Unpopular Opinions

Ashley Burch is a perfectly fine VA.

I'd fuck Ashley desu
Just Imagine fucking her infront of her brother

oh damn

She's better than fine desu, she's actually good



I wanna fuck an elf

She's okay but I wish she weren't so immediately recognizable, she has no range whatsoever. Even some other easily recognizable VAs like Troy Baker have at least some range, like I didn't even realize he was Pagan Min in FC4 until like halfway through the game

A voice actor is ultimately limited by the script and the script director. She's not been in well written enough works for me to disagree with you, although none of her current work is more than serviceable.

Not sure if this is unpopular, but I wish there was a huge influx of voice actors that got into the vidya industry. It's a shame to have to hear the same 5-10 VA's over and over regardless of their range because there's only so much they can do.

I'd honestly prefer amateurs if it meant having different voices. I'd be fine if every single game that came out had brand new voice actors.

Devil May Cry 1 has aged like shit. Its only redeeming quality is the atmosphere and some of the music. People who geuniely believe it's the best game in the series are nostalgia blinded idiots.

That's a popular opinion. The camera makes the game far worse as well.

There are some circumstances where I can appreciate english dub more in some Japanese games/anime

I think Stealth games in general (MGS, Hitman, Thief, Dishonored, etc) are pretty shit overall

Megaten fans are probably the most unbearable faggots in comparison to Persona-only weebs or normalfags

Arena shooters are archaic and filled with similarly unlikable and insufferable faggots that are never satisfied and always shit talk in any FPS related discussion

Dragon Quest is boring even if it is charming, and Toriyama's art is ugly

Shmup threads need more love on this board but they are so few and far between I never see them brought up

Transistor was better than Bastion.

metal gear games and kojima are trash.

Demoknight is badly, badly flawed both in terms of his fundamental design and on a technical level (high speed + source melee hitreg = shitfuck) and there's no good way to fix it.

Popular opinion time: You're a faggot.

I didn't like the Smash 4 roster.

Cinematics starting with FF7 started Final Fantasy on its downfall towards being trash. The only exceptions are FF11, FF12, and FF14. Also, FF5 is the best Final Fantasy.

>Not sure if this is unpopular
Yeah this is far from an unpopular opinion, user.

dark souls is a terrible shallow game

Warcraft 3 is a better game than Dota 2.

It's probably best Legends 3 died. CAPCOM could meet expectations of fans, but they wouldn't.

I can understand not liking it, hell the second half is pretty trash, but how is it shallow?

Hugely popular opinion. I still think it feels more adventureish though and I like that. Obviously fuck that last boss. Wouldn’t call it a bad game though. And I also wouldn’t put it below 2. 2 wasn’t even terrible imo.

I don't understand any of the terrible wojack memes being posted here nowadays and that makes me feel old

Brown girls and brown elves are ugly. Note, this isn't an unpopular opinion in 2chan (Japanese Sup Forums)

I wanted Taliesin + Muse to be playable. I am the only one I know of with this opinion.

sadly this. i wanted it just as much as anybody but they were plabning to make it a mobile game, fucking assholes

How can I be blinded by nostalgia if I didn't play the series until the HD Collection?

Peace Walker is the second best MGS

A part of me wants to see an undertale character in smash just to see how ridiculous the fallout would be

I am excited for the Dota card game after I heard it wouldn't have payed decks and the guy who created MTG is also working on it. Having a phase to buy items also seems cool.


I don't like soulsborne games

Shit, I only really liked Demon souls. I finished dark souls but I didn't like it that much and I can't be bothered to play bloodbourne

I played the first two Dark Souls games 2 sucked and bought 3 but I can't really bring myself to push through it anymore.
Same with Bloodborne. I think I just lost patience for them.

You know he'd like that right?

Sonic Unleashed for PS3/360 is a damn good game and the werehog stages aren't even bad

Destiny, preDLC was great.
I'm fairly certain he started this thread too.

Pre-Sequel is a fine game and should not have had the backlash it did

Instakill attacks that are also permadeath that are also high hit chance are not good design, and should only have been in the Satan fight.

Fuck you DMC 1 is fantastic.

Fallout 4 is good.

The different weapons have no importance to their hitboxes and only vary in speed and dmg.

I think Unleashed has the best and funniest levels of all the boost games. But the technical and other design problems of unleashed as a game bring it down too far imo. That's why I love unleashed project.

All elves should be fat

The werehog is bad, but Unleashed is still a damn good game.

Fuck I meant funnest.

I knew he voiced Sam in Uncharted 4, but he did a great job and I couldn't even recognize his voice. I was pretty impressed

>no importance to hitboxes
False, it's especially noticeable that polearm weapons have areas that do less damage than the main stabby/slashy/crushy bit. Don't forget shit like the falchion practically doing 180 swings. When you say "no importance" that's a very broad statement which means you could pull all sorts of goalpost moving shit, narrow it down a bit so people have a better idea of what you're trying to say.
>only vary in speed and damage
and stamina cost and damage type and hitboxes and durability and weight

of all the shit to complain about, that's what you're going for?

Eyyyy that's some good taste right there. Bastion wasn't bad by any means (it's honestly still an amazing game, as are Transistor and Pyre), but Transistor just edges out Bastion, for me.

Didn't really care for Transistor, while the art and music was nice the gameplay was boring and sword guy talking every 5 seconds got annoying



Ashly Burch is better in anime dubs than games.

we need more video games recorded in Canada. Especially in Vancouver.

Vaginal sex is better than anal sex

>X on Lucas and Duck Hunt
You disgust me

Ashly Burch has no range and does the same voice for everything. It's not even a case like Steve Blum who is always cast to do one voice but is capable of doing others; she is just straight up incapable of doing any voice that isn't Ashly Burch (or Ashly Burch screeching like an autistic child). She has no talent as an actress.

But still shit in both.

Ogre best girl.

>removing Ike, Megaman, and Ryu who have completely unique playstyles
Yeah, go fuck yourself.

>cum in a vagina
>maybe end up with a baby
>cum in a butt
>no repercussions

pyre was better than both