Gwyn did nothing wrong
Gwyn did nothing wrong
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Gwyn did a fuckton wrong, he just happened to at least treat his clan very well for the most part. He's not like Allant who fucked over absolutely everyone.
What did allant do? He just wanted to be the demons
He raped the entire world, starting with his own country, in the ass for a nebulous power he could never use.
This he wanted to become a god but in the end just became the muppet of a god.
He doomed all the other races just so his would live alittle while longer.
Gwyndolin was best girl
Fear not the dark, my friends, and let the feast begin.
What is Moon Presence?
An Alien.
Gwyn did wrong, but not on purpose.
It was unacceptably evil no matter if he got super powers or not. Also, if he was a fleshy parallel to the Old One, then he might have been able to leave that state just by disconnecting but was so greedy and up his own ass he refused to do so.
Gwyn tortured and butchered his son just for being "born under the moon", whatever that means.
It's still really cool to me that the furtive pygmy and the Dark Soul are secretly integral to the lore
Was Gwyn first?
He unnaturally prolonged the suffering of his people to appease his own ego. On the plus side, at least he burns for all eternity for it.
Fuck off, trapfag
What the fuck was his problem?
Well not anymore since Gael tainted the Dark soul and killed and the pygmy kings.
One of the big boy gods who does not like his brothers.
He really wants that sword.
couldn't get over this girl
I don't know ds3 lore. Not Canon
Killed and ate*
>Land is "peaceful and kind"
>Sulyvahn makes a "religion of peace"
>Said religion makes piecemeal out of kids
>Even Priscilla got eaten, which is why Aldrich can use the Lifehunt Scythe while under Vow of Silence
The Painted World sucks ass. If you attack that one Corvian he even says that everyone currently living in the painting gets burned to death when they make their new world, so the next place might wind up entirely barren and worthless.
he didn't want power, he saw the world for the miserable hellhole it was and wanted to end it
He caused it to be a miserable hellhole, down to choosing Soulbrandt over Demonbrandt and letting the Fat Ministers literally rape and torture his country. Also, literally everyone in the game wanted to continue living, even if they were evil pieces of shit. Allant at the end was desperate and lying to you, as immediately made clear when he said you were welcome then instantly tried to murder you.
Allant was a little bitch who resorted to a desperate lie at the end, knowing the Monumental was going to throw an entire army at his ass that could respawn.
He actually really didn't. His intervention allowed the kingdoms of the world to florish for a lot longer than they originally would. The problem is that the games always take place in the chaos period that separates the various golden ages that the Linking grants, and so it seems like everything is always a garbage fire. By the third game though, the ratio between chaos and golden age has grown extremely inefficient, so it's simply not feasible to simply follow the cycle of linking anymore by that point.
Nah, it was all part of the cycle of light and dark. He just played his part.
He created that artificial cycle because he staked too much of his legacy on the First Flame being eternal and because he was terrified that someone would use the Dark to destroy him just like he used the Flame to destroy the Dragons.
is the curse of undeath an actual curse wrought by gwyn or is it just the result of the disparity between life and death waning as the fire fades?
For a time, Allant used the power of soul arts to have Boletaria be a prosperous kingdom. It was no secret his methods were dark. He favored the power of demons over humanity after all. But even so, He commanded the love and loyalty of his subjects and family. Biorr and Ostrava speak highly of him and refuse to believe he is responsible for the chaos initially. Well, in Biorr's case, he knew but refused to believe it. Ostrava genuinely believed in his dad and was crushed when he learned the truth. So he had to have been doing something right to justify the means for the end. But eventually, for reasons that are never made clear, he woke up the old one. The Monumental however describes this act as short-sighted. So he probably had no idea what he was getting himself into. It is made pretty apparent though that Allant was a stolid and ambitious man through lore notes and NPC dialogue but by the time you reach him, he is nihilistic as fuck. I believe the time spent with the old one changed his initial viewpoint rapidly. So I think at first, he did want power, for a purpose mind you, but that degenerated into seeing no point in anything at all.
But like that is just my interpretation, man.
Boletaria was never actually prosperous; it merely called itself so because a select few could use super powers/magic by literally destroying the immortal souls of its own population, likely the slave class. The land itself is quite spartan and overbuilt, there is next to no foliage left (a common theme in all five worlds in Demon's Souls), and the only civilian who tells us what Boletaria was like to live in is the dregling merchant, who bluntly says it sucked ass.
Biorr was a good person but in utter denial that he contributed to an evil cause. He himself realized he was wrong in the end, as he tried to kill the king and was defeated and imprisoned by the Black Phantoms and blue dragon. Ostrava was raised outside of Boletaria and thus knows next to nothing. He is not even aware of Oolan's gender, has Vallarfax and Biorr mixed up, and doesn't recognize Soulbrandt.
Allant appears to have intentionally sought out the Old One for more power, as the woman in Urbain's camp says Allant left "on some strange business then returned with foul demons in tow." Also, when the player approaches Allant's fog gate, he says "Shalt thou seek everlasting Demon's Souls, or obey that naive Monumental?" This highly suggests that Allant was after sheer power and blinded himself to the long-term consequences. It might also indicate that Allant met the Monumental personally, though he might also just know what the Monumental likely thinks.
you know you're shit. what is the maiden in black?
The latter. 1 very strongly implies it, 2 and 3 outright confirms it
Fucking boomer.
The Maiden in Black appears to be the first person to ever summon The Old One in the style that Allant did. Whether she was killed and somehow brought back or she regretted her actions and tried to repent is unknown. Personally I feel her face is covered in wax because the army in the First Scourge maimed her, and the bandages that are her dress are a modified version of some kind of burial wrappings. However, it could also just be a seal on the red demon eyes/symbolic for the Eye Stones made after she sided with the Monumentals and the dress is symbolic of bound power. I think one or two lines suggest she became a demon after The Old One awakened, but IIRC the Crestfallen Soldier said that and he was half-speculating in his depression. Personally I think she had something to do with awakening The Old One, otherwise she wouldn't have a duty to repent with and The Monumental would need to make a successor maiden at the end of the game.
Also, as my totally crackpot speculation, when the Maiden in Black is on The Old One's beach she finally walks and will follow the player anywhere, even up to the fog gate. At this time she moves extremely slowly, not using her staff as a walking stick. Watching her stagger around, I noticed that her color scheme is quite similar to that of the abomination Allant became. Thus, the Maiden in Black might be in a humanoid/transformed version of the monstrosity Allant became. In other words, the thing people are waifu'ing is all too similar to the most grotesque thing in the game.
He killed the dragons. They were the good guys. He ruined a perfect world.
Sort of related to the Demon's Souls discussion here: That Sanadsk guy actually found something interesting for once that he seemingly didn't steal from someone else.
you ch?v=QNdTnGngr2c
>That dragon intro
>That Storm King
Fuck dragons.