Would Splatoon 2s story have been better if Marie was the one that got kidnapped and raped by Octarians instead of...

Would Splatoon 2s story have been better if Marie was the one that got kidnapped and raped by Octarians instead of Callie?

No, because then Callie would be your navigator and I don't think her dialogue would be as interesting.

No because then we would have to interact with callie the whole game.
Don't worry we'll always have the porn.

keep your porn memes away from my pure innocent rated E wife. thank you.

Game is oddly sexualized for being E rated.

It would have been better if they weren't in it at all and the SP actually developed Pearl and Marina more.

I'm guessing that's what the Octo expansion is for.

>the playable octarians are industrially produced rape babies
it all makes sense now.That's why they took the slut.

This is actually what I wanted in the first place. I would pay for the option.

Go back in time and pay Team Marie to throw matches then.

>female protagonist as dlc is totally okay when soytendo does it
neck yourselves

But Off the Hook is shit.

Maybe now the new update will give her navigator lines when you replay missions

those are smiles i want to protect

>Forced to play as a different character
>She's a dark skinned female minority
>But she's hot so it's okay
The moral of the story is that sex sells

More like go back in time and make jap children have better taste.

>free update

octarians don't reproduce sexually. also kys

splatfests are all rigged, idiot. its funny that you don't know this by now.

>splatoon 1 had Love vs Money in Japan
>Callie won
>splatoon 2 changed it to Money vs Love so Pearl wouldn't win

fucking NOA

>octarians don't reproduce sexually.
they do now lol. with technology

I find the whole hypnosis thing distasteful in general and wouldn't like to see Marie that way either. On the other hand, I don't know if there's a better feeling than saving such a smile against all odds and when hope seemed lost. When do you ever get such a rare opportunity? Ya'll better fulfill those conditions when the update comes out. Marie wants her Callie back after all.

>I find the whole hypnosis thing distasteful

>Marie was the one that got kidnapped and raped
I'd fap to it

what's not to love?

of course some people got triggered by it.

I hope it's not some bullshit like "do every level with every weapon"

No clue. I imagine it's just "beat the game." If it's 1000% then I'm all in anyway of course.

You can pick to play as the male though

She's whatever skin color your squid is

What will Agent 3's role be in Octo Expansion?

Stand in a corner and look stoic.

Final boss.

>girl all about love turned out to be a thot while the one about money didnt

Marie is the one that talks about lewd stuff so I don't know where you're getting such an inaccurate impression from.

Cuttlefish has become old and senile. Time for a new squid to lead a more blunt attack against the Octarian menace.

putting octo down if she goes traitor

post em'. pi related is the only thing I can think of and it's not even from her

Marie is pure

Callie wasn't raped she gave it up the slut

How long is the story mode? I kind of want splatoon but I don't really want to play that much multiplayer on a gamepad.


21(?) levels, 5 bosses. The Octo Expansion has 80 levels, not sure how many bosses there are yet (if there will be any).


If we're going to sit here and inappropriately project sexual garbage on a children's game then there you go. Proof that Marie is a complete dick fiend.

Exactly what I mean. Marie has a lewd mind under that thin guise of decorum. At least the NoA version of her. Callie doesn't know what the fuck she's even talking about when it comes to that stuff.

We also don't know how long the levels are. They might be shorter than the ones from the main campaign.

>Marie is a complete dick fiend

Do not lewd Marie even if she's asking for it. Do not encourage her.

But Marie is built for sexual.

I'm guessing this expansion is the main reason Splatoon 2 has gotten fewer content updates than the first game. There's really no way to explain it.