What did Rockstar mean by this?
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they found a compact way to make the game good
Bye bye online
4K HDR that no one asked for
Probably putting the pc level settings on the xbox one x
More shark card options.
Nice. I was just about to download this again and mess around on it.
I would actually like this a lot. I’ve actually started to like Online despite desperately craving single player DLC.
It says IV you retards
Someone must have cracked the mount chiliad mystery and triggered the update.
Nice reading comprehension
>I’ve actually started to like Online
Fucking how?
Nothing special, the 360 emulator constantly gets tuning and updates on the Xbone. It does this by "updating" your 360 games.
there's literally nothing wrong with gta online
Men in Black update for Liberty City confirmed
There's a lot of (repetitive) stuff to do, you can play with others, get griefed by others, make fun of the griefers and kids that buy shark cards.
hopefully its an update for all platforms to get rid of that rockstar club games for windows live faggot shit god damn i hate that fucking shit
There's literally nothing good about it.
>tons of free content added for years after launch including missions and vehicles
>giant world with 30 other people at the same time
hating GTA online is proof that Sup Forums is contrarian
Let me stop you there. But first let me prefave this by saying I enjoy Gta Online quite a bit. It's fucking top with the right friends. That being said, there is a LOT wrong with it. Mainly the fact it's become a disgusting grind fest that tries SO fucking hard to manipulate the player to buy shark cards.
>Hey here's another free DLC! The cheapest car is 3 million! Wanna do the new heists? Gotta buy this 8 million dollar property that does literally nothing other than start the heist and serve as a garage for all the $3 million+ DLC vehicles we know you'll be buying! And just so you know, we're having a sale on shark cards today! And by that we mean you get one (Yes, just one, you greedy fuck) free $1 million shark card with your purchase of GTAV for $60!
I love GTA Online. But fuck GTA Online.
Yeah fuck these people, GTA online is really good.
The community is fucking garbage, like very likely the worst gaming community of all time, but the game is good
it's so easy to make money in GTA online I'm not sure why people always bitch about it
last week you could make 2.5 mil per sale out of your bunker
Well to be fair, I haven't played in a few months. Last time I was on it was all about CEO missions and selling product from a warehouse to make money. It was decent money sure, but it was still a grind. I'm sure whatever the new money making scheme is good money, but that doesn't mean much when Rockstar keeps making all the new content more and more expensive. Isn't that orbital cannon thing like 500 fucking grand for ONE use or something??
580mb was an entire game at one point.
I just glitch money very carefully abusing in game mechanics. Been doing it for years with no issues so long as I pace my money making. I can make 8 million in 2 days infinitely.
It locks you out and tells you to play on PC instead.
>Isn't that orbital cannon thing like 500 fucking grand for ONE use or something??
that's not really "content" though, it's just a meme for rich players to waste money on
the new heists can be unlocked for 1.25 million and you'll make that back threefold by finishing them once
It's double the size of the entire NES library
Yeah but the NES library is shit
you can do that in any game
they have to remove a lot of songs because the licenses expired
>Play GTA Online since it started
>Transfer to PC from 360
>The power creep and cost creep gets out of control
>Unable to keep up with skyrocketing costs by the yacht update
>Completely out of depth by the Doomsday update
>Refuse to buy shark cards
>A kindly injector gives me 250 million dollars for a 10 dollar steam card
>Game is fun now
Fuck you, Rockstar.