There are people(kids) on Sup Forums right now who have no idea who John Romero is

There are people(kids) on Sup Forums right now who have no idea who John Romero is

What is he, like some gay metal singer

they are better off

i didn't know at the time, either
he was just some gay head on a stick that i assumed the devs didn't like
we didn't have internet

Nah, kids are super educated about vidya history thanks to YouTube ecelebs.

My wife’s little brother’s social circle is around 18 years old and several of them revere early pc gaming for that hardcore gamer street cred.

some chinese guy?

>metal as fuck trailblazer who helped change an entire industry ages into a washed up whiny libcuck

EVERY time.

who cares about italians

>ages into a washed up whiny libcuck
yeah they weren't liberals to start with right

What happened to the kickstarter game he was making? The one where if you threw enough money he was going to deliver it to you himself.

I have no idea who that is, but the sprite looks like something out of Doom, so I'm guessing he's involved in that?

I'll never remember a man who failed so hard at making me his bitch.

dumbass is getting sued for occulus rift shit and even typed "how to erase hard drive" on google

He's a hack that never made a single good game in his life

He deserves to be forgotten

I wonder if his wife's son will follow in his footsteps.

My grandfather worked as a NASA engineer during the Apollo missions and my mom who grew up around Kennedy Space Center thinks that nobody has been to the moon because of a youtube video she watched last year.

that's the zombie movie guy right

You're thinking of Carmack, not Romero

No, that's Caesar Romero. I think John Romero is the guy from that Shakespeare play about the kids in love.

What did he mean by this?

Yeah, his head on a stick is hidden inside the final boss of Doom 2. When the boss talks, it's actually saying "To beat the game, you must kill me, John Romero", but backwards.

Kek. Your mum thinks the world's flat too right?

those are all his kids, right?
what a fucking alpha stud

is that a movie reference? i think i have seen one or two of those

alright Sup Forums. which was better, doom 1 or doom 2?


No. My girlfriend's dad does though. And my girlfriend's mom wanted an exorcism performed on her schizophrenic son.

He’s the fag who made daikatana

Brutal Doom.

>*googles john romero*

who the fuck cares about some gas station attendant?

Better soundtrack
Better levels

>shit opinion

Doom 1 because it doesn't have these fuckers

dont you mean George Romero? stupid fucking faggot

op here. i'd have to agree

>people at my university don't know who john romero is
>people studying in game design

I really like Day of the Dead lol!

Didn't he and Curt Smith form the band Tears for Fears?


that's a lot of sons

Is John Romero the John K. of videogames?

Who is the John Romero of John Romero of video games?

duh... the icon of Sin

I pray to Jesus that that isn't a specialized game design "university". Those people have no hope

>tfw literally listening to the Masters Of Doom audiobook this week

It's great, but the fucking guy reading it is driving me around the fucking bend. Pic related. He's so goddamn bad - I can't believe he had a professional adult career as an actor.

Also, I'd be curious to see how modern gaming journalists would feel about the subject - because everything they do is "toxic" by today's standards, especially the online gaming part of it.

Definitely not by today's standards. They'd all be Alt-Right Edge Meisters.

Although that says more about the culture at large changing rather than him.

hahaha he's old!
I still have 13 years of fun. before I'll marry at 35

That's actually hilarious.

Same game, doesn't matter.

literally who?

35 - 13 = 14


nah, it's not

That's mainstream conservatism in America

I sold John Romero a half oz of coke in 1997 no one will believe this.

nah bro. thirty five apples minus thirteen apples equals twenty two apples

you made quake possible


does believing in moon landing hoaxes make you a liberal?

Why the fuck are you bringing up apples you stupid git. We're talking about age here.

i believe you

keep it in the orchard, farm boy

>young people eventually grow up

>believing in moon hoax NOT a crazy conservative mindset

Isn't really that much different from hardcore liberalism.

Conservative here. You fucked up with that response. He just has to point out that it shows how much more reasonable liberals are that it's only their hardcore zealots that are as irrational and fringe as those on the mainstream. It's bullshit, of course, but it's the obvious rebuttal to your blunder, and if he said it, you would have no comeback.

Wil Wheton is cancer in human form. Everything he does is to half assedly garner attention because he got a taste of the Hollywood life as a child. He's 45 and he's still trying to pull this shit. It's sad a pathetic. Not even Weinstein wanted to molest this guy.

Yeah, he's the guy that pumps my gas. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Clearly not mentally.

Everyone was on coke during the 90's.

didn't meet its goal

Doom 1
E1 > E3 > E4 >> E2
fight me niggers

good taste


He's a collector of old gas station memorabilia
Why would you have a gas pump inside???


By modern standards they'd have been considered moderate to rightwing back then.


The video of the moon landing IS fake though.

Whether we went to the moon or not is another matter.

Prove it

nail polish

It's an old gas station. People used to pump gas indoors.

>Blackroom kickstarter was started and pulled down almost two years ago
What is this retard doing? I thought they were going to put up another kickstarter after they had something to show.

with a quick google search, not only will they know who he is or why he used to be significant but they will also know everything about id software and every single secret of the games.

nah bro mythbusters disproved the hoax conspiracy

I loved magazines in the 90s joking about how he was the most beautiful woman in gaming.


ok dude. you expect me to believe the same kids who post here asking for sauce and citations can make the effort to use google? the same kids who make threads asking for people to make their mind up for them? i don't think so

Thanks, John.

nah, people like to pretend they forgot about google so when the time comes they seem like the smarter person.

1, the level design in 2 falls apart too much after Dead Simple, whereas DOOM 1 has great design the whole way through

A has been


Did it make you go "shut up, wesley" XD

>He never got to make us his bitch.
When you're John, why even continue?

Literally this.
Of course kids these days doesnt even know who adam savage and the walrus guy are.

Current state: Burger
Level: moderate

Yeah, but c’mon. That book is God-Tier. It’s worth it. I read or listen to that book at least twice per year. I recommend it to anyone who wants to make it. It may change your life.

He cancelled it 1 week in to make a demo. But nothing has came of it. There was a possibility he got funded with a publisher.