He killed Billions...and got away with it.
The Arbiter
Other urls found in this thread:
To save trillions
>Kill the arbiter
>You now have to fight the elites, prometheans and covenant remnants after nearly getting BTFO for good in the war
Good job genius
Will Halo 6 be announced tomorrow?
Sounds like that could save Halo. kill off all the Spartan IVs while you're at it.
The literal universe was at stake
Chief and Arby technically saved countless lives by ensuring the future survival of every living creature that will ever exist
Lol no. They're probably not even going to announce Halo 6 this year and instead just going to do a spin off. The whole reason they're probably taking the extra year or two of dev time is to figure out how to write themselves out the shitfest they've set up.
Good, fuck Nu-halo. Everything after three is shit fan finction. In reality Humans were now utilizing their Reclaimer status getting real Forerunner technology and gearing up to exterminate all creatures of the Covenant from the galaxy responsible for thir genocide. Except Engineers and Grunts who were slaves and forced to do the bidding of the other aliens.
Nope, everything is suggesting they’re announcing Halo 6 this year.
I just want PC MCC and maybe a functional Reach Port
Based off what? 343 is too busy throwing out their dogshit Artstyle and trying to desperately copy Blur Studios.
Nigger they themselves said don't expect Halo 6 this year and they've said that their announcement strategy now is to announce games probably within around 4-6 months from launch since early announcements have bit them in the ass. 343 publically stated next mainline isn't coming this year.
They said not to expect it this year not they plan to not announce it or it’s beta this year, dipshit.
Based off their release schedule for their latest comic miniseries in June, same month as E3.
They said something about possibly making one after they fix the broken ass Xbox version.
Again they've said they don't want to announce shit super early anymore as it's caused serious problems.
Yeah, they said that, if they gonna have early betas then they need to announce it.
Couldn't they just look at feedback from the Call of Duty beta since it's gonna be the same shit anyways?
343 like to do real betas, what Bungie use to do when they released the Halo 3 beta years ago.
The only thing more obnoxious then 343 apologists are the Halo 3 babies that insist everything after 3 is complete dogshit.
Nah, every Halo has been pretty good aside from 4's multiplayer and 5's campaign
Are those supposed to be fucking marines?
They look like they're wearing laser tag gear.
Remember when he stood in front of the admiral and all was good for some reason?
[Spoiler]lol remember?[/spoiler]
>how to write themselves out the shitfest they've set up.
Even though Reach and ODST aren't as good as the original trilogy, they're still great games. They're sure as hell better than 4 and 5.
The new art direction, enemies, map design, loot boxes etc was awful in 4 and 5, it ruined the games entirely.
>Even though Reach and ODST aren't as good as the original trilogy, they're still great games. They're sure as hell better than 4 and 5.
No they aren't.
Outside of ODST's open world and OST, everything else is trash.
Reach is easily the worst game in the series.
I don't get how people can say Reach is good, but then say Halo 4 is bad when Halo 4 is Reach done right.
4 looks pretty good graphically for an x360 title, but yeah, the art style is fucking atrocious and the plot went downhill fast
And? Not like anything can be done about it.
They're not Marines, they're some kind of Colony Defense Force working for a corporate colony on Meridean or however you spell it.
I don't think we've seen a Marine since Halo 4.
>Halo 4 is Reach done right
4 takes everything that made Reach subpar for a Halo game and enhances it ten-fold.
The plot's worse, the gunplay's worse, fucking sprint, fucking bad artstyle, terrible MP, weapon drop killstreaks, SpOps required XBL and was inferior to firefight
All it did better was Forge, but that's senseless if no one played it.
is this the fucking Division modded out like ODST? I've played Xcom2 with all the Reach mods and its fun as absolute fuck. I never thought of it but Division us a good fit for ODST.
Were it so easy...
>4 takes everything that made Reach subpar for a Halo game and enhances it ten-fold.
That's not the point, I don't really like 4 much, but the point was me saying, 4 did what Reach did for better or worse depending on who you asked
>The plot's worse
It was better than the trash story Reach had.
>the gunplay's worse
Still better than Reach
>fucking sprint
It was one of the two good/useful armor ability to come out of Reach.
>terrible MP
Had better maps than Reach
>SpOps required XBL and was inferior to firefigh
I hated Firefight so that's subjective.
Right now we're stuck in between a rock, and a hard place.
Cortana causing the AI uprising is just bad writing, no question. It's overdone, and shits on her legacy. On the other hand, if we decide to do some bullshit in-story retcon, that means we've gone three games in a row starting back at square one for the new saga.
Currently, the band-aid they seem to be opting for is Logic Plague. The more recent lootcrates have dialogue suggesting that she's been affected by it since Halo 2/3. Which makes some bit of sense. All they'd have to do at this point is solidify that this isn't the "real" Cortana, and they'd save themselves from more trouble.
But THEN the issue would be how you'd return to fun gameplay now that it's confirmed the Flood is behind her motives. Logic Plague means the Flood is coming back, and although every lore junkie like me enjoys the Flood, the mainstream audience doesn't always receive them well. No audience has received the Prometheans well. Jul's fragmented Covenant is in tatters, and The Banished are at the Ark. So now you need to introduce a new Covenant splinter group, or bullshit something else up for the sake of fun gameplay.
It's a mess.
Halo 4s story was fucking trash and the only reason why anybody likes it is "omg Chief is back", which is the exact opposite of how to do a first installment for a new studio. Instead of creating a new character for the fans to enjoy playing as, and building him up as a character leading to the UNSC finding Chief, and then by the second or more likely the third installment, have the game play similarly as Halo 3 with Chief and Arbiter, but Chief and the new protag.
You're gonna need to do some explaining about that picture user
>. Instead of creating a new character for the fans to enjoy playing as, and building him up as a character leading to the UNSC finding Chief, and then by the second or more likely the third installment, have the game play similarly as Halo 3 with Chief and Arbiter, but Chief and the new protag.
Get your fanfic shit outta here
4's multiplayer wasnt even bad. it was the best part imo
or do none of these and keep on going with the garbage they have been
id love to think they learned their lesson but the lootboxes and classes probably arent going anywhere
Fuck off
So you would have rather 343 try to continue with Chief almost immediately after going to sleep, and fall flat on their faces in Bungie's shadow?
What I'm saying is they should have done Halo in their own way, to give fans an easy transition into the new developers style, not try to copy and paste Bungie's because clearly that hasn't worked.
why not have us play as a Marine or ODST in the first game and have a more grounded style story like ODST's was? Then build it up a bit for the second one and make your character get involved with the Spartan IV program, then the third game they find Chief. Make a new character we can actually fucking enjoy playing as unlike Locke who felt super forced in the second installment, after the forced "lel bring Chief back into the games almost immediately after he went into cryosleep"
Everything 343 has done feels like a terrible fan fiction because its done so god damn poorly and forced.
Do you really think they care about single player?
that shit woulda been kino
>They said something about possibly making one after they fix the broken ass Xbox version.
Sauce on that?
They probably did. They were stranded there a couple of weeks, no?
Not him but if 343 would have made the stupid decision to replace Chief the series would lose sales to the point of dying off. Face facts, the Master Chief is Halo and the Master Chief sells Halo.
Thank you. At least someone else can enjoy a little bit of nuance when it comes to Halo.
Halo works better as a self contained / semi interlinked story series becides the main story (after H3) and 343 should have tested out the waters with that idea before jumping in head first in 2inch deep water.
everything they've done with the series has been piss poor in quality and quantity of gameplay and they all know it, but they all think "Master Chief is what sells the games and people want 'epic battles' and 'epic gameplay' and 'epic moments'" instead of realizing that some of the most interesting things about Halo is the world of Halo.
Why not go back *to* the Ark? (for whatever reason) That brings the Banished squarely into play and opens up a veritable clusterfuck of factions getting in on the action.
maybe they coulda dont a small spinnoff game first to tie into halo 4? i agree jumpin right into halo 4 was really dumb
i remember the reveal trailer for halo 4 was the hypest shit when i first saw it. then i saw the campaign and the new designs... fukkin ugly man
And that's why both ODST and Reach are looked at fondly by fans of the series. both of which are self contained stories / semi linked with the main series and both of which you play as characters other than Chief.
After Halo 3, they should have let Chief sleep for a while. Again, I'm not saying get rid of him forever, but 343 bit off a bit more than they could chew with him. They should have built up the anticipation of having him back and made a hype similar to Halo 3. Instead they woke him up in what seems like a week of drifting in space.
Look at what Marvel Comics did with Captain America. They put him to rest and didn't bring the character back into the comics for YEARS and they did it in a way that made sense and made the fans actually care about his abscence.
I wasn't hyped for Halo 4 at all honestly. I saw the new designs and didn' care for them and like I've been saying, from a storytelling point the entire idea of bring Chief back for Halo 4 just feels lazy as fuck and maybe it would have been a little better if the story of 4 was anything other than dogshit.
well i WAS a child back then and halo 3 was all i would do back then so when i saw chief i was giddy as hell
its funny because i didnt even buy it
Master Chief literally sells Halo.
>Halo CE
Over 6 million
>Halo 2 because of ads all about Master Chief
Over 8 million
>Halo 3
Over 14 million
Only 5 million
Only 7 million
>Halo 4
14 million
>Halo 5
Only over 5 million
This series literally can’t survive without the Master Chief.
>This series literally can’t survive without the Master Chief
And yet 343 killed it after 2 games + MCC
microsoft as a whole shot themselves in the foot with the xbox reveal.
it needed to be a halo machine with some cool extra games but they have a hard on for kinect and DRM
5 has good core gameplay and a fantastic forge/custom game options. It's flawed seriously as a package due to the campaign, art direction, no local play, etc; but it's not compltely bad.
Just because it sells more doesn't mean that makes it better
Halo 5's MP is still active, there's still a fuck ton of books and comics coming out. (and prettty much all of them since 2014 have been great) The series isn't dead.
I suppose you could, but that drops some weird plot threads like Anders, and risks handing the Flood their only real trump card. We already know Cortana tried messing around with the Ark but got told to fuck off.
Not really, a majority of the fans still hate those games with only the people that bought them and actually enjoy them.
Not really.
ODST is a side story, a really bad one at that, that takes place during 3 and Reach is a prequel.
That shit doesn't matter all that much as long as the game is actually enjoyable, which every single game they've developed has been the opposite of.
I haven't even bothered with Halo Wars 2 yet but I've heard good things about it. Which is weird because apparently Halo can't be good without Chief, I think I heard that somewhere.
it's pretty sad that I get more enjoyment out of playing ElDewrito than I have playing anything 343 has put out.
If the series was dead it would have been put on hiatus like Metroid after Other M.
Both ODST and Reach have more enjoyable moments and story than 4 or 5.
They were different and showed us a little more of the Halo universe that we got small glimpses of in the Main series / books
This. Halo went to shit with the first sequel and has failed to recover since. Reach could have been a return to form but it was clearly rushed and they tried a lot of new things that didn't pan out.
>Reach is easily the worst game in the series.
Sup Forums is 18+ kiddo
>Both ODST and Reach have more enjoyable moments and story than 4 or 5.
They really don't, the only thing people remember from ODST is the atmosphere and music and the only thing people remember from Reach is Objective: Survive.
He's right
I will admit that they tried a few things gameplay wise with Reach that didn't pan out too well, most notebly the armor abilities which included sprint. But from a story standpoint, overall look and feel, and story the game is great.
A reminder Halo ended with 3.
The story was terrible, you could tell a Hollywood writer wrote it.
I don't remember Reach having awful teleporting bullet sponge enemies or crippling old iconic weapons to push shitty new ones that are almost nothing but rehashes.
Not him but I remember Reach having bullet sponge enemies that can tank a fucking Spartan Laser blast to the face.
Maybe YOU. But clearly both games made impacts on people since Reach is looked at fondly overall (besides abilities) and fucking Buck was made into a main character, and Jun even made an appearance as well. So clearly even 343 pays more attention to the games than you do, which is really saying something.
Remind me again why Halo 4s story is anything but garbage? Or better yet, Halo 5s story, which is even worse than Halo 4s.
Just because YOU are a 343 fanboy (for god knows why) doesn't mean Bungie's last Halo games were bad.
Main series yes. But I like the smaller self contained stories like ODST and Reach.
Yeah, Reach had an impact on being shit and helping 343 fuck up the series. Yes, Buck WAS a main character but now is being pushed back into the books while Jun was an annoying motormouth that got relegated to the lore as well. I hope Jun dies too so than Reach can be forgotten for good.
>Hurr durr good lore is bad
>Can't remember Buck dies in 5
>Reach is bad because no listed reasons
>Me no like Jun because me not know why
Come up with actual reasons why you think the way you do and then I'll tell you why you're wrong
Halo 4
>Master Chief
>actual character development Master Chief and Cortana over the shitheads from Reach
>shitty but better levels
>campaign wasn't really great yet still more enjoyable than whatever the fuck Reach was
>actually had a "Halo" epic moment unlike Reach
>didn't take the canon of Halo CE-3 along with the novels and throw it in the nearest airlock
Halo 5
>had better level designs
Halo 4 had a bad campaign that was short, had horrible ammo famine, uninteresting and unfairly OP enemies and played like a whack-a-mole shooter.
The story was also garbage, see pic related.
If you want actual reasons, look them up, it's all over the internet unless you are too handicapped for that, neither ODST or Reach were good.
>look it up
>"Were it so easy"
So I take it you're handicap.
Master Chief in the game doesn't instantly make the game better. That just tells me you are the target audience that 343 is gunning for. The people who will instantly buy and love a Halo game as long as it has "Epic space soldier supreme Master Chief" in it.
Character development isn't meant for Chief since he's meant to be a shell for the players, there's a reason why Bungie never really dug into him as a character, along with The Rookie and Noble 6.
Shitty levels are still shitty. And I can actually remember the designs and landscapes of Reach and it's locations. I can't for the life of me remember any of the locations of Halo 4 because they were very bland and uninspired.
Campaign was god awful and you have shot opinions.
Reach wasn't meant to have any sort of "Universe saving epic Halo ring moment" you moron. Reach was about a team of soldiers who were trained to be 100% expendable and they were fighting a fight they knew they were never going to win.
Reach didn't ruin any canon. The little "easter egg" of Chief in the cryotube is just an easter eggs its the same thing as the faces in the moon or the shirtless guy in Halo3. Don't take it so seriously.
Halo 4 is better than Halo 5, and Halo 4 is fucking awful.
I can't remember shit from Reach, yet I can remember mostly everything from Halo CE-3, and even Halo 4 and 5. Reach was just shit and you're just a Bungie faggot. As far as I'm concerned Reach isn't canon.
>Reach didn't ruin any canon
Actually it did.
It fucked up the book its based on.
Well that's not really up to you now is it?
And I can be critical of Reach as well, it has flaws like the introduction of the armor abilities which gave 343 the idea to make Halo4 worse. But just having armor abilities doesn't make Reach a bad game. In terms of campaign, story, characters, and customization the game is miles better than Halo 4. Reach has probably the best armor / art direction out of the games, and it helped because Bungie knew that these Spartans were going to be different than the Spartan IIs which game them a bit more wiggle room in the stylization department.
>In terms of campaign, story, characters game is miles better than Halo 4
You're full of shit here.
>Reach has probably the best art direction out of the games
You're really full of shit here when Halo CE-3 shit on Reach along wit in the armor department as well, while 343's new art direction seen in H2A and HW2 also shit on Reach's. Reach's art direction was the beginning of the end. Halo isn't supposed to be "realistic".
You do realize that H2A isn't a "new art direction" right? its just an remastered version of a Bungie game. And HW2 was also just the same art direction from.the first HW game, which again was in the Bungie era of Halo. Nothing ART wise has been good when it comes from 343, everything good about the Halo games comes from Bungie and that includes Reach. And CE-3 we only ever saw Spartan II armor, in Reach we saw armor used by Spartan IIIs which we hadn't ever seen before, which is a whole other style than the Spartan IIs since the armor worn by the Spartan IIIs wasn't as good as their predecessors. Halo can be a good mix of realistic and sci-fi which was well done in Reach. On the other hand, take a look at ant armor designed by 343 and you can instantly see why everything they've made has been shit.
Everything that came from Reach was shit. The remastered Bungie art looks better than Reach, Reach was the first time Halo's art looked like garbage. the first time I saw the VGA 2009 trailer I thought it was Gears of War of COD.
I like HW2.
three turns to dogshit when the arc is revealed
>Halo 4's campaign is good
ah, this meme again