everything ive seen about this game just makes it look like a TLoU ripoff

I can't wait for E3 to be exactly the same shit as the previous two years in a row.

>sony about to show the same zombie game three e3s in a row
At least Spiderman looks okay.

The PS4 will have more vaporware than games at this rate.

this shit is so cancelled

So, what's left on this console? GoW, Detroit and Spiderman?

Wasn't this shit suppose to been came out?

forgot this existed

Pretty much, I'm expecting games like FF7 remake, KH3 and Shenmue 3 to be PS5 games at this point.

Does anyone care about Days Gone?

Were you looking for asspain?

I dont think anyone ever cared about this game, hopefully it's just cancelled.

Day's Gone would have been released at the end of this year and with RDR2, CoDBO3, Battlefield V, Smash Switch, and probably more to be announced leading up to E3, it is strategically sound to delay a new IP to a less busy time. It worked wonders for Horizon Zero Dawn.

Me too

What is it about the game that makes it worth all this song and dance exactly? Everything about it looks so generic.

But user, they're going to have live gameplay of the new TLOU aren't you excited to watch it? It'll be just like watching a trailer.

That and a half hour for PSVR and a half hour for indie games during their E3.

Normalfags having taste is still one of the world's biggest lies next to EA make good games.

Not surprising. It was probably in-line for a release late this year, so Sony delayed it a few months as not to have it competing with RDR2 at Christmas, similar to what several Japanese pubs did to avoid FFXV in 2016.

And only the FF7 remake is exclusive of those. Seeing SEs recent history with PC it will have a delayed PC release. KH3 is on the Xbone and Shennue 3 is *also on PC.

I forgot about PSVR entirely, its like it only exists to crush hopes and dreams at conferences at this point.

The Xcucks are out of their cuck sheds again.


I don't even see the appeal of it

There are better zombie games

Nice try, but at this point, the Xbox lineup looks so much better than what Sony is offering this year. I wonder when they will delay the new Spiderman game.


microsoft has long since taken themselves out of the running

>a generic tough guy post apocalyptic open world game
please tell me it's going to have zombies in it i need something fresh

>going to have to watch ANOTHER cinematic trailer of this piece of shit at e3 and probably the next e3


Why does this game exist?


Oh no, an open world zombie game got delayed, what shall we do?

Phil is about to blow everyone away at this E3. You wait and see.

Hi Mike. Revving up the shill machine for Sea of Thieves?

Do people really care about delays? I'd prefer a game be delayed if it isn't done.

What the shit? Haven't they been showing this off for like forever now? Then again, a games that were shown that second E3 still aren't here....

>getting excited for another teaser trailer before the games from E3 2016 are even released
>the most exciting thing from PSX was a teaser for a remake

>It'll happen this time! Just you wait and see!

Fourth time lucky, right? Can't wait to see which Porsche Dan Greenawalt shows off.

Sea of thieves is fun af though

What is wrong with remakes? Don't tell me you don't appreciate kino remakes like REmake and Metroid Zero Mission?

He's just being your typical, immature Sony fan. It's best not to encourage them.

And? Literally nobody was excited for that game. Still has more good games than any other console. Stay mad, poorfag.

more like Years Gone

Good. Maybe with the extra time they can save it from being the most boring-ass fucking snoozefest in the history of this medium.

Its the fact that after several disappointing conferences of the same games, the most exciting thing is a remake teaser trailer. And this is still before we've even seen an hours worth of gameplay from any of the games from E3 2016.

Not that user, but it's literally the second time Medievil gets a remake, and the teaser even had voice clips from said original remake which was a piece of crap because of how it ruined the writing and atmosphere with childish and unnecessary comedy, suggesting this new remake/remaster of the remake may not be all that different. Like, this is lazy at best. But what do I know right, let's wait for more info I guess

Ghost of Tshusima
Death Stranding

State of Decay 2
Sea of Thieves

everything else is going to be shit

Lets face it, Death Stranding is going to be a PS5 release game.

You mean only the E3? Ghost of Tsushima made PGW last year. And Sony also revealed Soul Calibur 6 at their PSX.


Japan Studio have got a few games in the pipeline. The LocoRoco guy's got a new game, as well as the Soul Sacrifice and Bloodborne guys.

Also that Journey to the West game with Hexadrive.

>yfw this shit gets shown off AGAIN at E3

They need something to fill the time gap for their show.

>Ghost of Tsushima
Which was just another teaser with zero gameplay.
>Sony also revealed Soul Calibur 6 at their PSX.
No they didn't, that was at the game awards.

>not being hyped for Disaster Report 4

According to their lineup of games for this year, that should be the name of the PS.

If only, maybe then people would give Disaster Report 4 some coverage.

>Western games

>Spiderman for PS4.
He will be a nigger. Sony acknowledges that the large buyers of PS4 are niggers.

all you do is run from the giant horde of infinite zombies and run shooting your infinite ak47. game doesnt look fun

Miles is in Spiderman PS4, but he's not the Spiderman you play as. It's Peter.

>literal who game
a thread died for this

>Same shit at E3 for 3 fucking years.

But that was okay for BotW, right?

Still surprised that Yuri Lowenthal got th gig. Would’ve thought Sony and Marvel would want an actual name actor.

Didn't Days Gone skip a bunch of conferences between E3s?

Honestly watching the to-ing and fro-ing over this game because zombie stuff is normie honey is pretty funny.


The only things that will be at E3 again is Spiderman and Days Gone. Detroit and God of War are releasing before E3, and Ghost of whatever and TLOU2 were from Paris/PSX.

>Same shit at E3 for 11 fucking Chapters.

>MJ will be playable in a spiderman game before Miles


>another generic zombie survival game

Does anyone actually give a shit about this game? I hope they don't waste another 10 minutes on it at e3.

i guess ps4 just has god of war then