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Nobody expect M$ shills ever thought that used car salesmanlet was going to turn it around.
does this board even have unironic xbros to laugh at anymore
Nah, just the same Pajeets that’ve been shitting up Sup Forums and Sup Forums for years now.
Nope anyone that was is a Sonybro by now.
Its amazing how that one E3 conference doomed the whole console.
Dont you mean it was "xer" turn?
I've not tuned mine on in months.
Is the xbox one the lawbreakers of consoles?
Its more the Battleborn of consoles.
I actually can't tell if those anons who make 4K 60 EFF PEE ESS threads with the same punching wojak and pope pepe images are ironic or not
Xbox thread?
Wii u is Lawbreakers, Xbox One is Battleborn
>Its amazing how that one E3 conference doomed the whole console.
More like how Sony smear campaign worked on retards that believed all that 1984 bullshit
It would have been to use the cloud to increase the graphic capabilities of the games, fucking sony
It isn't amazing at all. They fucked up on levels no one thought possible. Do you remember how confused the messaging at the time was. Microsoft couldn't give consistent answers for shit. And the comment about the 360 for people who didn't have constant internet access...Jesus
Yeah, cause this was a PR masterstroke wasn’t it
So how about that Xbox One X?
wait... that game is out? since when? I'd look it up but I forget the name.
...and Microsoft flirting with the idea of making games retailers install software and abide by rules that would have killed the second hand games market?
Everyone really has forgetton about the Wii U haven't they?
If anything they came in second Nintendo lost this gen.
There's really no reason to get a 1 or 1x since any "exclusive" is also available on pc
Remember all the crap about hooking your cable box up to the xbone and watching tv through it? What were they thinking?
Did the thing launch with the hdmi in?
>Sony smear campaign worked
There was enough negativity about the BONE at launch without Sony's help. Minutes after the info came out people were already spitting vitriol. The plug Sony made certainly stoked the fire, but it was already a blaze without their input.
>They really expected to sell 1 xbox one for each 8 humans alive
They can't possibly believe this would happen, right?
Not surprised, that console was a box full of all the hate and malice microsoft could muster.
Yeah this was all on Sony
the only thing that sucks about Xbox not leading is that I will never get a 1440p mode on the pos4 pro
Nintendo killed Sony handhelds by stealing Monster Hunter, paying for exclusivity.
Sony killed Microsoft that E3.
It’s a dog-eat-dog world Pajeet.
They were thinking the Xbone would be the multimedia device in every household underneath the TV, like a universal box for gaming, TV, music, internet, skype, everything. It failed hard, partially because Smart TVs made all that redundant.
>Remember all the crap about hooking your cable box up to the xbone and watching tv through it? What were they thinking?
What's wrong with that?
Oh yeah, forgot because it was so bad. They advertised it as a normie box instead of something gaming related.
Smart TVs already existed back then.
What the hell where they thinking.
>Look at this 500$ huge fucking box! you can watch TV and Skype on it!!
l fucking mao
I have an Xbone. Wish I had a PS4, since all the games I have on Xbox I can get on my PC anyway, and there's a few exclusive games for the PS4 I guess I'd be interested in.
I can't imagine ever owning something like a Switch or a Nintendo post 64. I guess one day I should give it a try.
Son, all Sony did was say we aren't doing all that shit and they won. And all that cloud shit was bullshit. Like when Sony said the cell was going to be in dishwashers. That tech was never going to arrive in the promised form.
>More like how Sony smear campaign worked on retards that believed all that 1984 bullshit
It's funny because if Microsoft had let Sony go first with the announcements the situation today might well be reversed. All the shit Microsoft was doing, e.g. kinect required, online distribution only, etc. Sony was actually planning to do too. Sony had patented all kinds of shit relating to preventing the operation of games sold on the secondhand market during the development of the PS4 and let's not forget McDONALD'S!, Sony was planning to bundle the eye with every PS4. The reason Sony was so coy about the details regarding second hand games and shit after they announced there would be no restriction on second hand games was because there was a mad scramble to remove all that shit from the console and they weren't sure if they could get it all out in time yet.
Is this a real question? How low is your IQ?
You need to watch some Rick & Morty senpai
kinect era microsoft has to have been some of the worst bullshit in vidya history
Sony wasn’t going to do any of that, idiot. Not after the PS3.
But they baited Microshit hard.
>It's funny because if Microsoft had let Sony go first with the announcements the situation today might well be reversed.
But Sony announced the PS4 first and they focused exclusively on games during their announcement.
xbone regrets hurt, I want to play yakuza 0.
I have one of these as a friend. They're just people who bet on the wrong horse and are desperately trying to justify it.
>It would have been to use the cloud to increase the graphic capabilities of the games, fucking sony
that's not how computers work
To be honest, I'm sick of all consoles right now.
The whole point of a console in the past was because it delivered top tier gaming with none of the costs and hassles of PC gaming.
Now it delivers sub-standard gaming with all of the costs and hassles of PC gaming AND THEN SOME.
Especially my Xbone. It took like 3 hours and fishing around for multiple emails and my credit card just to get the fucking thing going so I could play a game.
Then you slap in a disc and get "40GIG UPDATE IN PROGRESS".
The entire reason you had a console in the 90's or early 2000's was because you could take the little box, take two cords, plug them into your tv, slap in a disc or cartridge and play.
>Cable box
>hooking up even more additional shit to hook up the additional shit you have hooked up
Maybe they shouldnt have had one of the most infamously bad launches in gaming history
Kinect required
No used games
always online
Its called a 360
The Xbone never recovered from the awful launch and its bad PR
Xboner here. No desire to switch to any other console. What's the big deal?
>Sony wasn’t going to do any of that, idiot.
Oh, yeah. All those patents were just because the benevolent Sony wanted to make sure nobody else could do those mean things, right?
I have Xbone but I wouldn't call myself Xbro anymore because I got PC now. I might dust off xbone to play ninja gaiden later at some point
>Now it delivers sub-standard gaming with all of the costs and hassles of PC gaming AND THEN SOME.
As someone that doesn't own any consoles, they really don't mate.
They are bought in droves as presents for kids, don't require any assembly nor driver updates, mods to fix issues nor graphical settings to configure.
Yet Microsoft really wanted to sell this bullshit, they revealed Crackdown 3 by stating this bullshit, the all powerful Cloud would make the game's eviroment 100% destructable. Now years later Crackdown 3 is barely talked about, Microsoft knows that shit was utterly impossible.
>The Xbone never recovered from the awful launch and its bad PR
And the fact that it launched in Europe a fucking year later than the PS4. Everyone jumped ship.
I will say this, the Xbone shot itself in the foot when they announced that it had to be connected to the Internet at all times, and that the kinect would always be watching you
What a horrible decision and it cost Microsoft this gen
Patents don’t mean anything, Nintendo has patents for tons of shit they’ll never release.
Yes, you make patents just to be sure and so you can sue the competition if they steal your idea. Sony learned this the hard way with friendchat and rumble.
>What a horrible decision and it cost Microsoft this gen
Why are you so invested in how well a corporation does over another? They don't really care about you.
different user here, don't kids nowadays just use tablets or laptops? Hell, even pre-built PCs? Maybe I'm just out of touch with the rest of the world, but I don't really hear about kids with consoles, just kids with tablets and smartphones.
>As someone that doesn't own any consoles
Stopped reading there.
Was Orthy a Sony undercover agent?
Companies do that all the time, Nintendo has their share of crazy bullshit patents but they just sit on them.
This is the only place on the internet I see people shit on it. I suppose the people who own one are too busy enjoying vidya instead of parroting the same "lol xbawks lost e3 years ago'" meme.
And the imported xbones from Murica didn't even work.
What a cunt.
>take the little box, take two cords, plug them into your tv, slap in a disc or cartridge and play
Stay away from multiplayer-only games and plug internet cable out.
System update is a pain but it's quick to update compare to mordern games with 40+ GB patch
I've heard that as well, and seen it personally. But it appears to be a much younger age group that get the tablets, like 4-8 and then above that, as they become teenagers, they are more likely to want more from all the adverts.
Jeez man, you can tell you don't own any modern consoles. The set up on my Xbox One was far more cumbersome and lengthy than setting up Steam on my PC/Big Screen on my PC.
They DO require updates, including when they're Fresh Out Of The Box and DO require you to configure your settings. That was my entire point. They aren't plug and play at all anymore. And in fact, they are more annoying than using Steam.
Plus there are still crashes and freezes and the usual issues, although that's hardly new to consoles or gaming.
>That MS Conference where all they did was talk about Kinect, Sports, and Television
>All of those rumors and possibilities of no used games and online only
>That MS designer on twitter boasting about how always online wouldn't be an issue unless you live in a flyover state
>All of it's multiplat games performed worse than PS4
>"If you don't have an internet connection, we have a console for that, it's called the Xbox 360"
Microsoft fucked it up themselves. They let a bunch of millenials living in the city design a console specifically for millenials living in the city and forgot that the Xbox was mainly a console that poor people played.
My 15 yr old is playing Fortnite on the xbone rn. He only games on console, as we stopped pc gaming some yrs ago.
I don't own any, but I should have mentioned I've had some relatives that do, and asked me to do some updates and install an SSD.
They are still very simple machines by design.
>This is the only place on the internet I see people shit on it
There isn't a single video/article in any side of the internet that shits on the Xbox brand AND isn't well liked, sorry pajeet, Xbox is cancer, the sooner the 9th gen comes and its's only Sony, Nintendo and PC the better.
I mean that was obvious. They had a real opportunity with the xbone x, but threw it away with a significantly higher cost of purchase, without much better in terms of hardware. It's better than the pro, but games don't really want to make FOUR separate versions, so the xbone x version is getting the pro patch but just scaled to it.
Except I can't really run the Xbone or play games if it's not internet connected. The set up itself was a pain in the ass, and physical copies of games frequently require 40GB updates just to play (like DOOM)
This was not random R&D, it was stuff specific to the PS4. Sony absolutely intended to have this shit in the console right up until the backlash against the Microsoft announcement.
For better or worse, the big corporations have as much if not more sway over my day-to-day life than the government. Speculation over business is as interesting as discussion of sports or celebrities or politics.
Why are you so damn small minded?
Plug and play is a retarded 2010 Sup Forums meme, grow the fuck up and use your brain.
Games these days have day 1 patches, it’s not consoles fault.
Don’t be butthurt because PC gaming is basically dead, there are no more PC games, just console ports.
>delayed to 2019
Only game ps4 has this year is GoW
Sure, you’re just butthurt.
I'm not sure Xbox One game dics are anything but a key used to download the entire game.
isn't spiderman a 2018 title or is it 2019 too
>yusuf mehdi
Sup Forums bait
Reminder that sonybros on Sup Forums are mentally ill degenerate trannys
>It wasn't random R&D. It was random R&D for PS4 that was never implemented.
Spiderman, God of War, Detroit, Dragon Quest XI, Yakuza 6.
>Plug and play is a retarded 2010 Sup Forums meme
Except it was the entire purpose and standard when I was a teenager.
If it's not plug and play, what's the fucking point? May as well stick with my PC, unless you're really invested in exclusives.
And like I said, if I was invested in exclusives, I would have gotten a PS4.
>Switch is part of the PS4/X-Box One gen
I suppose you're right. The plutocracy is real
I have an Xbox One, it's a fucking piece of shit. I unironicaly bought it exclusively for Halo the masterchief collection which turned out to be the biggest piece of shit ever made, laugh at me.
That was also before they announced that no more games would be exclusive to the Xbox One so there's literally 0 reason to own the thing now, just play on your PC / laptop.
>Battlefield 1, Metal Gear Survive and Battlefront 2 for Xbox One still run at 720p
Microsoft's hardware engineers need to burn in a fire.
The BC shit is cool but its purpose should be a bonus to the platform on top of a constant stream of next generation high quality titles, not be the main driving factor.
It's too little too late.
DQ11 is also on Switch.
Detroit isn't a game.
Otherwise, you are right and yet forgot Disaster Report 4.
That's what it seems like.
Should I buy an Xbox One X controller for my Windows 7? I tried playing 4 Goddesses Online but mouse and keyboard controls are trolls.
They wern't the most numerous even in the 360 years but now they're probably extinct for sure.
That doesn't make Xbox any less shit
Butthurt over what? I've owned every console for the last few generations excluding this one where I own none because there are no games. I have no vested interest in one company over the other. I certainly don't think if Microsoft was in Sony's position right now things would be better, I just find the situation amusing.
Will be delayed
David Cage doesnt make games