What was the point of being able to kill kids in Deus Ex anyways...

What was the point of being able to kill kids in Deus Ex anyways? I'll admit I felt an immense sense of remorse killing them the first few times but never saw the purpose of it being an option

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>never saw the purpose of it being an option

why shouldn't it be an option? Any game that features a combat system should have the ability to harm anything you target, even if it's not in your best interest to.

Why not?

Why do you expect children to be for some reason exempt from killing?

I don't like how MGSV handled child soldiers, they should have been just another enemy.

Games let you do way worse then killing kids and the only reason for devs do the Bethesda immortal child garbage is because they're moralfagging.

user, you need to learn to read a fucking room (in this case a hypersensitive society.) You can't just make a game where you can kill children, even if they're a threat, it would be a PR nightmare.

>I'll admit I felt an immense sense of remorse killing them
That's the entire point, to evoke that emotion

Focusing on gaming exclusively instead of the entire entertainment industry. I know nobody is serious yet about mental health yet because faggots are going after individual mediums instead of the entirety of the culture that surrounds the creation of "Entertainment". Pretty much going to ignore this entire conversation till there are talks about banning large swaths of media in a general sense.

>it would be a PR nightmare
Literally nobody would care, just like literally nobody cares when Deux Ex did it.

making games that depict the killing of children affect the rating

That's a dumb statement, you must not read a lot if you think no one would be a reactionary. Get out more, or rather. Watch/read any news outlet you dense fuck.

pssh, no one would care my ass.

>so used to games preventing stuff like this I assumed I couldn't do it.
>shoot an annoying kid on a whim
>he actually fucking dies
don't wanna sound like an edgelord but it was a rather nice surprise

because deus ex actually tried to be a provoking, realistic game. sad to see specter completely castrated from pc culture these days, but whatever it happens to a lot of famous people from the 90s

Real folk don't give a fuck, skill only cares about skill. Everyone else is just some fuck you step over.

whats so edgy about killing kids in games? theyre just a bunch of pixels. plus too many kids exist in the world anyway. kids are overrated. id be more worried about a nice doggo companion in a game rather than some dumb 10 year old. not tryna be edgy but its just a fucking game

Spector made Deux Ex and all, but you gotta remember he's been this annoying faggot for a while now. If it were up to him, the only genres we would have would be walking simulators and puzzle games.

>lol ur dumb
I'll take the lack of argument as a concession. Another debate won *dabs*

>A dog is more important than a children
Are you retarded?, a kid is literally the world heritage, a member of your species, and actually innocent, i would kill a thousand dogs kf its necessary to save a kid any day

What a spineless twat.

Guns don't kill people, people kill people. We should cut off the hands of anyone who shares similarities with any mass shooters. Here is one similarity, they are all Gentiles. Just saying.

You do realize video game children aren't real right? Come back to reality

why the fuck not?

Who the hell cares? Just a bunch of pixels and numbers.

Harvey Smith was the one behind the game systems and game design of DX anyways

I basically told you to breath air you fucking dullard. Get some comprehension skills, it's obvious you lack them.

what did spector do then? he worked on UU, SS2 and thief so he must've done something

I assume it's just for immersions sake. If there are dogs, kids, old people, people in general in a game, if you can kill some, you should theoretically be able to kill them all (I don't mean without repurcussion, but just physically being able to).

It's a great era we're entering now -

SJW's make online competitive gaming nerfed and remove sexual fan service pandering from games.

Conservatives shame Soy's into removing violence from games.

At least we'll have Switch games and cute little Disney characters to play with.

>killing virtual adults doesn't make you a murderer in real life
>but killing virtual children somehow makes you a sick person

Kingdom Come?

The easiest solution is to simply not include them, like GTA.

I dunno, I'd save a million dogs/cats/whatever animals before a nonwhite brat.

But all dogs are black.

He worked with Smith in game design, but he was the director of the game and drove the whole conspiracy story idea and everything, but Pacotti was the actual writer who took care of the story and dialogue, the Chris Avellone of the dev team.

Not him, but literally nobody cared about Deus Ex, and literally no normies care about video game violence.

It's like when lesbians go on lengthy rants about porn - a small subset of normies think "oh yeah, porn bad", then go right back to fapping to PornHub.

Likewise, they'll still go out and buy whatever CoD their kid wants for Christmas, or go and watch Torture Porn #47 at the movies, because they've forgotten their meant to be outraged.

No one cares about this stuff in any great detail, which is why despite the decades of moral grandstanding and crusades, I can still turn on my PC, watch a chick eat Fruit Loops out of another chick's asshole and then play a game where I drive around running over pedestrians and finish the night off with, not just a horror movie, but actual videos of being being flayed.

what's more important anyways? director or writer?
in both japaneses and western games

The kids in the game were spies for Area 51 keeping tabs on Denton.

They had to die.

Drawings of kids have more rights than real fetuses

>saving wh*te kids
user I....

>Leftists talking to anyone about "shifting the focus" on issues

Neither deserve rights though.


That probably was the original intention but after the backlash regarding Ground Zero and how Paz/Chico were handled they dialed down on the taboo

Both are important, you need a good director who drives the team and the vision and goal for the game. The writer supports that vision thematically and with the characters and what actually occurs that engages the player. For me though, specially in the original DX, I love how everything, the direction, the writing, the art direction, sound design and the game systems come together to form the whole. But in the end, it could be whatever you appreciate more, be it story or game systems. They were all definitely instrumental in creating the whole game in the end.

Guns fags today endlessly tried to shift the focus from violence in video games and gun crimes to the 6% talking point. Stop being a partisan hack,

I think that to understand the direction and game systems one should play U4 and UU, thief and system shock, Deus Ex for me is the culmination of all of these games, and maybe western vidya as a whole

It is, yeah. I'm glad immersive sims are making a comeback, with the current tech we have today, they could be even more amazing than they were 20+ years ago.

It was a different time.

I hope so, although prey 17 and dishonored 2 were not good (at least for me), MD was at least a step in the right direction from HR, sadly Deus Ex is fucked forever and I dont think squeenix will release another game, also, is there a japanese equivalent of the timeline of games I posted?

Immersive sims never really hit it off in Japan, as far as I'm aware, and I'm always on the lookout for innovative new games. Zelda surprisingly came as close as Japanese games have come to even trying out a very heavily systems-driven game design with Breath of the Wild but there was much room for improvement in that game, but it's at least a step in the right direction. MGS 5 also took many cues from immersive sims as well. But there's nothing in Japan that even remotely mimics or tries what Looking Glass games did.

we have too many kids in the world, not enough doggos. a few kids can die by the blade, no sweat

>playing RPG
>can kill everyone
>kids are invincible for some reason
why would anyone do this

>not enough doggos

bud there's way too many dogs in the fucking world

What if you can discern fiction from reality and felt nothing when killing a kid in a computer game?

There's too many of either. Fuck doggos and babies.

Same can be said about liberals today endlessly attempting to redirect the issue of niggers in civilized society and instead blaming inanimate objects for a large amount of murders in the US.

Wait, do you just "shift the focus"?

Oh I'm laughin.

>breath air

not him but you are the dullard here

>muh PR
is a woman tier """"argument""""

There is not and has never been a political Right in the united states. Since its inception, the great satan's political realm has served as the faux battleground between two increasingly similar factions of enlightenment-liberal freemasons


>not enough doggos

I like doggos too but that's wrong.

>What was the point of being able to kill kids in Deus Ex anyways?
The point of immersive sims is that your invironment is highly interactive and not arbitrarily restricted, you should always be able to go places and do things that make sense.

If a child blocks your line of sight blowing him away to get a clear shot at the enemy should always be a valid option.

This, all that talk about "Men becoming demons" and it literally isn't possible for kids to be casualties. Complete horseshit.

>fallout 3 doesnt let you kill kids
>but it does let you enslave a little girl
>and you sell off this newly minted slave
>this is okay but killing isnt
i really hate a video game sometimes

I can forgive the Fallout and Elder Scrolls kid immortality. They clearly approve of the modders undoing it. Hell in Skyrim it was as easy as unchecking their essential tag, they already had the voice clips and all that already in it.

Cause usually it really adds or removes nothing by including or not including it.

Cause really outside of you alls head cannon tier shit. Honestly what would just making kiddos murderable really add? Cause to me it really is a shallow thing to add. Since ooh child violence is bad. NO fucking shit.

Just a reminder on how graphic the child murder could be in Deus Ex.

So, he can be an annoying senile fag if it means he has a better grasp at making games than everyone else.

A bunch of immortal kids walking around is going to take me out of the experience. If they're in a game like Deus Ex, they should be fair targets.

Immortal kids are stupid. Don't include kids if they can't be killed(assuming that killing people is an important part of the game).

>Honestly what would just making kiddos murderable really add?

Making them immortal when other interactive characters are is just strange. How is it even moral?

Imagine some vegan saying they made all the animals unkillable in the game because of morality. But people are. That's just fucked up on the moral compass.

If you're "taking a stand" against videogame violence, you must denounce ALL videogame violence or be exposed as a two faced hypocrite. They're just virtual characters. If it's wrong to kill a virtual child or dog, it must be wrong to kill another human in the game - unless you're some kind of monster.

Reminds me of the game of thrones bullshit where graphic torture and cock and ball torture of a man was a literal joke in the show and fine with everyone but an implied rape of a woman was too much and made the showrunners promise to sanitize the entire show.

Is selective morality a sign of being a mental midget?

>Is selective morality a sign of being a mental midget?


>got BTFO by fucking Randy Pitchford on Twitter

Ain't that a kick in the head

More player freedom, which is what Deus Ex is all about

Is Spector still mad people didn't like Epic Mickey 2?