Memes aside I'm glad for Nintendo...

memes aside I'm glad for Nintendo. Finally they are destroying Microsoft and things will go back to the glorious days of Sony vs Nintendo like in the 90s
>inb4 saturn
yeah sega saturn didn't really sell outside japan

>Sony vs Nintendo like in the 90s

Friendly reminder that the XBox was the Dreamcast's spiritual successor.

I used to believe this but it only has 4 sega game
not good enough

Serious question. What order are the the big 3 going to die in. Consoles will eventually be a relic of history.

No sweetheart. With the GPU mining scam (inflated digital coin to sell cards) you can already see Nvdia and AMD can't barely ship 3 million units a year to north america.
A GTX1070ti isn't even capable of playing latest games in 1440p60fps ultra. Not only this but steam has become the shovelware market. Only online + microtransaction games sell there
Games like Nioh and SAO barely sold 50k units

I'd be happy with any console war as long as each console actually tries. What's the use in Sony Vs Nintendo when Sony aren't even trying? I've had money to throw at them for years and yet here we are with just a couple of years left on the PS4's lifespan and I own less than 5 games for it.

At this rate it'll just be PC and Nintendo occupying separate spheres.

I'm happy Microsoft is basically the bastard child now but Nu-Nintendo is cancer now days.

once miyamoto dies nintendo will improve. He was the major force behind wii and shit projects like wii fit, wii music and other autistic motion games
He can do whatever he wants at nintendo because he made mario and zelda and japs think they owe him for making nintendo a big company
Look at the past 15 years he destroyed every single nintendo IP and he is currently responsible for managing the nintendo hardware team

Kimishima Nintendo is the best it's been in years.