MMO Thread
>Looking forward to
>The best MMO of all time
>Your current favorite MMO
When's Lost Ark?
When's Bless?
Anyone playing Steam Soul Worker, is it good?
MMO Thread
>Looking forward to
>The best MMO of all time
>Your current favorite MMO
When's Lost Ark?
When's Bless?
Anyone playing Steam Soul Worker, is it good?
Bless is supposedly around june/july. I'm waiting to see how crowfall turns out and I'm hating GW2 and its retarded servers my god. Idk why but gw2 has been lagging a lot lately and its the only game that gives me connectivity issues in spite of never doing that before
Was thinking of trying out that new Rift shit but I don't know.
soul worker is trash
and bless is doa because if the game doesn't kill itself the furry community will, doomed for failure
pso2, nostalgia and action combat
Kingdom of Loathing
Every modern game spewed in these threads
>Looking forward to
>The best MMO of all time
Dark Age of Camelot
>Your current favorite MMO
Genre is trash
>if the game doesn't kill itself the furry community will,
the opposite will happen. furries will save it.
kill yourself, cancer.
Yeah they will just like the lolicons saved Tera.
bless this thread
I got a guest pass for Black Desert for the waifus but the game is horrible aside from the character models
Was looking forward to albion online going f2p but it looks like it never will now. ESO is pretty good now but it has so many dlcs.
how are koreans so good at technique but so trash at the actual art
what do you mean?
what game
I need to know if ESO has decent pvp, anyone know?
I'm playing Soul Worker and i'll install Closers too, i also just started Aura Kingdom but i'm thinking of ditching it in favor of Ragnarok Online II; should i?
Isn't Bless just another carebear theme-park for wow and ff14 soys, with basically no player conflict outside 'pvp' areas?
Why is everyone excited about that pile of shit?
That's my point. TERA would have died if it wasn't for Elins. BlueHole themselves have stated this. If Bless didn't have the furries you'd just call it another generic MMO.
I just want a decent Lineage 2 server honestly. I just want to walk around and explore and read up on the lore the game has.
Id honestly love to make my own private server for SP mode honestly but im not that knowledgeable on that department
I'm on the edge of giving up on MMOs to be honest. I've looked into multiple games, made several threads to discuss, joined communities. I'm finding nothing that feels like how it use to be 10 years ago. It's not "you've grown up", it's that others have "grown up" bringing their real life into the game constantly. Most of the "fun" people just spout current memes like DE WEY or whatever. Anyway, community aside, the games are mostly terrible as well. They all have their positives, but with each positive there is a negative. After everything that I've played, I think FFXIV is still the best in terms of quality. I'm not an /xivg/ roach coming here to shill, I don't go there now nor am I subbed atm. The game has a balance for dungeons, raids and QoL such as gathering, crafting and housing. I'll sperg out soon and type more of my thought, after playing 5 mins of Persona 5
>playing the phone game L2
>not playing real L2
From private servers to Classic, real l2 still has a massive community user.
Kingdom Come Deliverance.
>Why is everyone excited about that pile of shit?
Hmm I wonder why?
Define decent.
'Decent' by most private server players would mean a server that alot of competitive parties and sides will join.
But from what you wrote it doesn't sound you're a very competitive player user.
So literally just join any server and do just that. Go look up on maxcheaters for a server that interests you.
At least you didn't spend money on it.
What are some good action MMOs these days?
yes, bless is pve only. please stay far away from it.
It's not even that hard, should be a fun weekend project
Oh god, I can't wait to read all the stories of people who'll run into some furry erp orgy in an alley and stuff.
bless has no pvp?
Camelot Unchained's real, actual open beta starts July 4th, homie
Anyone enjoy albion online or is it trash?
People making their own home servers and then recording themselves receiving items from the 'admins' of a private server they're playing and then posting it on the forum in order to kill the server used to be pretty common back in the day.
It has pvp and open world pvp servers
Mobile game looks better.
It can't be helped.
A 2H-sword Shinobi in Tree of Savior.
>looking forward to
New weapons for Lynn and Arisha in Vindictus.
My MMO competitive days are long behind me. I'm just more interested in the story and lore for Lineage 2 now rather than ignore every NPC and proceed to shed blood in some town outskirt
Also whats maxcheaters, never heard of it
Will definitely try this out user. Thanks
>wanting to play with someone who says carebear and soy unironically
just tell him the game has no pvp
Anyone that's played GW2 and seen what's happened to the Charr player base over the years will tell you that furries are complete cancer. They won't save jack shit. They'll just corrupt and pervert it until the devs give up.
I was really enjoying soulwoker but fuck those cash shop prices 20$ for 1 piece of fucking hair is ridiculous I'm gonna stick to closers
>finally get off my ass and finish the first half of the griffon collection in Guild Wars 2
>wrap up the last event I needed
>warp to Terri Schiavo's fun time griffon wonder camp
>oh wait some runes are missing
>oh wait there's supposed to be three sunspears
>oh wait I forgot an ENTIRE MAP'S WORTH OF SHIT
Serves me right for still playing that shitpeice I suppose.
Bless PvP is cancer, here is a """guild war"""
Posting best ost
I'm surprised the Japanese are jewing more than the Koreans.
1-5 don't resub
6-9 sub for a month
0 uninstall
Classic actually looks quite nice, much better than the mobile for sure.
But that's what L2 is. A competitive game, where it's all about rushing to the fun lategame parts while denying the other guys.
The lore and everything else is nothing special really, the game is all about lategame mass PvP, controlling olympiad, etc etc. Though I'll damit the world design is amazing.
Maxcheaters is the primary forum for discussing and advertising L2 servers, bots, files, etc etc.
Look like every other MMO's "guild war"
reminds me of literally every mass pvp mmorpg. confusing shit and colorful spells blinding everything
soul worker is a korean game tho
I miss RH.
Was Grinding Monster Hunter World (I know it's not an MMO but it's mmo-lite)
Tempered Kirin, so annoying with all the paralysis.
>Looking forward to
More videos from Omer(Remotay) and Altay.
>The best MMO of all time
Ragnarok Online/Vanilla WoW are my personal faves although I'm sure it's 1st mmos bias
>Your current favorite MMO
I was enjoying FFXIV last although I stopped playing in HW. I should get back into it.
Nu WoW
>Looking forward to
Ashes of Creation
>The best MMO of all time
WoW around BC
>Your current favorite MMO
now i will roll a 0 for you user
I gave up on MMOs after Tree of Savior turned out to be shit. Is there anything that can restore my faith?
Got back in XIV.
Trying to relearn how to play my classes with slight success.
Finishing up the Heavensward stuff and hopefully getting to Stormblood soon.
Are there any good FCs on Cactuar?
I feel like I should join one so I stop getting asked every other day to join one, but I don't know anything about any of them.
>Serves me right for still playing that shitpeice I suppose.
So you're telling me I should finally buy PoF since it's 25% off, right?
Game is fucked if they're keeping those prices I don't want to spend $25 just to reset my skills if I fuck it up
Today I will remind them.
Draenor flying on WoW
>Looking forward to
>The best MMO of all time
Star Wars Galaxies
>Your current favorite MMO
WoW legion is better than I thought it was going to be
user I understand what you mean about L2 being pvp oriented but this time around I just want to roam around discovering stuff.
PvP in it were one of the most fun experiences I had especially with several castle seiges being the height of my old L2 experience. Maybe once I've sated my interest in the lore I can get back to shedding blood on some private server again but thats for later
Also went to the site. What a clusterfuck
MMOs have hit that point for me that I only bother playing the f2p ones I can casually dick around on when i'm bored etc. keeping up with a paid mmo like 14 is more of a hassle these days to me than fun. Mostly been screwing around on BDO trying to build the sailboat so I can do some comfy sailing and ocean fishing.
Not going to lie, it's still worth it just for the mounts.
EVE Online
Literally any private server of your favorite old game
World of Warcraft
Ultima Online
Elder Scrolls Online
Guild Wars 2
Black Desert Online
Blade and Soul
The Old Republic
Secret World Legends
Final Fantasy XIV
Closers/Soulworker/the rest of those generic K-action shits masquerading as games
Literally every race has those players yet its only a problem when Charr does it
God this game had some of the best tracks. It was really close to being a 3rd person action not-castlevania. Fuck the gooks for letting it die.
The charr look just cheap fursuits though. Bless' beast races look cool.
I like stardew valley
i guess bless if it doesn't turn out to be shit, i dont know much about it other than the fact that the new djmax game has one song from it on there
Mah nigga, user has taste.
SWGLegends. Staff are shit, but it has Jump to Lightspeed so I'm grinding the Imp Pilot tree.
GF got into Archeage of all the fucking shitty korean grind fests.
>Looking forward to
Ashes of Creation but that is steadily declining as other than the node system it isn't really doing much different.
>Best MMO
>Your current favourite
Eve Online
>gw2 charr are full of twinks
>bless lupus are full of daddies
A slap from those hands would destroy any man
My sadness is very big, my friends Sup Forums. All I want is an MMO where I can craft, gather, or grind stuff for people to make them like and appreciate me. What should I play?
Some good news for Rusty Hearts fans, the game is back in SEA region and is fully translated in English. No region lock.
.hack, just pretend that it's an actual MMO and this is your dream game
>literally no MMO better than Runescape yet
What mmos even allowed that to a great extent? Don't a majority of players craft shit for themselves anyway?
Runescape mobile when?
fucking billions of cooked meals in Black Desert Online
everything about this cashgrab mmo but mostly myself for playing it
>Looking forward to
nothing atm, haven't been paying attention to new mmo releases
>The best MMO of all time
Guild Wars 1
>Your current favorite MMO
probably BDO, I've been getting a good bit of enjoyment out of it so far
Black Desert now. Wait for AiR as said.
This pleases me greatly. RH was one of those obscure MMOs with a rather engaging story and decent gameplay
Ill roll your fate
Yeah, really tempted seeing as I bought the other expansion right when it came out and never finished it.
When I logged in the other day though the game seemed kind of dead.
LA was kind of sad with no one talking at all.
Star Wars Galaxies has a massive focus on crafting. You can fuck yourself up in the community if you build a bad commission for someone. But gaining a rep for reliability means likeability too.
This game is not released.
I want real people to pretend to care about me.
I do not know. This is just what I want.
When will AiR come? Is Black Desert actually good?
What is AiR?
>Is black desert good
You've just opened a jar of bees my friend
The stuff you breath
>I want real people to pretend to care about me
Just play a healer in any MMO then
my charr guardian looks like such a faggot
i actually quit GW2 because i hated it so much, all the armour looks dumb on him and it doesn't fit the theme at all. Can you even get close to that look in GW2?
>Looking forward to
BLESS because I'll try it with a friend and we'll both be dissapointed.
>The best MMO of all time
Can't say best but my favorite was unironically Wildstar before it went F2P and before they nerfed Power Link. I just wanted to be a bard tank.
>Your current favorite MMO
>Is Black Desert actually good?
No. Triumphant hero brigandine is the only medium armor I found that looks good on my charr