Does Sup Forums play visual novels?
Does Sup Forums play visual novels?
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There's no gameplay. They can't be played. They can only be read. Thinking otherwise would be akin to saying a book has gameplay because turning the pages requires interaction.
i mean you're not wrong.
yeah i do
he's pretty wrong
only kinetic novels have no gameplay
The Ace Attorney games are visual novels that have gameplay in them.
vns are not games
It's been a while. They're just too time consuming and honestly a lot of them are padded with garbage. I ain't got that much time to read.
yes it is
I tried doki doki literature club because I'm a sucker for psychological horror, but couldn't stand it. If the meat of the game is 3 hours in, then you've done something completely wrong.
Mostly Capcom stuff. Otherwise, I'm uninterested.
Btw, have any more buruma CGs?
no but i read real novels
I have a few entry level ones that I couldn't get into, the Ace Attorney games are fun though.
takes too long to get to the fapping bits and then its like 1 or 2 pictures at best
Are you a female, user?
>Tsukihime (Lunar Legend Moon Princess) by TYPE MOON
Tsukihime: Blue Blue Glass Moon, Under The Crimson Air.
Tsukihime PLUS-DISC: Alliance of Illusionary Eyes
Tsukihime Fun Disc - Kagetsu Tohya: Twilight Grass Moon, Fairy Tale Princess
Shingetsutan Tsukihime (manga only covers Arc's route)
MELTY BLOOD Re-ACT: Through the Looking-Glass, Fairy Tale transparently
MELTY BLOOD Actress Again Current Code: Hologram Summer Again - Community Edition
MELTY BLOOD manga (divided into two parts, the first part, spanning volumes 1-6, follows the original Melty Blood storyline. "2nd ACT" began serialization in the beginning of 2009, and spans volumes 7-9, featuring Miyako (Shiki's non-blood related cousin) as one of the main protagonists.)
After the third poem everything goes to shit
stay strong user
Yes, I love Visual Novels
i came here for anime booty
recommend me a good VN for fapping
I bet if I post doki doki on /jp/ enough I'd get banned.
Grisaia is a lot of fun
really, really want to have sex with satania
does anyone have some sexxxxy pics of satania without the cat lips\?
i don't know why i'm linking this, maybe because i pity you
I only play hentai visual novels. I Like deciding if the heroine should be raped by Dogs or Pigmen
not an argument
Kamidori was the last one I played, can't really get into VNs anymore. I've been thinking of reinstalling Sengoku Rance for the free-for-all mode though.
>and western on /vg/
What the flying fuck is this incomprehensible nonsense? Looks like someone posted a series of visual novels of the Tsukihime series with links to download them.
>posting supposably not vidya on a vidya board
How does that make sense?
>playing books
>not playing books
Do you just hate all fun or just hate playing?
When did I say vn games weren't video games? See and games like it.
grisaia is fun
amane a best
acknowledge me weebs
The Telltale Walking Dead games are the closest I've come to it, and I think they fucked up by removing puzzles gradually from the series.
I'm a different person informing you of your mental retardation.
Can never go wrong with Bible Black as an entry fap focused title.
Just finished my first route in the oriemo psp game, ama
maybe because you're a friendly user who likes to share :)
So your telling me visual novels ARE games, and must be discussed on /jp/ and not Sup Forums a game board unless their western in which case they must be discussed on a game board which only accommodates so many topics at once?
Bible Black
No you moron I'm telling you learn to fucking read.
what is Japan's obsession with virgin heroines
Read what, the rules? Because the rules don't distinguish between VN that have gameplay and VN that don't.
Is the MBAA one updated to include the dialogue from the steam release?
Mirror Moon translation
Literally only if they're porn. Animeshit is worthless for anything but fapping.
who this?
also jav number pls
What did he mean by this?
Not Hentai Novels, but Steins;Gate and BlazBlue are 2 of my favorite games.
Is there a patch at all or do I have to shell out to read half the story modes
I swear you do this every vn thread I see here. That's not a rule for Sup Forums, or globally, and it's way outdated.
BlazBlue's story mode is a Visual Novel, and a damn good one. It's also an amazing fighting game, so it does have gameplay.
No, I read them.
BASED brapfish.
Patches already applied
why is that in korean
It's a pity that the new Utawarerumono games are only on PS4 and Vita. I wish more people could play them in the west, they are some of the best VNs I read last few years.
I used to read VNs all the time when I was unemployed and had tons of time to kill and didn't mind reading 8+ hours of filler for a few minutes of fap pay off. But after getting a job I can pretty much only tolerate nukige now. I just ain't got the time and unless the story is like exceptionally well done I just can't get into it.
best girl here tho
Ace attorney is a puzzle game retard, not a visual novel
Fapping to cartoon porn is degenerate. I always skip the porn scenes, they are just annoying. I read them for the story and romance, not porn.
>reading 8+ hours of filler for a few minutes of fap pay off
>I can pretty much only tolerate nukige now
Did you ever read for the fun and not for the faps?
what's it like being a low t flaming homosexual?
you are going to hand over that source user.
I fap to 3D porn and read VN romance. It's the best combination.
Real women are pretty but rotten.
Anime girls are purehearted, but don't look real.
Root Double was some good shit
I'm currently reading this and just finished the common route. How long are each of the heroine routes?
Yea a few times. Didn't really care about the porn for Grisasia or Muvluv and I'd skip them, same for Fate/Stay Night and a few others. Unfortunately there just don't seem to be very many (translated) VNs with extremely engaging stories, in my opinion. My favorite was the games with the best of both worlds, games with both engaging stories and really good fap scenes like Majikoi and Bunny Black.
Suggestions for atmospheric, uncomfortable VNs?
Chaos child is probably one of the best murder mysteries ever made. You should check it out.
I liked the first one, how do the sequels compare?
pls give us the fucking sauce
read the title for the code
why are you thirsty faggots screeching for source? It's softcore shit of the most boring variety!
Anyone know if there's an ENG translation of Masaishiro symphony?
This was NOT kamige. It wasn't bad, but it was by no means kamige.
Visual novels don't change. They're novels that are visual, IE, NOT GAMES, FUCK OFF.
I want to but I'm part of the 1% of the population that hasn't got around to reading Chaos;Head yet. Berate me as you see fit.
i'll read it one day.