So, what the hell is this?

So, what the hell is this?
I saw it today in a thread earlier but I was at work.
I have a very specific fetish for games that many people don't talk about with a stupidly deep learning curve with billions of mechanics.
Is this up my alley?

Other urls found in this thread:



>here's your controller bro

Congratulations, OP. You've created a new spicy meme.

>press x to fail at life

So they made the controller for my life huh...

>Press X


>spicy meme

Great thread.

I just wanted to talk about a game I found and I posted the wrong image by accident.
Guess I just gotta wallow in it.



Aaaand its dead. That didnt take long.


>I have a very specific fetish for games that many people don't talk about with a stupidly deep learning curve with billions of mechanics.

Bruh. Get into Dominions 5. There's over 100 playable nations, thousands of scriptable spells, at least a thousand different magic items. It's grand strategy with a steep as fuck learning cliff. I have 800 hours between dom 4 and dom 5 and I still feel like a total noob. It's incredible.

I have never played it, but from what I understand, dorf fort fits the bill. Could argue older monster hunters as well, but I'm not sure it has the depth you're looking for.


>No Doug button

>Looks like shit
>Billions of things going on
>100+ factions
My dick.

Yeah Dwarf Fort and MonHun are kinda what started my infatuation for stuff like this. SS13 was the first big one that punched me in the face and made me step over a barrier to something new and unique.

Now that the dust has settled, what does the Doug button do?

>absolutely can't die controller

Shit nigger what do I do!


I hear atelier games have lots of depth, same with SMT, haven't played either of those either to be honest though. Hitman? I'll try to think of some others.

>Your controller when she is obviously lying.

I've played SMT but Atelier is new to me.
I played a little bit of SMT3 and quite a bit of SMT4.
I had my issues with SMT4 but still enjoyed it, I played much less of 3 but I think if I played through it I would like it much more.
But learning what that franchise was all about was pretty cool.
I had a similar sensation when trying to set up the Mercenaries Mode or whatever it's called from Splinter Cell Chaos Theory on PC and God, what a fucking nightmare, my friends were even too lazy to play with me.

I don't mind any of the configs, I can easily adapt to any game using SNES/GCN/Xbox/dualshock/Wiimote or WASD k+m controls.

Does that make me hexalingual?

I mean, other than hitman, like I said, I can't really come up with any non meme-y suggestions for you. Stuff like MGS, Morrowind, city builders, RTS like Civ, stuff like that, none of them particularly hard. I'd tread through google or something a bit, see what you can find.

This and the two sequels is what you want.

Ooo, this is really cute.
I love finding random shit I've never heard of before.
Thanks user~

haha th-that's pathetic... ;_;

doug buton


Grab your fedora it's time for Aroura

What the fuck is going on here, user?

A game I'm far too lazy and ADHD riddled to play

I remember playing this years ago. The learning curve was crazy, but it was pretty satisfying terraforming and colonizing planets. I tried to play it again recently but the learning curve was just as steep as the first time and I didn't have the heart for it.

games like this just make me feel like i'm fucking around with windows properties and settings to get another game to work right


What does the OFF button do?

what happened to turbo buttons?

But that's not an X button, it's a X button.

that PSVR game with the semen demon is part of this series, right?