Guess who just got suspended from twitter
Guess who just got suspended from twitter
>blue bears
>neither of those are videogames
fuck off
Was it Mister Metokur again?
PROOF, fuck this inflationfag i want proof that he's been cut out like the cancer he is
how is that possible? isn't he a hardcore leftist SJW?
>be a frothing libcuck
>get banned from the de facto libcuck social media platform
Can he do ANYTHING right?
Why? He was as leftist as it can be. I thought twatter only bans wypipo nazis
He's definitely suspended. Suicide imminent.
what'd he do?
He told some guy to kill himself
>Suicide imminent.
Then who will we laugh at?
Not even they can stand his egoistic attitude.
twitter . com / ADobsonComics
Something about lesbians and Splatoon.
Might have told someone to kill themselves.
Literally ranting on his Facebook
>getting banned because you told fucking perez hilton to kill himself
Why are you even keeping track of this guy to begin with?
It's real. Also video games.
>check his twitter to see if I'm right
>H did again
Ok then.
It's always the biggest SJW that are the biggest creeps and degenerates
How about google you fucking mongoloid
Who the fuck is Perez Hilton?
fucking EBIN bros
screenshots please, i have FB blocked on my hosts file
Dobson is an even bigger failure than CWC at this point.
Literal faggot Hollywood gossip troll.
This. I'm getting more confused now.
What game and how was he inserting it?
Go to bed Dobson
pic related
Here's the FB post.
The comments are people telling him he fucked up by telling someone to kill himself, while he's defending it because he said it to Trump, and that makes it okay.
Doesn’t he have Facebook? That’s equally a shitty platform as twitter
>check spoony's twitter
>see this
Facebook isnt as much as a hugbox as twitter
How fucking long will Sup Forums beat this dead horse
If he's sick of being chased off social media, why doesn't he go out and socialize?
Nobody but old farts use shitbook nowadays. It's twitter and Instagram now.
Imagine buying into the leftist state of mind and obeying every weaklings wishes only to be devoured for basically nothing anyway
hi dobson
>slurs against straights and whites actually resulting in administrative action
Are the tides turning finally or is Dobbeh just that big of a fuckup?
>creepy lesbian fetish
Lesbians are a fetish and creepy now? They must hate yuri with a passion.
Is this a joke
dead bear*
ftfy. he's not dead yet, give it a few months if his accoutn doesn't come back
am i being trolled
not real but I wish it was
>just a lesbian one
Thats not how it works
Man the amount of trannies in gaming is raising for the recent years. I used to laugh at Sup Forumstards about soy and trans propaganda but this made me reconsider my views...
Who the fuck is Spoony?
I can't help but reflexively smile while reading this.
Probably the latter
Until he's dead for real. And judging by his post in FB it could be sooner than we thought.
It's a parody account you retard.
Haha yeah least I'm not Anthony Burch, right guys?
>How will they survive without MY support?
I don't even know how he survives with the Little support he does have? I wish that ForeverPander video was the end of him but he's still kicking. I wish when he said he was quitting for good he actually did it but that didn't happen because he realized he's not skilled enough for an actual profession besides being the biggest baby on the planet.
It's not really him dumbasses. Spoony was banned because he said he was gonna go Columbine over his health insurance.
Anthony Burch
A guy that you may have found funny if you were actually 12 when you started watching him, which a lot of Sup Forums was.
oh wait, it's a fake. I'mma fucking retard. Brb drinking bleach
Who are some other lulzcows?
I'm pretty sure he's being ironic. But to be fair Dobbie does seem kinda obsessed with lesbians, be it for SJW pandering like in his "clean" art or for the fetish stuff he posted while pretending to be a girl ages ago
Some SJW cartoonist.
>Lesbians are a fetish and creepy now?
They are if you do it in a creepy and fetishy way. This is Dobson we're talking about.
>waaaaaaa waaaaaaa gib mone waaaaaaaa meanie whites
Prove him wrong.
Protip: You can.
I just don't get it. Lots of fat retards online post dumb contrarian opinions on the internet, why did this guy get singled out so hard?
>Every day is a new frustration to deal with and there's never a break.
If you're over 30 years old and obsessing over underaged lesbians publicly, then yes, it's creepy.
>I don't have anywhere to go
You can maybe get off the computer and go outside for once?
>OTHER game?
But he isn't technically wrong
It's not improved, if it's about equality it's completely neutral. A character is gay, so what? If that's meant to be normal it shouldn't be celebrated.
I need a "how could this be happening to me" edit of this, stat
Imagine how happy he would be if he had just embraced his fetish and become a fetish artist.
He could be like Shadman, or Theboogie (not to be confused with the flesh golem on youtube), or any of a number of highly successful very happy artists that make money doing what they love.
Well, CWC is able to attack people in public and get away with it. Dobson only dreams about it so yeah, Dobson. Is a fucking failure.
christ dobbo get off the internet and get a fucking hobby
Honestly I don't know who's more pathetic between the two.
At least Anthony Burch isn’t Andrew Dobson.
shh, let him suffocate inside his bubble of bullshit
Being Anthony Burch is actually preferable to being Dobson at least Burch has money
Which one of you was responsible for this?
It depends on the context. Every single piece of media would be improved if there was a scene of some gays being lynched while a disclaimer pops up explaining the link between homosexuality and pederasty and disease.
That's fake
>mfw Spoony's suspended from Twitter.
>I hate this guy, therefore it's okay for me to tell him to kill himself
He does know no girl is going to want to fuck him right, even if he is a "ally".
I knew of this guy's website because my sister used to browse that garbage back then, who knew he'd slay Dobson all these years later. based.
How come when Chris Chan says something stupid it's amusing, but when Dobson says something stupid it makes him more of an unlikeable prick?
He doesn't give a shit about LGBT rights, he just finds lesbians hot.
Is Mark /ourguy/
Who are the Sup Forums groups?
Keemstar, but for people who are actually IRL famous.
>well developed character who undergoes reasonable development through the story and just happens to be gay
He is. Just like most of western devs they care about character being a faggot but not a character being a character.
Horrible fags that ruin vidya:
Decent fag characters in vidya:
Arcade in NV and Erica in Catherine
The funny thing is he shits on straight white males. well guess what you fucking are Dobson!
because cwc has autism and dobson is just a pathetic cuckolding worm