Bethesda Cities

>Bethesda Cities

I dont know why they get shittier every release
Morrowind Cities were 10/10
Oblivon had its good and bad cities
and now Skyrim has its basic shops, some quest homes and thats it. its not a city its some houses that stand close to each other

Looks decent enough for a 7 year old game.

there are older games with better cities
Gothic 2 had a better city

and they're behind a loadscreen to boot
as is every interior

Christ, even Oblivion was better than this shit

balmora was bigger than

Name one game that had realistically large cities that isn't like GTA where 95% of the buildings are just filler decoration.

and thats the smallest city too!

skingrad is EASILY 3x that.

Fallout 4 is better

I dont know what it is about Windhelm but i always get lost.

we arent there yet, speaking in technological terms. the closest you can get is the elder scrolls series i think.

>Imperial city is supposed to be the biggest city in Tamriel
>is maybe 5 acres with 50 people in it max


True, but Morrowind had some town that were surprisingly big and could reasonably be called towns.

Technically Deus Ex games. They don't pretend the cities are as small as they are, you just can't access most of it

Literally what
If a city is that small but you constantly get lost in it, it's either bad design or you're retarded. I lean toward bad design personally.

Fallout 4 maybe?

>you can't access most of it
Sounds like most of it is filler decoration then.

This is now a Deus Ex thread.

No it didn't Morrowind towns are just as fucking tiny as Skyrim

No, I mean the game levels are small segments of city fleshed out. It's more of a skybox then filler decoration

Star Citizen

nice list you got there

Compared to this and Vivec all other besthesda cities post morrowind are pretty small and lacking in some way.
Problem is that half the houses in balmora are pretty much pointless.

Fuck even pelegiad is as big as whiterun.

Who cares

Skyrim is huge.

Don't forget about the Better Cities mod.

Consoles can only handle so much and so everything must be compact as possible to max out any visuals.

Not really. I'm pretty sure the town I'm thinking of (it's one of the first towns you get to) was bigger than whiterun. I know this because I noted it at some point.

Quality over quantity. There's much more to do in those small Morrowind towns. And in bigger places, like Vivec as an extreme example, I still find new stuff when I replay every few years. After over a decade.

>the city of Skyrim

Nice one.
Too bad whiterun that city thats suppose to be a main town is only as big as suran, a medium sized city in morrowind thats not even very important. Compared to the large cities like Sadrith Mora with its numerous houses and other interiors along with the fact that guilds are present in most large cities amount to a lot more interaction with the npcs and houses in general.
I cant termember oblivion well enough to make a comparison but is pretty much as big as an average to large town in morrowind.

A bong?

Arkham Knight.

Holy crap! You have GOT to be joking lmao!

>Sabalabla Mora
>Large City
>Nice one.

Because they're getting lazier and less competent.

They're basically seeing how little they can get away with and still make a profit. I mean for fucks sake, how many times have they ported fucking skyrim now?

Yeah thats why I can be patient for VI. We had enough come out on this and last gen already.

Morrowind looks like that?!

I just want a rpg with actual decent sized cities/towns for once

Oh wait, it's the same garbage as later TES

15+ houses
Inn, Pub, Council hall, and Manor/Tower that has many more interior parts than dragonsreach.
Small Imperial Fort with 3 guilds and a neighboring pub with another guild.

Amazing how thats smaller than whiterun though, totally not like something similar to suran with its two tiers of housing and a manor at the top.

>all rocks everywhere
How do they farm?

Name a game with bigger cities where you can actually walk into all of the buildings.

i really don't have a problem when you take a picture like that from an elevated point and look down on a city that you arent meant to see from that angle

if you are in the city as a player and exploring it feels like a real city then it's ok in my book even if it looks awful looking down

the problem is bethesda cities feel like shit when you're walking throught them too

You realize that image has over 35 buildings you can enter right? Compared to what in skyrim or oblivion?
Thats also cheating using the largest town in the game when some are just 7 houses like maar gan or dagon fel.

>>Imperial city is supposed to be the biggest city in Tamriel
>>is maybe 5 acres with 50 people in it max

The tech was not up to depicting the Imperial City. If they wanted to do it very well at the time, the setting would have to be restricted to just the Imperial City itself.

It gets worse.

Skyrim at least had about 6-7 cities. Fallout 4 had maybe 2 "cities", 3 if you count the Institute, and only the largest city is on par with the average city in Skyrim.

Next game will have just a village with three NPCs, one of which sells weapons, the other armor, and the third hands out radiant quests.

Getting lost easily is a symptom of low IQ and the inability to recognize patterns.

I don't care faggot, I'm just triggering "muh morrowind wus so much better!@!@!" retards.
Smart games just let you explore part of the city and dont bother pretending that 20 shacks next to a river is one.

They should do a game like that. Set the whole game in a city and make the city realistically large with buildings you can actually go into instead of the shit they do now where 95% of the buildings are just shells to fill space.

>Problem is that half the houses in balmora are pretty much pointless.

Most of the buildings should be pointless. The world is full of people that you have no reason to interact with. The standard of everyone having a name and being interactable comes from the first two TES games which used procedural generation to create all the random NPCs. Now that the games are all hand made, there is no reason to stick to that old standard. It is detrimental to the game.

God fallout 4 was so fucking bad in every way. At least megaton feels kinda cozy and it's neat to explore the first time around, diamond city is just a fucking circle



Skyrim cities have more diverse architecture and more interesting layouts than Oblivion cities and are in general just better made, consider say Chorrol vs Whiterun, the first city most players will visit in each game, in Chorrol there is Chorrol castle, it's just a castle, it has a count, it's a generic castle with no real history or lore, now consider Dragonsreach, well it already has a unique name, it has it's own unique architecture and there's a history behind the actual castle itself having been built to catch dragons.

Cities actually have more residents to, you can count them, and NPCs in spite of having less actions in their schedules have more things in the world to interact with so they don't just stand in the street for large periods of time, some will manage stalls and other NPCs will talk to them and some will work forges or smelters, or chop wood, it's still pathetically shit but it's better than Shitblivion.

The Morrowind cities are not well built or laid out, the only one that feels even slightly city like is Vivec, which has it's own problems, did you know if you sit in the stands in the Vivec arena you can't see fucking shit?


Pure autism. I expect nothing less from Sup Forums.

still more of a city then JRPGs that only have 3 buildings

>diamond shitty

Divinity's reach in gw2 felt pretty big. Bigger then anything in skyrim atleast.

Cyperbung 2077 soon :DDD


>oblivion cities
Oh come on

>>all rocks everywhere
>How do they farm?

There's two or three farms outside of the town and their tiny plots with 10 wheat bearing shrubs each feed everyone.

>god fallout 4 was so fucking bad in every way
>game was in truth alright
Today's youth have a gift for exaggeration. It's probably your best honed skill.
>finds an onion on his burger

Sounds like someone's just jelly that they never managed to get to the Cloud District.


diamond city almost single handedly made me stop playing fallout 4. it's so fucking bad.

This always pissed me off.

At least the farm region in morrowing had probable a dozen farms that huge plantation and a few small plots with a shack, and even then I remember a town would havetheir own crops as well. Sure it wasnt that "interesting" but I'd rather feel like im in a farm region than only have 2 farms feed the whole province.

wtf r u on about, m8

>They should do a game like that. Set the whole game in a city and make the city realistically large with buildings

A TES game set in the Imperial City only would be cool. There could be roof running and climbing for rogues, a story about two political factions hiring mercenaries for street battles for fighter players, there's the magic college.

the only part of the game that is alright is the gunplay, and even that isn't FANTASTIC
don't get me wrong, it's good, but it's nothing to go out of your way to play. there are games with better gunplay, and it's the ONLY thing fo4 does right.

The Imperial city is less shit, but when you consider it's the jewel of the fucking empire it's a jokeand then becomes even more shit, none of the cities in any of the Elder Scrolls games feel like cities with the closest thing being Almalexia in Tamriel Rebuilt.

Anvil is the least shit non Imperial Oblivion City.

Fallout 4 was legitimately bad in every way. Not an opinion, but a fact.

Behold you peasants

You can't say Oblivion cities are 1/10 when Fallout 4 is sitting right there.
That is what 1/10 cities look like.

I enjoyed it

The Imperial City is actually fairly impressive by Elder Scrolls standards. It has ~150 NPCs.

>dude my opinion is literally fact lmao
>people are all identical in every way

It's not an opinion

I honestly dont want a city that big in an ES title. The loading times would be awful and 90% of the buildings would be pointless unless all the dev time was spent on one city like other anons are saying.
I'm all for bigger than skyrim but there is a point where it can be too much.

Why would you not want filler decoration? It's essentially another graphics setting that increases fidelity.

It still hurts.

name an objective strength fallout 4 has that makes it a good game

reminder that mediocre gunplay isn't an objective strength when it's the only positive the game has

>Downgrade City
>Population: Steam Witcher 3 player-count

ASSCREED citiess are all pretty good, but they're mostly just pretty models and don't really serve any functional purpose

>I dont want more and better content because I know Bethesda cant handle it

im allergic to onions you asshole

Novigrad was pretty fucking great. It was big, but pretty much every part of the city still had a purpose. There were enough interiors to feel like a real city, but not enough that you felt obligated to search a million copypasted houses for loot. I liked how as you progressed the game's plot, little events would trigger in different places that showed you how events in the story were affecting the city.


>dude opinions aren't real lmao
You like buildings that you can't enter?
>dude name a good thing about this game that I will dismiss as shit no matter how good it is lmao

The fact that that city next to the Mages Guild "fell into the sea" really pisses me off, especially because the more a e s t h e t i c coastal ice city was so irrelevant to the game's quests.
Add to that the fact that Helgen never got rebuilt despite being moderately aesthetic, and it's really annoying.

The other problem that doesn't get enough criticism is that there's far too few villages in both 4 and 5. I understand there's only a certain amount of space to put things in and no real reason to overpressure the crappy consoles, but the only place to see domesticity in action should not be a handful of HIGHLY scripted city areas. There should also be more of an incentive or benefit to frequently visiting or attending urban and suburban areas beyond the basic "murderhobo" reasons.

>can't name anything good about fallout 4

>every section is a separate map with a loading screen
>every single building is a separate map with a loading screen
this engine is so fucking shit, why do they keep using it?

Sorry, user. I'll make it up to you by making you a burger.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

I'll name one thing good about it, it doesn't crash like a motherfucker on modern systems when I mod it

3D and voice acting were mistakes. 2D CRPGs had way comfier cities than any modern game.

In Morrowind, i actually got lost in Vivec.

In Skyrim, i get taunted for not going to the Cloud District, even though it's just a 5 metres walk.

Damnit Bethesda, can't you just release your fucking IP's a bit? New Vegas was huge if you took all the surrounding bits into it, but you couldn't even put to life a small settlement outside of DC/Boston. Just. Let. Go.

>can't name anything good about anything