>they censored Hyper Universe again
>they censored Hyper Universe again
Th-thanks Saban...
At least this time there was actual legal justification for changing it. The previous censorship was just voluntary self-censorship pushed by retards who wanted to sanitise the game because they're offended by breasts.
Then don't play him.
In fact, don't play the game at all. It's trash and it's gonna be dead come summer, mark my words.
So this is the power of censorship... Whoa...
what does he look like now?
This is literally for the sake of legality.
Blame Saiban for being literally the biggest jew ever.
>When he feels so threatened by a fucking indie game made by brazilians, he brings down the huge legal hammer on them.
(((Haim Saban))) is why
that's not that bad.
saiban shouldn't OWN that look
it really should be up to the JP PARENT COMPANY who decides, not some scrap swallowing sheckle SHEHOYA ( i made that jew word up =) )
Saiban OWNS the entirety of sentai/Power Rangers in the west.
Saban doesn't own the look, and has no legal basis for what they do, but they also have lots of powerful lawyers and enough money to bully people into submission with legal fees trying to battle their claims, which is what they've made a living out of doing.
Doubt it, there is a shit load of tokus, sentai is not the only one, Saban doesn't own the concept of toku suits. If they changed because of it they are idiots.
You gonna cough up the cash to contest that in court, my friend?
It is. Saban is known to bully the shit outta people who reference Sentai (Power Rangers) outside of Asia. Nexon simply doesn't wan't to get bullied.
Except they don't do shit with things like Disgaea, Persona, or any other Japanese game that has Sentai references. They seem to just pick and choose who they strike.
That's an improvement.
So they're on the same level of scumfuckery as Harmony Gold
>or any other Japanese
You found the clue!
Atlus/NIS can afford to tell Saban's lawyers to fuck off, average joes cannot and Nexon is too cheap and jewy to fight Saban on it, so they cave
He looks awesome now, and not like some soyboy animu faggot.
You are not justice.
>>or any other Japanese
>You found the clue!
True, but sometimes big jap companies will fold.
Haim Saban bullies anyone he can, Chroma Squad almost didn't happen because of that war monger kike.
Chroma squad had no problems with it as far as i know, and it was made by an indie BR dev studio.
>implying this is not an improvement
He looks a thousand times better.
>Chroma squad had no problems with it as far as i know
Nigger what? The game was almost canned after Saban caught wind of it, the only way they were able to release it at all was to add "Inspired By Saban's Power Rangers" to the title and promotional media and to give Saban a cut of the profits.
Chroma Squad got forced to put "inspired by Saban's Power Ranges" right under their logo, even though they were clearly inspired by Super Sentai.
He went from generic Red Ranger to WW2 era Captain America clone. He moved up.
this, i'm surprised he doesn't go after some luchadors for the passing resemblance
NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR SHIT GAME, stop pushing it so hard with this censorship talk.
>This week they've contacted us to offer a deal. They see two options in this negotiation: the first one being using the court to make sure that our game wouldn't get released. The second option would be that they would join our project with a royalty share. We both prefer the second option, considering that going into court would would be painful for both sides.
Yeah, fuck me, that's news to me, 'murican jews making the world a worse place once again.
Is this a fucking joke? Game was almost completely cancelled.
>all young hues grow up watching Changeman, Flashman, Maskman and other Super Sentai shows in the 80s and 90s
>some indie devs decide to make an homage game
>american Power Ranger company do that shit
I really like americans and USA, but the jews of your country fuck everyone else, your copyright laws are completely insane
>Saban refuses to actually get people to make good, licensed games
>so he fucks with other developers who are doing general sentai theme
Also, it sucks that Saban fucked over Bandai in the US. Doesn't sound like they're gonna last much longer.
>your copyright laws are completely insane
Hope you're not part of the TPP, user.
Disregard that, I suck cocks.
there's brazillians jews, he's known as juan saban and was shutting it down using local laws there.
Yeah, scarfs aren't worn by soyboys or hipsters.
Oh yeah, the TPP is back again, and no one is talking about it
this is like the fifth time they've tried sneaking it back out
my country is a shithole anyway though, but this doesn't change your copyright laws being retarded
Saban is a fucking cunt
>game clearly based on super sentai
>Saban sees it
>"boi if you won't give me MY MONEY for MY POWER RANGERS I'm gonna sue you to oblivion"
>because they're a bunch of indie fucks who had to use kickstarter and he's the supreme megajew he can get away with bullying everyone into doing it too
Chroma Squad wasn't even that good but fuck I'm still mad about that shit.
To be fair it isn't like Toei's getting anybody to make good licensed sentai/rider games in Japan either. Fuck Climax Heroes was a disappointment.
Kamen Rider fighter by ArcSys when?
Both of the Gokaiger games were really dissapointing.
>one is a really shitty musou with only five teams
>the other is a minigame collection, which at least had every Red
Namco/Eighting said if Batride did good, we'd get a Sentai title in the series, but now we're o what the 4th Rider title?
There's only been 3 battride wars, they fucked off for a year between 2 and 3 (genesis) to make goddamn summonride of all things and they did climax fighters (dogshit arena fighting game with zero content) instead last year.
I kinda hope they go back to battride war. As dumb as those games are they're at least fun. I just wanna play my boys emu and sento in a good fucking game is all.