Nintenbros try to have a thread

>Nintenbros try to have a thread

>Sony tries to have a thread

>PC tries to have a thread

Nobody can have an on-topic thread in the current boardstate. Whats to be done?

Other urls found in this thread: went In blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before./

Post some lolis

Just end it all

Become an X-bro.

But then even that is thrown off topic by YOURE A PEDO shitposters and the people that respond to them.

You mean
>when Ninty only has ports
>when Ninty has games
Can we like have another board for fucking SOY KEK NINTENDO USERS..they like... are so annoying and wont shut up....

eroge threads are always civil and on-topic.

But isn't half your library ported to PC tho?

Delete Sup Forums, implement shadowbans


That's Xcuck falseflagging scum for you.

It's probably this queer.

sonyslamists have most of their threads elsewhere, they only come here to shitpost, this is because their system is casuals choice.

>complaining about soyposting
it wouldn't hurt you so much if it wasn't your only food and only personality left.

delete the board
we were better off when it was gone

Hey rid of images again.

You're tampering with forces far beyond your comprehension, mortal.

this, making Sup Forums a textboard would shoo away the memespouting cancer.

>delete Sup Forums
It's like destroying a bee hive, instead of being contained in their hive mind, they all come out to sting instead of the usual few asshole bees that regularly leave the hive.

Plus it does nothing to stop console warring because surprise, Sup Forumsacks don't give a shit about game hardware, only care about games if they're too heavy in SJWism. They race war, not console war.

>shadowban IP


I have bad news user. Loli fappers being pedos is sadly about as much shitposting as the offtopic pedophilia porn itself.

fucking this

we can't even post porn any more jesus christ this is truly the end times

> that box
Is that seriously how roasted they got. Not gonna lie it just doubled in hilarity now I know that pointless shitposting people were up to was actually having an effect.

No as much of a problem without, wojak memes they'd get bored and fuck off on their own.

You wade through the ocean of piss and you fucking enjoy it

where's the lie in the box though

It's like you already forgot how bad ascii art spam got earlier this year when image servers were kill

Pretty much the inherent idea that humor deprived from another isn't funny simply because the target said so. Sup Forums as a whole has making fun of people as a basis and to see someone react in such a flatpan upset manner to humor and pretend there was no inherent joke is a bit of a giveaway.

I probably wasn't browsing here then. All I know is that they english side 2ch boards are dead as fuck.

Have you read the OP? You’re part of the problem

Sold mine and bought a Switch. What a disaster is that console. It is Windows Phone all over again.

please suicide cancer

Don't give the animeshitposter (you)s. Just post more lasers

anime shitposter > wojak shitposter

> animeshitposter
Last thread it was something different but I didn't pay attention. you sure seem desperate to pin literally anything, something on.

based fucking shoop poster wrecking cancer all over Sup Forums.

They're both equally cancerous

Yep. Only half


Anime shitposters don't start console wars threads. They are by an objective standard much better than wojak shitposters.

Stop trying to talk with anyone about videogames.
Gamers are anti social scum and you should know that by now.

>Nintenbros try to have a thread

You mean the dozens of threads of the SAME FUCKING TOPIC that have been made in the last 48 hours and are still being made by the minute? Oh yes those poor Nintendo toddlers can't """""discuss""" their games in peace, oy vey. it's another Labocaust!

Honestly go fuck yourself.

>barneyfag calls out pony posting
>gets outed as the fucking autist he is
>shoop poster spams dead memes in every soy shitpost

Really gets the noggin joggin

problem being it's not a particularly clever joke in the first place and there's little to no variation on the joke and consequently little to no evolution, most times i see it it's just the same pictures or the same collages over and over. i personally wouldn't go so far as to say there IS no joke but i'm certainly in the camp that it's just tiresome to see after not finding it funny in the first place and that posting it more in response to negative reaction or outright backlash doesn't make it funnier, i usually get more entertainment value out of the occasional laser because it's objectively just as shitty but it completely throws whoever's posting soy for a loop


They're the same people. Go to foolz and you'll see

There are a total of One (1) anime images in this thread, two if you count anime-esque videogames.

They aren't.

haha yeah

Nintendies will do anything to distance theirselves from soylent grin, and they're a vocal majority on this board.

As I said, they're one in the same. Go to the foolz archive. They talk about how easy it is to falseflag and get retards to argue about who's console is better. They frequently post wojaks.

same type of person I reckon or fuck might even be the same dude, read below.
It's been confirmed that barneyfag loves nintendo, specifically splatoon.

dwell on that for a small bit and come to your own conclusion based on the thread.
not true. it's evolved into nintendo labo mocking and gif forms over time.

post a link or I'm citing hitchens razor
t. anime shitposter

>it's evolved into shooping a Switch box onto a picture



You just hate anime.
Our site

>try to have a nier automata thread

>not true. it's evolved into nintendo labo mocking and gif forms over time.
nintendo labo is probably the most recent and true variation on it and it dates back two months and is pretty close to already dead since labo shitposting is a dying breed, the gif forms are two to six frame animations (except for the one sliding around in a box-car) and aren't very numerous in the first place so it's back to that prior-mentioned bit that it's just the same ones posted over and over

That's the thing though. it's evolved and changed and gained new context through various means, hell I hadn't seen this pic before the thread.
It's what memes fuckin' do.

>try to have a nier automata thread

> the gif forms are two to six frame animations (except for the one sliding around in a box-car
nah you forgot the larger one where it has the dude then it dangles down over like 12-15 frames.
Also this is goalpost moving now. the original point was made and confirmed and now you're just arguing schematics while ignoring the evolution and meme examples in the thread so I'm going to decapitate that right there.

There is literally nothing wrong with both 2b's ass and philosophy.

You want the link to foolz? Fine.
There's plenty of pages, search them at your leisure. For the record, I don't hate anime.

except for the fact you can't even talk about the game without waifufags flooding the place

other side of the coin

Sup Forums becomes unusable because people cant keep the discussion in one fucking thread


I want to use Sup Forums without that shit in 50 different threads.

The solution is simple - ban all phoneposters. Ecelebfags, underagefags, consolewarfags, and redditfags would disappear in one swoop

>literally one shitposting tripfag
Great argument reddit-kun.

But that's something else entirely.

based SHOOP poster, I think I was in your first rhead and I want your babies.

>I can't enjoy my jelly sandwich if there's peanut butter in it
How about you try not being a faggot who is allergic to sexy women?

Nigger nobody likes rug, but he is just one guy.

I took a 36 hour break from Sup Forums thinking these retards would simmer down eventually but these mouthbreathers are still fucking going. I can't hide threads fast enough.

>try to have a Bloodborne thread

rangeban on 10days autist when?

I dont mind if people discuss games but fuck, Sup Forums was FINE until all the shitposting started by that direct.

I dont even dislike nintendo. but Sup Forums is almost unusable now.

barneyposter was even more obnoxious than ponies and would derail threads if they were even brought up, shoopposter only goes in threads specifically about soy memes

Welcome to Sup Forums, where the only rules that are enforced are the ones that will send you to prison

>It's a fucking tripfag single handedly spamming
Why am I not surprised?

Come on, that little cardboard man is hilarious.

Nobody wants Windows 10

>wonder what the ratio of console density the Xbone has right now
>make pic and get instantly nostalgic
Remember when there were threads constantly about these vgchartz things? Funny how they all stopped when Sony began leading...

You people are pathetic. You make real friends to discuss games with properly then you use Sup Forums as a pass time for shitposting.

Lmfao not my fault you faggots are lonely


Nurture a culture that:

>ignore unoriginal wojak posters
>ignore platform posters
>ignore XD posters
>ignore youtube, twitch posters
>ignore ”now that the dust has settle” posters
>ignore all caps
>ignore normie shit (MOBAs, Hero shooters, Batlle royales, Zombie shit, etc)
>ignore all but ONE (1) tournament/e-sport thread
>ignore ”what went so wrong/right” threads, including those which spoiler tags

>promote animeposters
>promote VIDEO GAMES
>promote sequel/prequel
>promote lesser known vidya
>promote classic

it really isn’t about being better, just don’t be a shitposter. It’s surprisingly easy if you think about it

>problem being it's not a particularly clever joke
Jokes don't need to be clever, they only need to be funny. You, on the other hand, are neither funny nor clever. Retard.

And he doesn't even particularly hate Nintendo. He's got a Wii U. Falseflagging. That's all it is.

cancer is what fuels cancer. Even if we ignore it, they'll just circlejerk.

> motha
> fuckin
> food
> analogy
I kind of agree though. threads can talk about more then one thing and it's not like it's stopping the other, there's just simply nothing to talk about other thing wise if that's the case.
barneyfag got caught false flagging pony threads in /qa/ multiple times. the issue is the abusable mechanic of false thread / theme attrition.


Nigga sony ponies are still posting them

There is literally nothing wrong with food analogies.

>Switch still not above VITA
Huh. I thought Switch'd eclipsed it by now.

Not true. the inherent bait / shitpost nature of soyjack requires outside attention. It was actually starting to die off until it got a boat load.

Well I never see them, maybe sonyfags don't come on when I'm online.

Ban all Sup Forums posters, but don't delite Sup Forums

And hell, it's not just one guy either.

We've got several of these animeshitposters going into various different boards, baiting people.

threads are 404'ing so fast right now because so many smash threads are being made, this board is going to be unusable until release


Maybe if mods actually did their job things would be better. They are oblivious of board culture and common spam. I got a 3 day ban for reporting this autist while his posts remained went In blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before./

Jesus H Christ


>posting the same thing over and over and over and over and over is funny