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Yakuza Thread
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I get that Kiryu's supposed to be above being thirsty and skirt chasing since he's an idealized gangster, but why even have it in the game if that's the case?
Because Kiryu awkwardly experiencing what's trendy in that time period is funny
just post porn
>I shiggy Kazzy
>No manhole Majima
It was almost perfect.
How's Hokuto ga Gotoku for those who imported it?
This shit's actually in the essence of art edition by the way
>preorder bonus is a book of fanart
It makes one especially glad to have just gotten the game for free. I'll buy it at $20 around Christmas if I need to play it again.
Vaugely remember in kiwami that kitty said he used to go there to dance his cares away
I thought he was referring to the phone minigame in 0
does that still come with the collector's edition
>That song during the final Someya fight
>The song that plays during the Amon fight
>Amon actually feels pretty balanced even if he's a bit easy this time.
>see this image several times
>never noticed the ISHYGDDT
press circle to win
Someone post that reddit screencap about Ishin so I can get my motivation up
This felt so good as the final attack to win it all. Also got a kick ass trophy picture to boot.
Is 6 as bad as people claim?
Not in the slightest, people here overexaggerate how terrible everything is. It does have its fair share of problems, and it definitely needed more time in the oven in terms of balancing and tweaking some things, but overall it's a good sign for Shin in my eyes. If you can wait like an hour (Which is how long I think this ending is going to be) I'll have a proper list of positives, neutrals, and negatives about the game.
what kind of phone is Kiryu supposed to have in 6
Xperia it's a Sony phone.
>tfw they never reply to me
just like real life
Can someone post jap 6's credits/song?
why the fuck are the later game boss fights & majimas so outrageously unfair in kiwami?
The drones fucking destroyed me on legend. I breezed through everything but amon
>Want to play the second only good fotns game
>have fuck all to buy from playasia
>no other yakuza friends that imported a bunch of other games even have it
it's the first song in the album
you forgot to mention that it has the lowest content in the series
Shinada fucking sucks and he’s stupid
His move set is anti-fun
His story is actually the worst in the series and not in a good way
Nagoya is an awful gridmap soulless city that tanks the framerate to the teens during every fight and chase sequence
This stupid faggot managed to ruin an otherwise great game
They destroy you on any difficulty, you have to tank them with Extreme Heat or run away as soon as you hear the beeping (Not the Soji ones, the drones are a different one) if you don't want to instantly die. I went from max HP to dead in one explosion on Hard for example.
That is definitely an issue, I'm not denying it. It only adds a handful of new minigames and tweaks some old ones while taking out a lot of mainstays like gambling and even the UFO Catcher, but the like 38-40 of the substories are fine and longer than most of the usual ones you encounter during the series in exchange for having around 40 less than usual.
tfw i don't want to finish the game till i get my hands on my physical copy in april.
you're all leaving me in the dust here.
>It only adds a handful of new minigames and tweaks some old ones while taking out a lot of mainstays like gambling and even the UFO Catcher,
I wish you could bowl in 6.
I eventually beat it but I felt dirty about healing and spamming extreme mode but those drones were so crazy.
Thanks. I really disliked the replacement song in the localized version.
As long as you don't cheese him like with Tiger Drop in the old games (Ishin and 3 are exceptions) and only used Extreme Heat to tank the drones there's no real reason to feel dirty. He always hits like a truck and always has something that is pretty ridiculous, in both Dead Souls and 0 you could instantly die to the lasers.
Does it have less than the first game though?
yes, much less
How is that fucking possible?!
Yeah. That's not even an exaggeration to say. 6 is very light on content. Not to mention cutting out areas like the arena.
I can't wait
And the upper part of Kamurocho and Champion District.
It's getting bigger
UFO Catcher
Baseball (Various difficulty courses)
Baseball (Various difficulty courses and a challenge course)
Baseball Manager
Spear Fishing
Clan Creator
Snack Bar
Super Hang-On
Fantasy Zone
Space Harrier
Virtua Fighter 5
Puyo Puyo
Live Chat
The one fortune one where you throw money into the collection box and then two other ones that are more just you paying money for a fortune or blessing.
Cat Cafe (Not really a minigame but it's content scattered about both towns)
Soothing Haruto (Up to you to count this as a minigame since you can only do it at one portion of the game)
1 had something like 80 substories if I remember right but a lot were incredibly short, 6 has 51 but I'd say about 8 or 9 of them are incredibly short while the rest are longer than the usual length of substories in the series.
isn't the clan creator a phone thing as well? are they gonna release that over here too when we get 6 like Dissidia did with NT and OO, or is the phone game something else?
Phone game is Yakuza Online, it's the prequel to Shin and this is the gameplay. Clan Creator is a part of 6 where you use characters in an overhead view to attack other characters whiile unveiling a story and stopping Justis. It's basically what Real Estate and Sunshine were for 0.
Fuck Rizap.
>Hurr durr guess food I want you to eat
>Got most of them wrong because he was so fucking cryptic
Fuck that. I was so done when I finally did all 12 challenges. I never wanted to do it again
>not liking the baseball autist
Shinada's playstyle is shit I'll give you that much but his story is pretty entertaining and is not a chore unlike prison break the sequel. Sapporo was the worst city with framedrops and invisible wall everywhere.
>that anime girl next to Akiyama
all my what
>Shinada's playstyle is shit
I had fun with it actually, whenever the game doesn't neuter it for boss fights and the like anyway.
Fucking Komaki's.
>game is called Song Of Life
>there's no song of life
[jet turbine noises]
>The Haruto footsteps with Kiryu walking away from Morning Glory after he's made his peace with leaving everyone to live their lives.
Don't cry. DON'T CRY.
>This setup for Shin with the ending of 6.
So Majima, Saejima, and Daigo are going to for sure be part of Ichiban's story in some manner then even with the Tojo in ruins thanks to the Omi, right? Plus with Akiyama reopening Sky Finance there's no way nothing is going to come of that. It seems like they're going to give Ichiban baby steps into the series with Shin now. Plus that politician is for sure going to be behind something in it.
5's engine wasn't that well developed, You could not do any wall heat action if you are not Kiryu or Saejima. Grinding the ranks of the coliseum as Shinada was painfully boring because you could only rely on your basic and strong attacks attack.
I usually have a rule to not use weapons against bosses but this fight really pushed for it. Tiger drop and komaki reversals both had insane hitboxes and Sosuke could tiger drop you without you pressing buttons.
You think Saejima will still wear that huge jacket as a leading officer of the Tojo clan?
Congrats on finishing Y6 Moose. Yakuza 6's story is the only one that made me tear up at the end. What music did they play during Someya's death and the end credit?
wow. Nishitani's moveset
Heat Action compilation
Boss fights QTE (spoilers duh)
what are the odds of Gio showing up at E3 in his Kevin Smith-esque hockey jersey to announce localizations of Kiwami 2 and Fist of the Kiryu?
You know they don't let too many Japanese games in their E3 shows. Why risk making them too popular, right?
>they actually brought back the Kiwami Finisher from Rush style
So what are the odds the Fist of the North Star one gets localized?
They changed PSX from a big reveal event to a "here's what happened this year" thing, so anything's possible
Hope you're still here, I finally finished the game and have a proper list now that I know everything to do with the story. Obviously a good chunk of this is my opinion and it's a massive TL;DR, but if you want to know the positives and negatives to consider when thinking about picking it up here you are.
Someya's death started with foreboding low-key sounds leading into some tense music building up, then tense instrumental music into sad violins and piano notes after he stabs himself. During his speech to Kiyomi it's all sad piano notes slowly building up into a sad sounding melody as he dies and then sad piano music as Nagumo holds him and talks to him.
End credits were like these serene drum beats to sad and uplifting music depending on where you were in the cutscenes. It was all instrumental.
I don't know what the originals sounded like but I would say they fit the scenes they were in.
You felt more then I did about him. I felt total indifference.
This ones better
It was a mix of both really. I couldn't help but laugh that he was basically throwing a tantrum the entire time that daddy wouldn't let him commit crimes and wanted him to live a quiet, legitimate life. Him looking like Iwata didn't help at all either.
isnt 5's engine just 3's but at 720p as opposed to the 1024x768 res of 3 and 4?
Fucking hell, months ago I played utawarerumono 3 and its villain did the same shit.
Daddy, I dont wanna be an artist, I wanna rule the country!
I already said my thoughts about him to you before (Granted you didn't beat the game yet) so yeah pretty what you said. He was a shit-tier fighter even without abusing heat mode. At least the other antagonists made up for him
Yakuza 3, 4, Kenzan & Dead Souls had the same engine then they went on to develop a new one which was used in 5, 0, K1, Ishin and HgG
This was played during Hirose's flashback and when Someya stabbed himself. The licences music really made those emotional scene shine, real shame they're weren't brought over to the west.
I hated him once he went into Heat. Even Amon didn't pull that nonsense where you can only punch him once before he guards, weaves, then hits you with an overhead kick that stuns. It was annoying as hell.
The other antagonists were definitely the best part of the game. Even Yuta felt like a way more fun boss to fight and you were more invested in his fight as well. The one good thing the final boss had was that dynamic entry was so nice looking, it's a shame it was tied to him.
It really is a damn shame we didn't get them. That sounds like it would definitely fit the scene if it was playing softly in the background. Would you happen to know where Soubou fit in? That's the song that I personally felt would have fit the part where Kiryu walks away from Morning Glory.
It plays in the intro that displays the voice actors and haruka leaving morning glory, when kiryu remembers his memories of haruka from 1-5, and plays in the first set of credits When it seems like kiryu died in yuta's arms after getting shot
It's a different song though.
Man, that really beats the bittersweet feeling into you.
That's what I get for trying to skim through the 4 hour videos of cutscenes looking for where the song replacements might be.
Figured I'd just leave this here. Since we're talking the license tracks.
You're a massive shill
Some of the substories are longer because you're waiting for the voiced dialogue to finish, presumably
How does song licencing works? Why does Chinese and Korean copies of the Yakuza games have licenced songs intact but we don't?
Sega please make Tatsuro Yamashita's songs DLC
Licensing costs are too much for how much yakuza sells in the west.
I'm only advocating for it because I enjoyed it after finally getting a chance to play it properly. If you dislike it don't buy it, I can't force you to do anything. For months everyone here's been saying it's absolute and irredeemable shit, that everyone in it is an awful character, that the story is terrible, and everything is laughably bad. Hell, when I first tried the Japanese demo months back I kept shitting on the gameplay and I still stand by most of the things I said months and months back like how fighting feels like there's less impact in your punches, how you only really feel like you're hitting hard with weapons or Heat actions, that enemies won't stop blocking and it makes it less fun, and so on. It has lots of problems, but it also has positives and a lot of what people seemed to hate with the story I thought was blown out of proportion. The secret of Onomichi, everyone lying to Kiryu for several chapters, Yuta being the father but never telling anyone he banged Haruka, and Kiyomi somehow surviving for no reason are all really stupid, but the characters made up for it and the mystery behind things were enjoyable.
Am I just supposed to constantly say bad things about it in your eyes instead of an honest opinion?
That's definitely one aspect of it, but there's also usually one or two more steps to the substory than usual which pads some of them out a bit more as well.
Mainly for money reasons. That and I assume it's easier for China and Korea to get licensed tracks.
Still somehow we lucked out and ended up getting Crazy Ken for Y2. Then again it was back when Sega still trying really hard to get Yakuza popular overseas.
You just pay for the rights to use the songs. Sometimes it costs a bunch, which is why sega probably doesnt do it for america.
>torn between getting ishin or HGG
>Ishin won't take too long to get, fully fantranslated and has guides
>Huge fan of FoTNS and don't want to miss out on this
>more expensive and will take longer than ishin to get
>fan translations haven't even begun
>he doesn't like "Hot Fuzz but it's Baseball"
Also hitting people with a DDT never gets old.
>Crazy Ken for Y2.
But judging from how Y0 did i was hoping we might get the licenced songs for 6. But i guess i should not get my hopes up in the first place.
>Ishin NEVER EVER in the west
>FoTNS still has a tiny chance of getting localized
The choice should be obvious, nigga.
Could be the whole 5, 0, Kiwami, 6 thing was a batch deal where they wanted it all done in a certain way. I wonder if when they announce the next batch of games they'll go for getting the licensed music again. You'd think paying for the character likeness would be much more expensive compared to music since I don't think those are paid for to be used globally at first.