There are people who browse this stupid ass fuckin faggot board that do not happen to have an Ironhoof Destroyer...

>there are people who browse this stupid ass fuckin faggot board that do not happen to have an Ironhoof Destroyer (capitalized on purpose)

dare to elaborate???

Other urls found in this thread:

a what?

stay in your containment thread plz


wow congrats on doing that old content at the new level cap, really impressive


mmos are for fags lol

>there are people browisng this board who play MMORPG's in 2018
what the fuck...

>LARPing as a successful raider by farming obsolete content for a 1% chance

>Not getting it during WoD


Jodi plz

health is in the millions now?

game is trash

fred durst

>5.2m hp
>telling anyone else they're shit

lmaoing at your life

>that zoe hollowey video when shes on road trip with her son


need a mom gf desu

lol what sorry ass loser still plays this dead game in 2018

>tfw my friend wanted the skip so he could farm for it
>go with him to get transmog items
>it drops
>i pass on it because im a good charitable human
im so fucking good

>I literally don't have friends so I come to Sup Forums to get (you)s and make myself feel like someone cares about me

i'm honest to god angry at the fact that you were smart enough to find a way to stave off your suicide despite being a social failure

It's actually really depressing that I realized what kind of roll this was after reading the first 3 names.

>no chocolate chicks
do not want


He's a retarded /wowg/ shitposter who only started in Legion

wtf am I looking at

He's my favourite.


>pride in rng mounts
lmao not even close

FUCK you got me.

giv big tiddy milf gf pls

Oh shit.

based Pezado once again


No, because I've had one.

isnt that the faggot who got ran out of the private server threads

If you got it when it was relevant it wasn't an RNG mount.

That's a p good list.

boosted nigger kys
hop in dude

Pezado is a self admitted autist, rolling for a new mom is all this thread is good for.

Exactly why he's shitting on some pleb bragging about his 1% drop chance.

I don't know
every time theres a wow mount thread its this character
for all I care hes just a giant faggot

>can't get trips on Sup Forums
Fuck you, I'm gonna go jerk off to it right now no matter what I roll!

I only play good MMOs.

This went way over your head, didn't it, dumbass?


You should give Arianna Labarbara a shot.

If you took 2 seconds to look at the OP you would see he is 110 soloing the raid


>boosted nigger kys
>to glad
i'll cut you a deal, half price to get you to 2k for your first elite set since you made me laugh

>tfw no aunt diane

go ahead

I'm going to give you the blunt truth man. Whether you want to believe me or not is up to you but i mean it whole heatedly when i say unless you're riding a gladiator netherdrake nobody gives a fuck at all. PvP was shattered so hard back in cata it has still never recovered to this day. It's been a complete joke since then. Every gladiator mount from cata onwards is not only ugly and meaningless but hardly even recognizable, and like i said, just nobody even cares. The wotlk frost drakes have a bit more meaning to them but they also fall into the category of just blending in so nobody even notices them.

Anyone who takes arena and pvp even remotely seriously in 2018 is part of a very small minority.


bruh without connections you wont evet get high rating



If only they existed

You're not wrong but you're also wrong. Anyone who's a legit 2200 and up player right now could go back in time with their current abilities and get glad during BC. BC is when people were just starting to really learn how to properly PvP in WoW, and very, very, very few people were actually genuinely good, by today's standards.

Shame about the WotLK mount being so generic.

go on


With the amount of mounts in the game and the designs off the deep end no one cares how rare a mount is anymore.

no no no no

new mom please. anything but that

are you...

..third times the charm

People care deeply but are too insecure to admit it. Why else would someone farm 1% drops like Invincible and Mimiron's head and then only use them even though they never got them as a reward for accomplishing a challenging encounter when it was current.


holy shit

shame about the wotlk glad getting carried by ICC heroic gear

I do that but just to match certain transmogs I have at the time. I figured it was why most people did, am I wrong?

God the storm drakes look so bad

>Default vanilla drake skeleton
>Poorly textured Fisher price armor slapped on random parts of it

What is the idea behind all PvP mounts being covered head to toe in poorly textured armor plating that just makes it look clunky in motion?

I want to say you're wrong, but I had Shadowmourne and Heroic DBW.


They pay a monthly subscription so they have to justify playing it even though 90% of the new content is timegated. Si they resort to farming the same shit every week

What's wrong, couldn't get into a raid team?

faggot ass normie you arent part of my world, of warcraft

Is it getting carried if everyone else you fought had them too?

>Had to PvP and Raid full time simultaneously.

Not him but you're definitely wrong because 99% of the playerbase doesn't have the fashion sense to even compose a good mog let alone think about using a mount that matches their current mog.
I do the same as you, i always change my mount to fit my mog but me and you are a rarity, there's not many people who do the same.

Even threads threads right here on Sup Forums where people start posting their mogs most of them look terrible. Color, theme, and style co-ordination is a super power i guess.

pffff mfw when i remember Klinda

where is he now?

You are in a very small minority. Most of the time people just pick their rarest mount and ride that trying to showoff.

The game was built in on idling in front of the Org bank showing off your raid gear.

>Even threads threads right here on Sup Forums where people start posting their mogs most of them look terrible

That's because all of Sup Forums and /vg/ believe that just because you look unique means you look good, and the idea of wearing a set to them is like the idea of a vampire walking under the Sun.

does she look good?

Just find a set you like, sweetie.

give me a kiss

Having fun playing grinding: the game?