>big beautiful maps
>good graphics and sound designs
>64 multiplayer
>air, land, sea vehicles everyone can access
>superior gun mechanics
How does anyone actually prefer cod over battlefield? Its legit boring as fuck
>big beautiful maps
>good graphics and sound designs
>64 multiplayer
>air, land, sea vehicles everyone can access
>superior gun mechanics
How does anyone actually prefer cod over battlefield? Its legit boring as fuck
Other urls found in this thread:
I remember trying call of duty whatever the fuck in 7th grade after hearing a bunch of friend-ish kids talking about it and how "fun" it was.
Then I tried it, no variety whatsoever. God it was the most boring game I had ever played, went back to wizard101 soon after I finished the campagin.
Unfortunately Battlefield post-BC era and CoD have been two sides of the same coin. Less focus on squads and varied roles, more lonewolf solo medics, etc. I still can't believe they gave us levolution instead of actual destruction. It feels very bad.
>big beautiful maps
Cod's smaller maps allow for players to jump right back into the meat grinder after dying as oppose to battlefield's bigger maps which involve moments of traveling to the frontline. Some people consider cod maps better because of this as its faster paced.
>good graphics and sound design
Normies don't care about gun sounds and they don't mind cod's shallow graphics either
>64 multiplayer
With maps being so small and action always constant cod doesn't need 64 players as it'll only take you a few seconds to run into the enemy
Cod players hate vehicles. WaW was the last cod to have them sadly. Kill streaks might count as vehicles in a way though but that's up for debate
>superior gun mechanics
Cod's simple mechanics are its strength. Its so piss easy that anyone can learn it in a couple matches making them think theyre good at the game
cod is faster paced
>actual destruction
What you mean? I can still blow up buildings. Also lonewolf will legit not get you far in conquest.
Battlefield just isn't fun, hasn't been since Bad Company 2. Doesn't matter how pretty it looks or how good it seems on paper.
BC2 was the last good BF game
I have a massive preference for BF over COD but even I understand the latter's appeal. Battlefield has more features and potential for (relatively) emergent gameplay moments, but picking up COD with its beautiful smooth 60 fps and tight controls (for a console shooter) is super refreshing.
BC2 was fucking garbage and pandered to rush babbys
Faster paced. No vehicle bullshit. Just spawn in shoot some shit and on to the next one. Sometimes simple is better
But as a cod player the maps are so fucking shit year after year. The only cod series even worth 2 fucks about is black ops atm.
Why play cod over Titanfall when it offers the same shit but much fun mechanics?
>What you mean? I can still blow up buildings.
Sure, but it's nowhere near what is used to be. Entire maps used to be able to be completely leveled, and now we see the same cookie cutter destruction on copy+pasta'd buildings for an entire map.
>Also lonewolf will legit not get you far in conquest.
I dunno about that, I've been able to lone wolf at will on virtually any game mode in 3 and 4 as long as I have a fast rate of fire AR, which is bread and butter in nu-BF. Let me heal myself along the way and it's easy as fuck.
>Bad Company 2.
The most overrated Battlefield, that is also solely responsible for the casualization of the game.
if you can't understand why COD won you're most certainly, most unequivocally, most UNDOUBTEDLY, retarded
But it was still miles better than BF3 and all it's clones.
>No cold war era
>No korea war era
>No vietnam era
>No Bad Company 3
Instead, we get another WW2 era shooter.
This, every game since has gotten worse.
Why even make this comparison if anything BF babies want BF to be MORE like COD. BFBC2 is the most well liked BF due to its infantry focus. BF3 and BF4 were really fast paced. BF3 released a fucking DLC centered around small maps. BF retards also vote for maps like Metro or Lockers.
If anything the BFBC2 babies/BF3/BF4 ruined BF more than COD
""""""""""""""thecnicly""""""""""""""" there was that expantion for BC2.
but yeah i share the sentiment.
>Just spawn in shoot some shit and on to the next one.
That's the boring part though. Same shit every match in those tiny ass maps you can barely interact with.
In BF i can fuck around in heli's all game as a main or support, C4 tanks, blow up buildings, run over people on my jeep or chill on the AA etc.
BFBC2 the most overrated BF. Is praised for its "Infantry focus" and its "maps made for Rush"
Bad Company is a bad spin off and Rush is a bad mode
the same people who write undertale fanfiction and are looking forward to valves new card game like call of duty
Bad Company introduced the worst mechanic in BF.
Squad Spawning
I like both games, they offer different kinds of game play and there's literally no reason no compare them to each other
>Why even make this comparison if anything BF babies want BF to be MORE like COD
Not sure about those other posts but the point of mine was that actual longtime fans should fucking loathe the direction the series has gone. Just because BF is flooded with cowaduty holdouts memeing on Lockers doesn't mean that's what everybody wanted.
>but it's nowhere near what is used to be.
That's because maps were made smaller to pander to rush game mode and could get away with that. Despite the great map layout of most of BC2's maps, they really were all filled with the same houses. BF3 and BF4 opted for more map variation, thus in BF3 you see the reduction in destruction as a result of maps like Seine Crossing or Metro, but BF4 more than makes up for it by having better ground deformation, micro-destruction (seen in the interiors of maps likes Dawnbreaker or Hainan Resort, of which BC2 had none by the way) and when maps do have houses or office buildings like in Lancang Dam (or in Operation Outbreak's case, wooden houses as well), equal or better destructibility is seen when compared to BC2. This whole BC2 meme is nothing but nostaglia
Who cares, they're both shit.
Squad Spawning made capturing points and front lines completely redundant. Not to mention made medics kind of useless overall. Theres a reason BF3/4 lets you not take a difbulator
>lol the idiot did not see my friend im gonna spam the spawn button
>spawn right around the position I died at
Recon spawn beacons are even worse since it used to be restricted to be just squad leaders but letting everyone and their mother have access to it ruined the idea.
>This whole BC2 meme is nothing but nostaglia
Please start reading my posts. I said nothing about BC2 in a positive light.
Meaning BC2 is included in that slop.
>Rush is a bad mode
Chillax, its still good just not in BC series. Sometimes I don't wanna play a 50 min conquest match.
Come on, when it comes to destruction the only game you could have talked about was BC2. What else could have you referred too?
>Unfortunately Battlefield post-BC era and CoD have been two sides of the same coin.
and maybe sometimes I dont want to play on a shitty map of run in and die/grenade spam.
People say BFBC2 maps were made for Rush but I dont know alot of the rush maps I played recently were TERRIBLE
CoD was over it's peak by MW3 also on console it was 32 players max in BF3, which actually made it more fun.
>was 32 players max in BF3
Nobody played BF on consoles until PS4 era.
>What else could have you referred too?
Simple, BC1 has the best destruction of the series. That was its entire selling point, too, and it has been royally fucked since the series chased that cowaduty money and focused on console development. Come on man, following along on Sup Forums isn't as hard as you're making it.
not defending it or anything but putting all your chips on the chance a guy survived is a literal coin toss, sure you can suddenly bring 4 guys to the point, but those same guys will be vulnerable to their backs.
how many times did you get a double or a triple kill on a frag where you only saw one guy?
agree on the Recon beacon, that shit was awful.
WW1 was a mistake. All the maps look like shit.
I need modern day setting back.
You're a fucking idiot.
COD is arcadey, fast-paced and smooth
Also consider on consoles where the majority of players are at, COD runs at 60fps while Battlefield struggles to stay at 30fps
>big beautiful maps
Big EMPTY maps. Their poor design is of concession, just to allow jets some room so they don't have to turn back around every two seconds. There's a reason Bad Company 2's maps were far better. No jets.
>good graphics and sound
On the guns and only the guns, maybe. Environment graphics are terrible despite there being so little actual "environment" in it.
The sound being the same shit as any other shooter, except loud and deafening isn't good.
>64 multiplayer
Is a clusterfuck. Despite big open empty stretches of land, there is not enough actual content in any map that makes 64 people on it at once tenable.
>air land sea vehicles anyone can access
I got to the jet first, you can sit there for the whole match waiting for "your turn".
>superior gun mechanics
Fuck no. BF guns are and always have been wildly inaccurate sprinkler hoses (except for snipers who get to kill you from 300m in one shot no problem). Shootouts are complete luck even at point blank, even when you dive prone to mitigate the spread.
I've been a big fan of the BF series, not since the beginning but when I finally got into gaming with Bad Company 1. I went back and played 1942 and 2142, and played the series up to 4 (never touched Hardline ore One). I've also played most of the Call of Duties, starting from whichever it was that released before Modern Warfare, stopping at Black Ops 2 and skipping up to Ghosts and then WW2. All of this, when applicable, were on consoles since I was too poor to afford a decent PC.
BF3 was the peak of the BF game series, and beats the shit out of most of the CoD games, hands down. There was a nice balance between vehicular combat, Infantry, and Objective gameplay, though often times the Air combat felt more like a sideshow to the actual game. There was a variety to the maps, something for everyone, and all the weapons felt satisfying to use.
CoD stopped being good at BO2/MW2. WaW would've been a 10/10 game if it wasn't for the rampant hacking on consoles, and I can only imagine how much worse it was on PC. For infantry based shooting, those 2 CoDs hit the sweet spot for skill and gunplay, without overloading you with perks, abilities, and other stupid shit.
>superior gun mechanics
Fuck no. BF guns are and always have been wildly inaccurate sprinkler hoses (except for snipers who get to kill you from 300m in one shot no problem). Shootouts are complete luck even at point blank, even when you dive prone to mitigate the spread.
lmao no, you can basically snipe people with all of the assault rifles in bf4 with an acog.
Everything else is correct though. Battlefield's main problem is that they keep trying to cram in jets but they are either super OP or completely useless. Considering most if not all servers are instant-vehicle spawn bullshit tard zones, there's no reason to even care to try to take out that OP littlebird when the pilot will literally be back up in the air in 10 seconds.
how does anyone prefer nuBattlefield over Battlefield 2 dolphin diving edition
Its not even better than BC2, what are you even smoking? Heck bc1 was shittiest bf game you could ever play. This answer feels like you picked it because you had no other answer to give.
>300m in one shot
This literally only happens if it's a bead shot. I'm a sniper fag and always need 2 shots on the body to get a kill mostly.
>the answer you posted 40 replies ago and mentioned again is only because of my recent post and superior reasoning
Whatever helps you sleep, homeboy. BC1 wasn't as good as 2/2142, but it was better than BC2. I'm not sure why m preference for this is so hard for you to believe.
I was replying to the other guy and fucked up the > oops.
Sniping is really easy, just set the range for distance properly and aim at head. pull trigger. You can pretty much just practice the ranges by shooting at varying distances. The little notches on the 4x/8x scope that are below the center basically tell you what the drop would be at higher ranges. L2Sniep
>Sniping is really easy, just set the range for distance properly and aim at head. pull trigger
I can't believe how badly they neutered it in BF1. Absolutely no bullet drop before like 500 meters.
But come on dude, this assumes someone is staying still