>Sonybros in flames
Heh, nice '''exclusive'''.
>Sonybros in flames
Heh, nice '''exclusive'''.
>bait this obvious
>console war kiddies
This is why PC is superior.
>its fucking real
>on your wishlist
>inb4 locked at 30 FPS
You know it
only a year later for a mediocre game
Crash stopped being a Sony IP after the third game.
>20 year old playstation games get ported to PC
>"get rekt sonytards"
crash hasn't been exclusive for a long time, activision has owned it longer than the average Sup Forums poster has been alive.
>being this assblasted
or you could just play on an emulator..
This. Crash Wrath of Cortex was on the Gamecube.
sorry buddy, I only own a Switch, I have no horse in this fight
Can someone comment on whether the game's hit boxes really are broken? I remember reading about it, but I dunno if it was just Sup Forums being Sup Forums or an actual problem. Should I just stick to emulation?
>I only own a Switch
my condolences
>Tons of people buy this
>Spyro collection will be all but confirmed for PS4 for half a year and then Switch/PC/Xbone
Spyro is better anyway.
eh, looks like the typical bing bing wahoo jump on the apples collect the coins console game
might give it a pirate
Crash's hitbox is pill-shaped instead of being rectangular like in the originals, making platforming a bit harder.
>Should I just stick to emulation?
I don't think you're missing out on much, honestly. Just playable Coco and a better save system for Crash 1.
I-It was shit anyway!
Too cubical.
Sony shill detected.
Well... nice for PC people, I guess.
Too bad they fucked up with the physics.
>Crash stopped being a Sony IP after the third game.
It never was a Sony IP in the first place.
It was owned by Universal Studios, lmao.
Thank you. Does coco play any differently or is it just a different skin?
>good game
you can have it, retard.
Take all the PS4 games except Bloodborne in fact, they're all shit.
Of course it's not. Whenever comes to PC is all of a sudden trash, and being super platinum gems beforehand.
>being so desperate for games that nuCrash is an something to goad others with
She's just a skin. Can't be played with on certain levels, though.
Ah, shame, but I guess it's understandable. I guess I'll pass. Thanks again.
No problem, friend.