Will PC gaming ever recover?
Will PC gaming ever recover?
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I get the impression that would cost more in electricity than it would make in cuckcoins
whoa look at all that free money he is making
and he only had to pay $200,000 + electricity + tip to do it
the short answer would be yes.
>7 Mar 2018
It would take him several years just to break even from that investment
Tip: If you see normie news shows/sites reporting on crypto then it's too late, wait for the crash before going in.
He's hoping that he can later sell these cards to retards at nearly full price
There's a bitfarm opening up around where I live that's looking for around 250 employees. I'm going to go work there just to spite Sup Forums
Bitcoin hasn't been positive return for mining in decades.
where at?
help me out man
What the fuck
you don't know what you're talking about lol
I get 90 dollars a month from mining with a single 1070.
How could 130 of these pay off the 90,000 he spent for all these
Nooooooooo stop that's ours i want to play my vidya!
>yes I am hated by almost every community imaginable that is in anyway tied to the PC platform
>but have you heard about Bitcoin?
>24 year old neet that's never had a job thinks he can just walk into a job
The only thing I want is seeing those pink wojak threads again.
>meet Bertha, my $2500 electric bill
Are you sure about that? I seriously doubt Sup Forums has been genuinely affected by the rise of GPU's prices and we're seeing just a bunch of fake indignation.
>"Anons, I want to upgrade my GPU. I'm going to buy the GPU U"
>"NOOOOOOOO, don't be stupid, wait six months for GPU V"
>"Ok anons; I'll wait.
>Six months later
>"Anons, I want to upgrade my GPU. I'm going to buy the GPU V"
>"NOOOOOOOO, don't be stupid, wait six months for GPU W"
>"Ok anons; I'll wait.
>Six months later
>"Anons, I want to upgrade my GPU. I'm going to buy the GPU W"
>"NOOOOOOOO, don't be stupid, wait six months for GPU X"
>"Ok anons; I'll wait.
>Six months later
>"Anons, I want to upgrade my GPU. I'm going to buy the GPU X"
>"NOOOOOOOO, don't be stupid, wait six months for GPU Y"
>"Ok anons; I'll wait.
>Six months later
>"Anons, I want to upgrade my GPU. I'm going to buy the GPU Y"
>"NOOOOOOOO, don't be stupid, wait six months for GPU Z"
>"Ok anons; I'll wait.
>Six months later
>"Anons, I want to upgrade my GPU. I'm going to buy the GPU Z"
>"NOOOOOOOO, don't be stupid, wait six months for Volta"
>"Ok anons; I'll wait.
>Years pass, and the GPU is never upgraded
>mining Bitcoins at negative output (meaning you pay more in electricity than you get out of mining) for a currency that you can hardly do anything with.
I'm not sure I get it anymore, its clearly gotten to the point that late 'investors' are getting fucked, yet everyone continues..
You're trying to fool yourself into thinking you didn't fuck up your life lol
Please post that pic of the guy that got LITERAL BRAIN DAMAGE for mining shitcoins before smug /biz/ invades this thread.
Sorry, I was a few months off.
>bring up a console game
>mustards tell you to just build a pc
If you mine a coin worth mining and hold the coin until it has value, then you can make a metric fuckton of money. A rig like that could earn 10k a month easy on the right coin if it's held for a while.
Only idiots mine and sell instantly.
remember when PC gaming was cheap?
these fucking fake money miners are fucking killing everything
All money is fake, you brainlet.
Nothing you're saying is making sense. How am I fucking up my life?
All these resources being used for the sole purpose of generating monopoly money
Nobody mines bitcoin though
Still cheaper in the long run than owning 3 consoles with payed online.
What the fuck happened to that kid
I think you missed the flurry of normalfags with 0 grasp of economics emptying every shelf in the world of GPUs.
Why hasn't the government cracked down on bitcoin? its obviously something they're not benefiting from which should be a good enough reason to ban the currency entirely.
>mining with GPU cards
Wew lad, dedicated miners exist for a reason. Wonder if he is in Gensoukyou now.
Only crypto is. Every other currency is real.
It's not a currency, it's an asset.
At least that's what the government says. It's why I have to pay tax on over 300 individual transactions.
Monero is more profitable than bitcoin and monero can be mined better with gpus. Still a meme to mine it.
It's not for Bitcoin, it's for things with low difficulty.
You're not going to fool me again, Gabe.
Got too close to a Cryptofarm.
>Home Depot presents The Police
except, you can't sell it for shit, no one's buying them with real money.
No, USD isn't real. Not even backed by gold. It's just piece of paper with perceived value that is inflationary.
If you have an AMD card, sure. They start out crippled by the drivers but they just keep getting faster every few months until they're still relevant years layer.
Nvidia cards though, that next gen comes out and the drivers get nerfed pretty quickly. There's lots of people that got stuck with 970s.
Can't wait senpai
> thing made illegal
> value of thing skyrockets
I love how Cryptofaggots flood the entire website when it starts losing value, trying to bully people into investing real money on Crypto.
>Monero is more profitable than bitcoin
You're not supposed to get into the market now, you fucking idiot. You were supposed to get involved back when it was merely a funny meme on Sup Forums.
Idiots like you entering now are only making other people hypothetically rich while losing real money yourselves.
>bob sponge I don't need it.png
>bob sponge I don't need it.png
USD is backed by the us military. 99% of the world's population has never heard of a bitcoin and don't want them. I would rather $1000 than 100,000 bitcoin any day.
Yeah they do. Do you not know how this works?
You mine 100,000,000 shitcoins worth .001 pennies. People buy into the coin because they like the idea. Mining becomes more difficult eventually, etc, price goes up to .05, now you sell and make 50x what you would have if you sold at .001
Say what you want about mining but the cable management for all those cards is pretty damn good on that rig.
Cannot lurk with consoles, nice try.
Your answer is completely retarded. You cannot just say "hold the coin until it has value", it'd be the same as buying it cash in the first place to sell it back later.
If you invest $5K in electricity bill to mine a coin, the only guaranteed value you get out of that is the value of the coin at the very moment you mine them. Everything beyond that point in time is just speculation, like you could speculate by buying coins using money direct instead of paying it to your energy supplier...
So why not just buy the coin directly then if you're so smart and knows what coin is going to be valuable in the future?
>Implying I got into the memes
I have a real investment generating me money. Now you can meme and shitpost and throw tantrums and pretend I am action roleplaying or lying as you see fit, unlike your meme coins, so you can sleep better at night.
I was going to make this post to refute you but after I ran the numbers it does look like ethereum isn't profitable either. I guess you just bank on an altcoin and hope for the best.
if you mined ethereum you'd make money. Bit of back of the napkin math here, but assuming 4 1080tis get 140 MH/s in ethereum mining, 1000w power draw per, that's $~150 a month in eth. Multiply that by 32.5 to get 130 1080ti's, he's netting $4.8k per month after electrical cost.
Assuming you could get your 1080tis at MSRP, that's $600 per pop. Throw in another $300 for motherboard and power supply, ram. so $300*32.5, $600*130. $87,750, breaks even in 18 months, then you make $4.8k a month-- assuming eth stays at its relatively low value right now.
>doesn't know what the term "petrodollar" means
If you had 100k btc you could sell that right now for 93.2 million dollars.
I'm in the process of mining at least 1000 of each Monero derivative. Monero based coins are on a general uptrend anyway, so it doesn't take much to eventually profit off them.
except the part with
>people buy into the coin because they like the idea.
that isn't happening in any real numbers here, until I can exchange it for real shit without going through "Jimmy 'the shiv'" its less money and more trade-bux.
Who is buyng your 50k in shitcoin?
If you sold 10k bitcoin at once the market would tank down 10% likely drop another 10% per 1k you sell at a time. it's what's going on right now with mtgox.
Who is going to give me $93.2 million for 100,000 wacky bucks?
Which is better, AMD or NVIDIA?
You sure about that, user?
>not even backed by gold
I fucking hate neoclassical economics but for the love of fuck a fiat currency is intrinsically superior for economies.
Libertarians need to fucking die
Well, I can use those pieces of paper to buy food so they're very real.
You aren't going to trick me, cryptocretin. Maybe your bullshit speech worked with your mother's so she invested all of her life savings, but I'm not a retarded whore like her.
god it would be so fucking satisfying to push that thing over, look at the tiny fucking legs that piece of shit is on, can barely support its own weight
Someone who thinks they can sell it to someone even stupider than they are.
Are the only people making a legitimate profit on all this bitcoin hubbub the semiconductor industry and electricity utilities and not the bitcoin miners themselves?
>So why not just buy the coin directly then if you're so smart and knows what coin is going to be valuable in the future?
I primarily do. 11x all in on ADA in January. I use my regular PC for mining a bunch of random coins. If one gets big then I make a few grand from a days work.
You don't need a massive rig. I'm just saying it's way better to have one.
>Tfw I suck at math so I'd never be able to do shit like what you did.
End it.
People are also trading/shorting/longing on cryptocoins without actually touching them. I know a guy who's doing that.
I found out through him it was Mtgox shutting down and liquidating that caused the most recent crash.
I want it to keep dropping because I tethered up at $11.5k and wanna buy back in lower
That's exactly what's happening regulators from different countries are starting to discuss it.
You don't need all of that paper for food though.
Anyways if my mom would have put the 10k into ADA like I told her then she would have 110k before tax right now after 1 month.
I don't understand bitcoin at all. Who's buying it? Why? Where can you use it? How is it "mined"? How does it have any value if it can be infinitely generated?
The value of Bitcoin is based on speculation of future wide adoption.
If the government straight up makes it illegal, the chances of wide adoption become zero.
It's been so long since Bitcoin mining was profitable, clearly he's using it to mine other, shittier coins in the hopes they'll take off, right?
That's an extremeley good image, user.
You can't buy electricity for bitcoin, so who's funding all of the mining operations?
This. Nobody will comment on this because everyone is a pleb.
The problem is, OP pics rig takes a shit ton of money for electric bills plus it probably ate up all his savings.
Unless the guy is already rich as fuck he can't just sit on the coins till they're worth a gorillion. He needs to sell to get over the rounds. Not to mention with that shit ton of money invested having to wait for the coins to become worth something is pushing his opportunic costs to the fucking heavens. He needs to be very lucky for this to turn out to not be a shit investment.
>wide adoption become zero
The chances are already zero, imagine boomers trying to fucking keep a wallet safe. Most can't fucking figure an email client let alone these whitepapers that tell you to take a laptop and epoxy the ethernet ports
You underestimate normalfags who bought in only after they heard about this on the evening news.
It's a deflationary currency, so it becomes more rare with time. The value is perceived, but basically crypto is just a giant money making game.
The only people that make money on it are the non-normies who buy well before facebook/twitter personalities tell you to.
Don't worry about the mining. Just know that it gets harder to mine as time goes on. The electricity use per coin gets higher and higher so it's a good baseline price for what btc should be worth.
>Who's buying it?
At this point it seems to be everyone, no specific group or type of person
If they were using it for its original purpose it would be to have a currency that you completely control and aren't controlled by the banks or government. In reality it's mostly people buying to sell to other people higher
>Where can you use it?
There's a few places you can buy stuff for BTC, like Newegg
>People run complex calculations in an attempt to solve one, and from that earn Bitcoins. Difficulty of these calculations adjusts to try and get people mining a 'block' (and from that a set payout of Bitcoins) every 10 minutes
>How does it have any value if it can be infinitely generated?
It isn't infinite. There will only ever be 21 million Bitcoins in existance by the time mining is finished (and it's estimated a few million have already been lost from back when nobody gave a shit about Bitcoin)
Hope no one is retarded enough to buy a gayming laptop to mine and drive up the prices for them too
>He thinks the market could just magically handle 100k btc being dumped into it all at once.
Is mining a meme that the GPU manufacturers tricked people into? It seems the real big winners in this thing are clearly Nvidia and AMD.
Yes, one that the user copied and pasted.
>deflationary currency, so it becomes more rare with time
If you mine a gold nugget, you don't have to spend a gigawatt of electricity to keep it running
Bitcoin is something you can buy and sell. Its very similar to gold, useless, but priced very high because it has limited supply and high production costs.
name one grocery store that takes bitcoin
if you can't it's trash
Libertarians are fucking dumb