Steam friend stopped talking to you

>Steam friend stopped talking to you

how do you even end up with a steam friend

>tfw your country is small
>tfw you found someone else that plays to
>tfw we both are really happy
>You fucked things up
>get blocked and stop talking

I fucked it pretty bad

Atleast you have proven that you can make friends online.
I gave up on that.

>steam friend won't stop talking to you

>steam friend somehow realizes that you dont want him to talk a lot and stops

That steam friend is me

>ghost on everyone I've ever spoken to on Discord/Steam/Skype

I know that feel...
Wakfu isn't fun all by myself now...

what happened?

I did this. It was a real life friend too. He became too clingy and asked me to play vidya every time I came on. I was too beta to say no so I just deleted him and cut him out of my life completely. Haven't spoke in five years.

>jokingly insult old friends choice in music on discord
>it was screamo death metal rap shit
>he ghosts me from everything, makes his own discord channel, and invited everyone in the channel besides me
What a fucking bitch.

Nice blog. Where do I subscribe?

click the button shaped like an x in the upper right part of the window

How do i meet more people dammit

This happened im the friend that dont stop talking since i feel alone with no friends. I had some days off and she _ unblocked me for some reason. Need to stop talking a lot.

go out
do things
concerts are a great starting point

It might be hell for a while but find a game you like, hope /vg/ has a general for it, and you can meet people to paly the game with easily through whatever social options the general has


P.S: Steam friends aren't usually real-to-life friends and while they're great during the friendship time-period, one day they will move on to their real friends. Of course not all are like so the best thing is to make friends in real life and then share a hobby like Steam.

>Steam friend started talking to you

I fucking loathe the steam alert sound. Some people don't want to talk online, typing is really annoying when you just want to chill, not socialize if you can call it that.

sounds like a cunt, I'll be your friend user

Wish I had someone that would talk to me a lot

Have you ever blocked anyone? Why did you do it?

>steam friend doesn't start every conversation now

Welp I guess this friendship is over

>real friend stopped talking to you

>no steam messages all day
>open a game
>youtube links, faggots hating on the game you opened, drama, and game invites come flooding in

>not disabling steam alerts and sounds when in a game

>faggots hating on the game you opened
>starts posting youtube videos on why the game you just bought is bad
>ruins your experience

What do you do when it's your long distance gf, and she has now blocked you on everything for like the past week, but you see her up playing steam at late af hours?

>experience one of those Debbie Downer days with no one to talk to tonigh
>have this urge to blog out my issues with my Steam friend but fear they might remove me for being a bother

It hurts Sup Forums I just want someone who I can trust and confide to for once

I always think im the only one who has these problems and it turns out everyone has them.

>all your friends stop talking to you and inviting you to things
>friend's friends ask why you're never at the thing

Never befriend a normie.

Thanks user but got out of hand with the messages

>tfw been talking with my friend for 10 years
>we argue, chill, watch movies, play games together every day
I hope this never stops and we manage to meet irl, even if we're from different countries

>That friend who left
I miss you so much C

Get a real friend or call your mom

I knew my friend for 7 years and one day we just stopped talking, nothing bad happened, we just stopped. I want to talk to him, but im too afraid I would bother him.

>tfw you cant hug your friend online that lost his best friend

His Best Friend was 27, way to young. I wish i could had been there M

>can't stay in a discord server for more than a few days without impulsively leaving due to feeling left out or even lonelier having to watch everyone talk
>probably scared new friend away that added me from the last one I was in when its only the 3rd day of knowing them
>spent the evening board hopping desperately looking for conversations or a chance that could lead to a new friend
It's not been a good few days

>Work up the courage to send an email to an old friend you haven't talked to in ages
>They deleted their account

If you're not trolling then you need to block her back and forget about her for good. I had a long distance gf for like 5 years who came and saw me occasionally. When she blocked me she was fucking some other dude, and even tried to get me to forgive her a couple of years after. I fucking hate whores now

Most people I add from here are bitter assholes with nothing positive to say about anything ever. I actually removed a few of them based on that fact alone. There was one or two off chances of having a good conversation with them. Other then that, it was just constant whine about anything and arguments for the sake of arguments.

>can't stay in a discord server for more than a few days
Are we related, by chance?

did that and removed him from my friends list.

Maybe. I always regret it because it feels like maybe if I stuck around longer I'd make friends but I'm not good at talking in groups

I want to do that and I see the truth in your words and they make sense, but I'm too caught up in feelings atm. We were going for 3 years and it ended a week ago. I've tried going to gym, making plans to better my life and take a vacation, and it hasn't helped. I'm unable to eat right cos I just constantly feel like shit, I'm unable to play vidya cos it reminds me of her, can't watch basically anything at all, not even shitty YouTube vids cos of same reason. All I have is this place, and sleep. My only respite from constant feeling like shit. Going to drs on Tuesday, hopefully to get some pain be gone pills and turn into a zombie but I think they're hard to get here in Australia, so I'm fucked till then. I wish I had a friend or someone to talk to but I literally have no one, and anyone I could go and befriend etc wouldn't be able to fill the void left by her. I was so fucking wrapped up in her, and now I'm reaping what I sowed.

>steam friend stopped talking to you

How do I make friends...

Im your friend. There, you just made one.

Add each other

We can be friends if you want.
I usually leave servers because I feel like I've worn my welcome out after a few days.
add me up losers

>steam friends start to hate you because you're obnoxious

You are a fake, you are not that man

add me up loser

Sounds like you have problems completely unrelated to a girl. Either deal with them or wallow in depression, faggot.

post steam friends that you miss

but he might delete me it seems

Worn your welcome? How so?

>Steam friend committed suicide a long time ago
>Still don't want to remove them

>Online friend sends you a Fortnite game invite

Who the hell is that "add me up losers" guy and why does he spam his Steam profile every thread?

>nobody adds you because you're a furry

That's a fake nigga the other guy has his friend list full

How do I deal with them though? I don't know what they are, and I don't know how I'd find out. I don't even know if I could talk to a therapist, cos I don't trust myself to give them the correct information.
And I don't feel like I'm wallowing, cos I'm not enjoying it one single bit.

He is cockwork

I don't think I'd delete you unless I had a reason

I'm not too sure, I guess the groups I join are too tightly-knit to include in me their conversations, or I just have a horrible trait that pushes other away from me.

then don't be
or at least hide it you faggot

>that one friend who complains that you never talk to him but all he does is spam you with steam emotes and you tube links to weird boring hour long shit.

Is your profile pic your autistic fursona?