Steam removes a visual novel from the store without reason
A few days ago the visual novel 'A Kiss for the Petals - Maidens of Michael' was removed from the storepage without explanation of why,
Mangagamer the publisher and responsible for the translation had no idea it was deleted neither they were given a reason for why
Even the Steam DB page is completely deleted, people claim it was because some canuck from the forums said this game was basically "child pornography" and probably reported it, despite the Steam version being all ages with an optional patch to restore the sex scenes

Why is no one here making an effort to discover the cause of this? Who knows if this harms the possibility of future VNs coming to Steam or deleting the ones already available

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Sup Forums is full of hypocrites and slacktivists, that's why.

be sure to buy doiwn the freeman

Make enough noise that Gaben hears it and it will be put back online.

Here's the person in question who claimed the game was child pornography

Gaben didn't do shit for A Key to Home.

Is this another one of those pedo ones

I wish i had bought it before they took it down ;_;

It's yuri so it's OK

The youngest girl in the game graduates from elementary at the end of her route

Same. I was waiting for a paycheck first. I want more /u/ on steam.

It probably wont be until Monday at the earliest for this to be fixed or even looked at. Anyone in the management side of things will be gone for the weekend.

It's still available on mangagamer's site

I'll pick it up there if this thing isn't resolved by next week.

Is gaben still alive? I think he died of a heart attack years ago and any public appearances are actually a robot designed to look like gaben.

Obviously didn't make enough noise since I've never even heard of it.

yuri faggots BTFO

I was about to say. Mangagamer allows you to download their games without using steam if you care to.
Around 27:30 starts the relevant part, one of the MG staff members was promoting the game the day after it got deleted from Steam and said how they were given no reason of why

It made a lot more noise than this has since it was pretty much the same situation but A Key to Home doesn't have an R18 version to begin with.

If you can get the game without steam cancer why would you choose to get it on steam?

Because I’m sure a lot of people don’t even know that option exists. More porn on their website anyway if you care to know.

The best part about anime lesbians isn't playing them, it's showing everyone online I did.

Convenience and because Steam is a more popular platform to buy PC games

The problem is that Steam never gave a reason for why it was removed, if they at least said "this is promoting underage porn so that's why we are removing it" but no there's nothing

A Key to Home didn't get any explanation for several days either.


>buying vn's on steam
cancer, kys.

>not support vns and doujin games so we can get more of them in the future

>support vns and doujin games
you mean "support steam"


So how does Nekopara get a pass, but this doesn't?

>An American company is being biased against Japanese stuff again.

Stop the fucking presses.

Guess a sjw admin working at Steam went on a powertrip and decided he can get rid of whatever he doesn't like.


And people unironically want every game to be sold through steam

We deserve this reality

so nothing of value was lost? whats the issue?
yuri doujins and such are boring so god I cant imagine how fucking boring a vn would be.

I mean Nekopara, Grisaia, basically any visual novel should be kicked off.

I'm sorry for your homosexuality.

good, yuri is shit
i'm still recovering from being a yurifag


>not importing and playing Japanese version
are you an ironic weeb?

This was yuri though, so it's SJW friendly, and it even got deleted on women day.

>made in Japan
>SJW friendly
Pick one.

Sorry buddy but if they are pretty then its not sjw

no u

Is NickM1 /ourguy/?

No, A satisfyingly fluffy cat is.


good. steam removes degeneracy from it

yes, unlike the million early access games right?