considering you sound like a limp-wristed girl right now.


I bet your wrist is your only s. link faggot

Imagine being so insecure that you need to type something this stupid.

Thanks for the (you)s, boys. If you want that boipussi smashed just give me a holler.

I started replaying P5 but quit after about the bank or something. It's annoying having to replay through the WHOLE game just to get to the parts I wanted to replay it for which is fusing new personas and finishing the confidant lines I missed. Even skipping cutscenes and fast forwarding through dialogue, it takes hours just to get basic features unlocked. You can use the twins confidant bonus to fuse personas of a higher level but it's super expensive even if you use the tricks to max out your money.

user posted a simple guide for brainlets like us no need to be ashamed.

But by then you could make Lv99 persona that could get you through palaces in one day.

I've beaten it to the twins. Does that count?

NTR hate is a dumb meme. I want decent artists to draw Lavenza giving passionate blowjobs and getting mating pressed with an xray bubble showing her velvet womb being flooded. I don’t care if her partner is joker or haru or some bald fat old man I just want decent art.

Yup. Funnest fight in the series. Everything from Futaba wanting to take them home to watching them baton touch for the first time to the music was just fucking great.


>I started replaying P5 but quit after about the bank or something
>or something

Woman detected

>It's annoying having to replay through the WHOLE game just to get to the parts I wanted to replay it for which is fusing new personas

It's extremely easy to finish the Twins' confidant on NG+ since you'll have most of the personas you need already and plenty of money.

>but it's super expensive
Put Pulinpa on your highest luck (60+) Persona and laugh as you get a million yen in a half hour by May (clingy ex-bf quest)

>Not going for a megidolaon monster

Thats just for reaper.

>6 in magic
I don't think it would've been possible, user.

I've beaten my meat to the twins. Particularly, that one webm and that one doujin


Rokusyou Kokuu

Yes, with this Pixie and a concentrate/debiliate bot Trumpeter.

It felt so good. Hopefulle I can beat p3 Elizabeth in the futeure, as she is the only Velvet boss I haven't beaten.

Three times now, the last time it was so bad that they skipped a healing phase.

No, but I've beaten my meat to them.

Beat my meat to them.

Pixie a cute

Because their personalities contradict each other.

Is Caroline a tsundere for __BBC__?

I wonder who could be behind this post?



I love her head handles.


git gud

Try not being garbage at video games