What do you want to see in it?

What do you want to see in it?

An odyssey across time, Sonic Generations style.

That sounds pretty cool actually. I cannot remember the last time we got a Mario game about time travel.

I want galaxy 3. Odyssey sucked.

Costumes with effects.



1200 black holes to collect

Dont worry nintendo cant remember either

I can only see this happening if they include a limited set number of costumes.

The same game but with 15 more worlds and 50 more capture targets.

Playable Bowser and Peach
New game+ mode that stars Luigi

I don't want Odyssey 2 I want Galaxy 3

>faggots already clamoring for a sequel
Don't you have other games to play?

Could just have some costumes give effects and the rest be cosmetic.

>Playable Bowser
Still pissed we didn't get more this outside of two levels.

I don't want 64-2, I don't want Sunshine-2, I don't want Galaxy-3, and I don't want Odyssey-2. I want something new with a new gimmick.

How about you Odyssey this
*Unzips dick*

More fleshed out areas/worlds. Do that first then we can talk about the gimmicks.

Nice Mandela Effect, I can guarantee you that's not how you were supposed to spell "Odyssey"

user, are you okay?

I don't want a fun game like Odyssey, I want a gimped platformer with simplified movement and jumps across extremely linear, isolated obstacle courses that attempt to be like 2D Mario but fail spectacularly thanks to the floatier physics and interruptions from motion control gimmicks. I want Galaxy 3.

Don't talk to me you're not the user from my universe.

Sounds more like you want a sequel to 3D World

I want it to be more spooky and have a less shit storyline

>Wanting linear boring shit: the game
Boo this faggot.

You'll get it in 6 years.

I want a Mario RTS-platformer combo.

>not the Prequel, Super Mario Illiad
seriously man