What's the best Warhammer 40K vidya game?
What's the best Warhammer 40K vidya game?
Space Marine.
DoW SS with Ultimate Apocalypse and it's still trash
Vermintide 2
I don't even play shit which isn't TBS normally and it still blew my fucking socks off
>I'm praying to the Emperor, RIGHT NOW.
>no way, heretic
Space Hulk: Ascension if you're into turn-based squad games.
Space Marine if you like third person shooters.
Dawn of War 1 and 2 if you like strategy games.
I think Deathwing's optimization problems were fixed, so that if you like horde shooters.
What is so bad about DoW3?
earth defense force 4.1, it's nids vs PDF reskinned
The game waa in development hell for way too long, and Sega just wanted to get rid of the scraps they got from THQ for it. The dev teams was an entirely new one put on the project just to get them some experience, and the budget was already fairly low since Sega knew it was going to fail.
It was effrctively pushed down a flight of stairs the moment THQ started going under and decided to make changes.
It's a tie betwwen Final Liberation and Chaos Gate. The real time games released after 2003 never had the feel of the table top game for me
In terms of actual fun? Space Marine.
In terms of strategic depth and difficulty? Coinflip between Final Liberation and Rites Of War.
Final Liberation edges it out imo just because I hate knife-ears.
are they actually good or is it just nostalgia?
Considering it takes me a few hours each time I load final liberation up to stop cringing at the graphics I'd say it's almost definitely not nostalgia there. I only ever had the demo before I was a grown man, anyway.
Rites of War is a bit murkier since the graphics on that have aged better and I did play the shit out of it in early high school, but considering I can't just shut my brain off and play on autopilot like some other games I played in the same period (Alpha Centauri, Civ II and Baldur's Gate being the three which spring immediately to mind) I'd say chances are pretty remote.
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
Someone post the comic where the engineer has a crush on the Sister of Battle