Are the Soulsborne games really hard, or do games today hold your hand so much that they just seem really hard by comparison?
Are the Soulsborne games really hard...
They're certainly not easy
They sit right about in the middle
They're difficult, but the difficulty is overstated.
The thing is that you can't just rush into every enemy encounter and hack away until they're that.
That's pretty much it.
Aside from dark souls 2 they're challenging but fair for a newcomer.
the latter
they're not easy, but not exactly hard. this isn't a humblebrag and i'm sure some faggot is going to try and call me out on it, but i mostly beat most of Dark Souls bosses on the first try. only boss that was truly hard was that fucking goat with his two dogs and that's only because early on you haven't gotten the hang of the gameplay yet.
of course the bar has been set so fucking low people are accustomed to playing games with their fucking brains turned off, without having to learn anything from previous encounters or to think about their actions, so it seems hard for retards i guess.
the second thing
but you knew that
They are as hard as you want them to be.
There are always ways to cheese, or simply over-level through farming.
The later. I've been dying a lot in Max Payne for the PS2 and that game isn't even that old. Couldn't get very far at all in Ghosts n Goblins or the classic Mega Man games and I managed to beat most of Bloodborne's bosses on the first try during my second playthrough.
By todays standards every game that won't let you win even when you have no idea how the game works is too hard.
People want to consume videogames.
Not actually play them.
The first one you play is going to kick your ass, and as go you through the series you'll find your ass getting kicked less frequently (but still semi-often). So the answer is yes, until you git gud they are really hard.
Name games that are more difficult but arent 15-20 years old
They aren't hard at all, the problem is with most of people being greedy retards trading safety for one extra hit and dying as result.
They're hard.
Some fags will try to split hairs and say "THEY'RE NOT HARD, JUST PUNISHING!" There are other fags who will outright claim that it's not hard just because there exist harder games like Alien Soldier or some shit. But they're hard.
git gud
They're on the easy side. They catch someone who only played walking simulators off-guard, but they're easy enough to be finished by those same players, or by people that never played videogames in the first place:
>No real penalty for dying
>No game over / defeat / "you lose the game" condition
>Infinite lives / retries
>Can summon another player to beat the game for you.
>In the Dark trilogy your main healing item has infinite free recharges. In Demon's / Bloodborne healing items can be easily farmed
>Few enemies per stage, they don't respawn unless you rest at a checkpoint
>Dodging is literal temporary invulnerability instead of being a dodge
And so on.
Dark Souls 1, 2, 3, BB and Shadows Die Twice will be playable on PS4. When's Demon's Souls coming to PS4 with the 6th archstone?
Ive been playing dark souls 3 ts my first souls game i died 3 times to ludex 3 times to vordt 0 times to tree. It isn't any harder than devil may cry 4 on hard. I've died a bunch but no it isn't particularly difficult
Bam. Point proven.
I killed the fucking tree on my first try without taking damage. I didn't even roll. What's up with that shit?
I'm not saying that I'm good at it, because I'm definitely not. Dancer took me 30-40 tries.
And here. Am I psychic, or are you people just getting predictable?
Most kids growing up now didn't really play third person action games, so a lot of it is just unfamiliarity with the genre. The closest was maybe something like God of War.
Oh shit is the difficulty gonna spike? I'm at the swamp
how is it proven? i didn't say any of the things you said someone would.
souls game aren't hard, all you have to do is pay attention.
LOL idiot
I got platinum in 10 (TEN, countem) days while going in blind, having never played a souls game before. This completely tarnishes the game's legacy.
Pic related.
They're not that hard, they're just very harsh. It's actually DeS that's harshest especially now that WT doesn't just default to +2 everywhere because online.
Compared to the first three bosses? Yeah, a lot. It's still perfectly manageable though as long as you aren't a bumbling fool.
I didn't say they were easy. I do think their difficulty is overstated.
God damn, I'm on fire.
Nah, you're just wrong and people that actually played the games agree about how they truly are.
instead of repeatedly proving how shallow you are to the entire thread why not explain why you think they're hard
No they aren't. You want to believe they're hard so you can feel better about yourself, but they aren't at all.
>feel better about yourself
The same argument could be made about people saying they aren't hard you dingus.
>look at me, i'm totally winning in this ultra hard game
>look at me, this game that everyone thinks is hard is so easy
Their bad design makes them hard. So many fucking trash gimmick bosses. Especially in 2 and 3.
Except that you can easily compare by looking at factual data such as completion metrics. Dark Souls 3 Clear rate on Steam is 20%~. Now if you only consider people who at least did light a bonfire for the first time (meaning they actually installed the game and played more than 10 minutes), that clear rate goes up close to 25%~.
25% is extremely high. Metal Gear Solid V (on Steam again) has similar Dark Souls 3 clear rate despite it's lenght and people dropping mid-way due to how the game was boring to some etc. You can't say that MGS V is hard by any means. Dark Souls is a game made to be cleared by everyone. Yes it'll kick your ass at times, but it's not hard.
We're not talking here about crazy shmup than not even 1% of players can 2-ALL or a music game like IIDX where not even 5% of players can reach Kaiden. That's the definition of HARD.
The audiences for Souls and MGS are completely different.
No shit sherlock. If anything it should be to MGS disadvantage. The audience of DKS knows (for the most of them) what they're getting into. So if anything clear rate should be higher than MGS which is a more mainstream series. No matter how you look at numbers, 25% is high.