Start up any Bethesda game

>start up any Bethesda game

Why is it this bad

Crashing is the best part of any bethesda game because it gives you a good reason to stop playing it.

>and I haven't installed any mods yet

>i don't know how to fix bethesda games
some modders do things things like add null pointer checks via asm and you can't even install their fixes?
how sad

>pc master race

Combo contradiction retardation

>the only way to play fallout 3 on Windows 7 was to mod it into New Vegas

based Obsidian

fpbp. every time.

You just didn't believe in Todd hard enough.

>Don't install bug fixing mods
>Install bug fixing mods

>i'm a retard and cant install mods correctly
>its todds fault

>Install mods correctly
>Just doesn't work
You know you don't need mods for other games to make them work right?

>im a retard and i cant install mods correctly
>well thats fine, i dont want mods anyway, they're superfluous

You didn't install them correctly if it didn't work you fucking idiot.
I've got more than the plugin limit because I've started merging them and I'm using everything from sex mods to dlc sized mods to gameplay mods.
You're bad and dumb.

t. Todd Howard
>My broken games are fine, it's you who is doing it wrong!

>research and follow instructions
>google anything I'm confused about
>100+ .esp
>no crashes
>some small texture issues
>research and fix
>100+ hours no crashes
faggots can't cope with reading and troubleshooting anymore

believe what you want my dude

MO doesn't work properly for any games worth playing

Well there's your problem you dumbass, the big bugfixes are done via asm bytecode editing, and only work on 32 bit until someone debugs the 64 bit binaries and adds the null checks bethesda forgot that cause 90% of all crashes.

There's absolutely no point actually playing 64 bit skyrim.

There's absolutely no point actually playing any version of skyrim, or fallout 4 for that matter.

Isn't their engine like a decade years old now?

>this mad he couldn't get loli orgies working

I could play a real porn game rather than watch poorly animated potatoes clipping their polygons into each other

Gamebryo is just a proprietary xml-like data format and parser for the most part, the parts that actually do anything can easily be replaced with a wave of the hand.
Which based on zenimax's new hiring notices is what they're doing.