
Anyone else too much of a scaredy-cat to play horror games?
I don't even get to the scary parts, I stop playing before I reach them because I can't handle the anticipation. In the case of Darkwood I haven't even opened the fucking game yet

The only games that can scare me involve the ocean and sharks.

I get like acrophobia in subnautica where I'm like afraid of stuff suddenly appearing, it's super weird because I dive in rl and absolutely don't have this problem, even with dangerous stuff about

Christ, I get spooked by the weirdest games. I remember some tech demo game where you fly around a solar system while a timer resets the universe every so often. One of the planets was a fog filled thorn maze, with giant angler fish everywhere. Never found the courage to explore it fully. Shame I can't remember the name, wanted to go back to it.

I wish I could erase all memories of this game so I could replay it.

I die so easily that I dont have time to get scared

Same. Seen some fucked up shit in the water but I'm ok as long as other people are swimming near me. Gives me confidence.

The Old Woods is such a leap in the difficulty and you gotta love how the Chomper in the bridge is your fist test

someone name a really scary game

Depends. What scares you?

Anything where it fakes your pc breaking

nothing special really. i guess being chased, if its done right.

been done too much

Alien: Isolation
Darkwood (If you avoid the fights)

This was the first game that legitimately kinda spooped me and it was mostly thanks to the superb audio. Couldn't sleep for a while because every little noise at night freaked me out a little after playing. Cool game.

thanks for the suggestion, already played those though.

Stop being a pussy OP

This is why I will never go in the ocean, and dont get me wrong sharks are my favorite animal but fuck the ocean.

>tfw I cant even get through the shack of RE7 but I played through F.E.A.R Just fine

You can't mean in general. Like you'll never go to the beach? Or you'll never go snorkeling or dive in places with alot of marine life that include sharks?

that's because the shooting in fear is so good that you can basically ignore the horror

>game stops being scary once you know what to actually do

You miss out on something really fun then. The visibility in that water is really bad and probably shouldn't have been diving at that time.

Honestly I've been to the beach and the waters always murky. so honestly I dont think Id want to go back after learning about all the predators that swim close to shore. Maybe I'd go scuba diving in one of this chainmail suits with a spear gun, but otherwise I'm good just watching nature documentaries,

>get to the second Marguerite boss fight in the greenhouse
>okay you got this user, you can do this, you already did it once, no big deal
>go up the stairs
>she comes in through the window
>she has this deep, booming voice
>her arm reaches towards me
>it's okay, I'm out of reach, I'll be fine
>her arm keeps getting longer and longer
>she grabs me and heaves me across the room
>then crawls in like a spider with her elongated limbs and crawls away across the walls
>hear her laughing
>suddenly quiet and dark again as I try to prepare and see where she's coming from next
why am I such a weenie ;_;